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Karachi – Silence of the lambs.

From the blog borderlinegreen Two bullets was the bloody, brutal and cruel message which was communicated loud and clear to the voters in Karachi. The assassination of Zahra Shahid Hussain is terrorism plain and simple. The police can try and spin any story that they want but it's pretty clear to most of us that who was the messenger, what was the message and who was it intended for. The denizens of Karachi, I had always told my friends, reminded me of the screaming lambs which so tormented Clarice Starling. In a gripping scene, after being prodded by Hannibal Lecter about her most fearful memories, she recalls the slaughter of the spring lambs that she had witnessed as a child. She tried to help them by opening their pen door, but the lambs were incapable of escaping, rooted in terror of what was happeninpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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