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Adultery vs. Rape: A clear example of shortsightedness

From the blog dildilpakistanAlthough there are contradictory views on "human cloning" as well, the topic here is a recommendation of Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) in terms of "adultery and rape". From media reports, it does not seem like they differentiated between adultery and rape. And this is the main point of discussion. As stated in a comment […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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UK guilty of illegal imprisonment

From the blog mtrtmk U.K. Admits to Holding Dozens Without Charge in Afghanistan The British government has admitted to holding up to 85 people without charge in Afghanistan. The prisoners have been jailed at Camp Bastion for as long as 14 months, with no charges or indication of a pending trial. Phil Shiner of Britain's Public Interest Lawyers denounced their imprisonment. Phil Shiner: "People are being detained indefinitely, incommunicado. No one knows that they are — where they are, until today. Their relatives have not been able to see them. They've had intermittent contact with them over the Internet. They've had no access to lawyers. They have not been charged. They're not going to be brought before a court. And our common law system has long recognized that that is completely unlawful." A pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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