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Muhammad Umer Haroon | Engrmuh

From the Blog computerbeast*CHECK MY PORTFOLIO HERE :* ** *CHECK MY CV HERE :* ** Tagged: computer, computer software engineer, cv, engrmuh, facebook, information, internet, Islam, muhammad umer haroon, Pakistan, Personal computer, religion, Social media, software, software engineer, SOFTWARE ENGINERING GOALS, technology, umer haroon pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Help Spread Education ~Change begins at Home

From the Blog orientalsparkleThe only way to bring about a bigger change is to educate people. Tell them the difference between right and wrong. Show them the thin line which separates good from bad and then let them make their own decisions. Don't leave the responsibility of educating your children to schools alone. Get yourself involved. And play your part. Take them on a bus ride. So they experience the difficulties faced by people all over the country, everyday. Give them pocket money, but don't be overly generous. So they know what "living on a tight budget" feels like. Teach them to read. Not just the course books. But novels/story books, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, comics, anything, everything. So they explore the worlds that go beyond ours. So that they learn to think out-of-the-box. Mpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6814956593998737082 Pakistani Blog Posts


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