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Anon Rogues Hacks Into Mozilla

From the Blog cheers4all Anon Rogues Logo ( Anon Rogues, The hackergroup talked about that they will own Mozilla Phobos and Deimos said it will be very easy, And they really got every file of See the Screenshot from Phobos After that they joined the IRC and sawn the chats, Of Mozilla developers, they logged into a [...] The post Anon Rogues Hacks Into Mozilla appeared first on Cheers4all. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Warid Telecom Completes Eight Years of Operations in Pakistan

From the Blog propakistani Warid Employees along with Mr. Younas Sheikh, CCO, Warid Telecom, cutting the cake Warid Telecom today announced the completion of its eighth year of operations in Pakistan. Warid Telecom entered the Pakistani market in May 2005. Warid claims that its unique products and consistent advances in technology and services, company added its share to the Pakistani telecom sector, the economy and as a partner for [...] The post Warid Telecom Completes Eight Years of Operations in Pakistanappeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How to Manage Credit Risk in Pakistan?

From the Blog pkhope Major part of business of financial instructions, such as insurance companies, banks and finance companies, is making loans. To earn high profit companies must have to make successful loans that are paid back and have low credit risk. So the concept of moral hazard and adverse selection give a plate farm to understanding the principles the manager must follow them to minimize the credit risk and to make successful loans. Adverse selection in loan may occurs when companies chose a wrong for loan means borrowers lend money from banks to invest in more risky projects. if borrowers gets high profit from his investment ultimately bank may also get profit if borrower fail to get profit ultimately the bank may also fail get back his loan. Moral hazard exists in loan markets becauspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3016614062846946492 Pakistani Blog Posts


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