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انگریزی بولنے کا مقابلہ - پی ٹی وی ڈرامہ "چھوٹی سی دنیا" کا ایک منظر

From the blog noorpamiripakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Samina Baig: First Pakistani Woman to Summit Everest

From the blog sarahinsouthkorea Samina Baig reached the top of the highest peak in the world at around 7:30am last Sunday becoming the first Pakistani woman. The 21-year-old mountaineer is from the Shimshal valley of Hunza. On Saturday night, Samina Baig sent her brother a message how she had reached Base Camp IV at the height of 7,900 metres on the South Col between Mt Everest and Lhoste, the fourth highest mountain in the world, after eight hours of hard climbing. To the surprise of many in the mountaineering community, Samina Baig summited Mount Everest with twin sisters from India - Tashi and Nugshi Malik - also 21 years old and her 29-year-old brother Mirza AlI. Both Mirza Ali and Samina Baig took everyone by surprise when they held a press conference in Islamabad a day before leaving for Nepal on Marcpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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