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Reflections On Pakistan From A Recent Visitor

From the Blog pakistanisforpeace By Alan Jones for The Huffington Post Pakistan is in the news – not least because of the violence leading up to the elections. H.L Mencken told us that "for every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong." Sometimes something happens and we're hit between the eyes not only with complexity but with a sense of both urgency and humility. Last month I traveled to Pakistan as part of a UPIC (US-Pakistan Interreligious Consortium) delegation led by the Reverend Robert Chase who runs a remarkable project — Intersections International – which is part of the Collegiate Church of New York. My involvement came through a sponsoring organization called Convergence, a bi-partisan group centered in Washington DC. Before I went to Pakistan, I thought I was reasonabpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 867641455427219235 Pakistani Blog Posts


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