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2015 in review

From the blog khatrihinaThe stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here's an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 3,600 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog diaryofshirin Ussay jana hi tha So woh chala gya Woh kisi aur k ghar ka suraj hai Mujhe andhairon mein hi jeena hoga.. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sadiq Garh Palace // Lorem Ipsum

From the blog khadijasayshi After a long long hiatus, I am back. I'd been super busy with school, and missing my family and my darling dogs, but once the semester ended and I came back to the familiarity and comfort of my house and family, I felt like visiting this old haunt again. So in this post, I wont say much, except to tell you that Sadiq Garh Palace is a beautifully tragic place to visit. This fading gem is located in the small town of Dera Nawab Sahab, in the Bahawalpur State. Once a place of the highest grandeur, it now stands alone and forgotten, almost in ruins. Just a reminder to never take anything for granted, I guess. But I won't lie and say my heart didn't break when I saw this magnificent beauty, because it did. Everything was rusting and fading and breaking away. Every embellishment had pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جنوبی افریقہ پستی کی جانب گامزن، انگلستان سے بھی شکست

From the blog cricnamaبھارت کے خلاف چار ٹیسٹ میچوں کی سیریز میں جب جنوبی افریقہ کو تین صفر سے شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تو اُس وقت ہر ایک کے ذہن میں یہی بات تھی کہ شکست کے پیچھے بھارتی کارکردگی سے زیادہ وکٹ کی خرابی کا عمل دخل ہے، لیکن ڈربن میں پہلے ٹیسٹ میں انگلستان کےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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قصہ ہماری ایک کچیچی کا

From the blog awaz-e-dostوالدہ کہا کرتی ہیں کہ تیرے تایا عبد الرشید کے ماتھے پر پیدا ہوتے ہی تیوری چڑھی ہوئی تھی۔ اللہ سائیں تایا عبد الرشید کو صحت و تندرستی عطاء فرمائے ، میرے والد صاحب سے بڑے چار بھائیوں میں سے اب یہ اور تایا جمیل ہی حیات ہیں۔ تایا جی کی تیوری کچھ ایسی ہی چیز ہے جیسے کسی کمپنی کا رجسٹرڈ ٹریڈ مارک ہو۔ مائیکروسافٹ ونڈوز کے چار ڈبے، پیپسی کا نیلا اور سرخ دائرہ اور، انٹیل کا نیلا اسٹیکر دور سے ایک نظر میں پہچانا جاتا ہے۔ اسی طرح ہمارے تایا جی کا ٹریڈ مارک ان کے متھے کی چار لکیریں جنہیں اردو میں تیوری اور پنجابی میں گھُوری کہتے ہیں، دور سے ہی نظر آ جاتی ہیں۔ ابھی میں نے آپ کو بتایا ہی نہیں کہ والدہ کو یہ کہنا یاد کیوں آیا کرتا ہے۔ تو اس کی وجہ میری ذات شریف ہے۔ پچھلے تیس برسوں میں روز افزوں وسیع ہوتے متھے کے ساتھ جو چیز میں نے بڑے نازوں سے اپنے ساتھ پالی ہے وہ میرے متھے کی چار لکیریں ہیں۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Intel Completes Acquisition of Altera for $16.7 Billion

From the blog propakistani Intel Corporation today announced that it has completed the acquisition of Altera Corporation, a leading provider of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technology for $16.7 billion. The acquisition complements Intel's leading-edge product portfolio and enables new classes of products in the high-growth data center and Internet of Things (IoT) market segments. "Altera is now part of... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Salient Points of Western Corridor of CPEC

From the blog pkhope CPEC starts and it has started from the Balochistan. It was yet again a balmy sight for the nation when leaders of all political parties and NSA were present at the occasion of a groundbreaking ceremony in backward area of Zhob of Balochistan. Now Pakistan won't be confined to just Lahore, Karachi or Islamabad or Peshawar but Balochistan, interior Sindh and far flung areas of KP would also be flowing in the mainstream and contributing to the progress of country. The salient points of Western corridor of CPEC are: - The upgradation of 81kms Zhob Mughal Kot road (N 50) - 128 kms Qila Saifullah Waigam Rudroad (N 70) as part of the Western Corridor of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). - Upgradation of these roads would be completed within the next two yearspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Chitral: Strike against anti-encroachment drive called off

From the blog pamirtimes[image: DSC08169]Bashir Hussain Azad CHITRAL: The strike by the Tajir Union against the anti-encroachment drive in Chitral bazaar was called off here on Wednesday as the leaders of the union and the district administration reached at an agreement. The traders consented to provide space for widening of the road and to remove their structures voluntarily as marked […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog tanveerrauf [image:] Beauty of your eyes, face and lips outshine The beauty of stars, fireflies, moon and flora in your presence the beauty of rhythmic essence All poetic metaphors elapse into nothingness pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جنوبی افریقہ پستی کی جانب گامزن، انگلستان سے بھی شکست

From the blog cricnamaبھارت کے خلاف چار ٹیسٹ میچوں کی سیریز میں جب جنوبی افریقہ کو تین صفر سے شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تو اُس وقت ہر ایک کے ذہن میں یہی بات تھی کہ شکست کے پیچھے بھارتی کارکردگی سے زیادہ وکٹ کی خرابی کا عمل دخل ہے، لیکن ڈربن میں پہلے ٹیسٹ میں انگلستان کےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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میری ڈائری ۔ جون 1955ء

From the blog theajmals جون 1955ء میں میری لکھی ہوئی ایک نصیحت The greater part of your trouble lies in your own imaginations So you may free yourself from it when you please pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایک اور بلڈی سویلین

From the blog pakteahouse تحریر: عماد ظفر [image: bloody civilian] محبوب واپڈا کا لائن مین تھا اور سرکاری فرائض کی انجام دہی کے سلسلے میں فوج کے ایک حاضر سروس میجر کے گھر کی بجلی کا کنکشن منقطع کرنے اس کے گھر پہنچا۔ میجر زاہد اس کے اس سنگین جرم پر شدید مشتعل ہو گیا اور واپڈا کے اسـں ملازم کو گولیاں مار کر ہلاک کر دیا۔ حبیب کیونکہ محض ایک معمولی سرکاری ملازم تھا اور ساتھ میں فقط ایک بلڈی سویلین اس لیئے نہ تو اس کے بیہمانہ قتل پر کسی بڑے ٹی وی چینل نے بریکنگ نیوز پیش کرنے کی جسارت کی اور نہ ہی کوئی انسانی حقوق کے رہنما کسی ٹی وی چینل پر آ کر بھاشن دیتے نظر آئے۔ البتہ جب تھانہ سہالہ کے باہر مقتول کے محکمے کے ساتھیوں نے احتجاج شروع کیا تو بادل ناخواستہ ٹی وی چینلز کو چند سیکنڈز کیلئے خبر نشر کرنا پڑ گئی۔میجر زاہد کیونکہ فوج کا حاضر سروس آفیسر ہے لہاذٰ مقدس گائے کے رتبے پر فائز ہے۔پولیس کو اسے گرفتار کرنے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bollywood Legend Visits Pakistan Encouraging Indo-Pak Artist Collaborations

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* Kicking off with much fanfare this month, the Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop's three-day International Film Festival in Lahore showcased a number of Pakistani and foreign productions, in addition to bringing together renowned Pakistani and Bollywood A-listers, film critics and movie buffs on one dais. But perhaps the highlight of the evening was the attendance of legendary Bollywood actor, Om Puri; an actor who has not only made a significant mark in Indian cinema, but also in a number of Hollywood productions, such as; City of Joy, The Ghost and the Darkness, Charlie Wilson's War, The Hundred-Foot Journey and more. [image: Om Puri during the press conference at the Rafi Peer Workshop's International Film Festival at Alhamra Arts Council on December 17, 2015 in pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Civil Liberties and Sandi Tun

From the blog newscivilian government: But there have been growing concerns over renewed breaches of civil liberties, according to The Nation. Criticism of the still powerful military remains fraught with risk. Freedoms have flourished since the junta ceded full control to a partly civilian government in 2011, culminating in landmark elections last month. Chaw Sandi Tun, 25, was arrested in October after a postpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Goals For 2016

From the blog noorsplaceThis past week was a whirlwind of family events, gatherings and lots of laughter shared with the people I adore the most. Many are yet to come before the year ends (how dramatic it is to remind myself that this year is finally ending. Eeep!). I hadn't set my goals for upcoming 2016 so far, so here we go! [image: Goals for 2016] I want to set some realistic (see also: grown up) goals as it will be my last year as a teenager. I will turn 19 in August '16 and college will end before that. It all calls for a more serious outlook on life. I am sure I am going to be that super dramatic almost-grown-up who's extra worried about her future, but I can't completely ignore it either. End of the rant. Each year, I select a word for my year that will keep reminding me to do better. I am choopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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We the offspring of fate.

From the blog randomlyabstract We the people of the sad race. We the people with regrets. We the class-divided, caste-divided. We the religion-divided. We the people with no dreams. We the people with hopelessness injected to us as drugs. We the sick ones. We the mads. We the people with apologies dribbling from our mouths. We the people pushing our fingers to our ears to block all sounds. We the people with more ideas and less strategies. We the restless souls on the Sahara. We the men, the women, the not-men, the not-women. We the unhuman. We the secret carriers of compassion, the believers of pain. We the chained, the roped, the bound. We the restless. We the givers of nonsubstance. We the celebrants and the celebrities. We the ill-passioned. We the fantasizers. We the confused. We the two-way tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[سالنامہ 2015ء] سال کے گمنام ہیروز

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ کے لحاظ سے 2015ء ایک بہترین سال رہا، آخر کیوں نہ ہوتا؟ یہ عالمی کپ کا سال جو تھا۔ دنیائے کرکٹ کا سب سے بڑا اعزاز اس سال آسٹریلیا کے نام رہا لیکن آسٹریلیا لے کر افغانستان تک تقریباً سبھی ملکوں کے لیے یہ سال کسی نہ کسی لحاظ سے یادگار رہا۔ پاکستان نےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Celebrating Humor: 18 Amusive Tweets on Faisal Qureshi's Pose in Newspapers

From the blog propakistani Ufone's response to Mobilink's Nargis Fakhri ad won the internet yesterday. It remained in top trends on Twitter for over 9 hours, while millions of Pakistanis — including celebrities — tweeted, retweeted and discussed the classic humor originating from Ufone's marketing desks. Majority of Pakistanis liked the idea of witty message that Ufone delivered through a pose while copying Mobilink's... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Reasons Why Amir Should Play for Pakistan

From the blog pkhope Controversy over Mohammad Amir is raging high in Pakistan. Interestingly enough, internationally the media and ICC are silent, but within Pakistan there has emerged a huge split between the fans and haters of Muhammad Amir, the fast bowler who was punished for match fixing. Following are 5 reasons why Amir should play for Pakistan and must not be stopped: 1. Amir had pled guilty before a court, has served his punishment and deserves another chance. 2. He has regretted what he did and has apologized publicly with tears numerous times. 3. He has been pardoned by the Pakistan Cricket Board and they have decided to give him a chance. 4. Amir was just 18 when he committed that crime of spot fixing. He has matured and learned his lesson. 5. Pakistan simpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Food Trends to Make Their Mark In 2016

From the blog cheflingtales Pakistani's are true foodies with the food industry in Pakistan is changing rapidly with the consumer's needs. In the last few years it has been revolutionized by new trends and has seen some major changes. Specially the onset of food entrepreneurs making their mark and introducing some exciting products in the market. Here are a few trends that made their way into the food scene in Pakistan in 2015 and we predict that they are here to stay: Vegetables Are The New Meat: [image: ZBD_4021]We all remember the Punjab Food Authority raids in the middle of the year and the major scare they gave us. After that episode, it is quiet evident that the foodies in Pakistan are a bit reluctant to order meat based dishes while dining out. Based on this we make the prediction that vegetablpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Terror taunt, peace stop

From the blog mehmalIndian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new building of the Afghan parliament, constructed by India, in Kabul this morning. He made several allusions to Pakistan while addressing the Afghan parliament: "Afghanistan will succeed only when terrorism no longer flows across the border, when nurseries and sanctuaries of terrorism are shut and their patrons are no longer in business." This remark was obviously directed at Pakistan. Who would have thought that hours later, Modi would be having tea in Lahore with his Pakistani counterpart? That Modi is social media-savvy is no secret. This time too he used Twitter to make one of the most important policy decisions: "Looking forward to meeting PM Nawaz Sharif in Lahore today afternoon, where I will drop by on my way back to pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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95 GB seminaries getting funds from foreign Islamic countries

From the blog pamirtimes[image: madressah funding]Islamabad: About 300 madrassas in Pakistan are receiving financial support from around 10 foreign Islamic countries. This include 147 seminaries and madrassas in Punjab, 95 in Gilgit Baltistan, 30 in Balochistan, and 12 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and one in Sindh. These statistics were provided by the interior ministry to the National Assembly that the seminaries […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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E-Commerce: Cow Dung Sales Hot on Amazon and eBay in India

From the blog riazhaqCow patties -- cow poop mixed with hay and dried in the sun, made mainly by Indian women in rural area -- are among the hottest selling items by online retailers including Amazon and eBay in India, according to media reports. Some retailers are offering discounts for large orders and offering free gift wrapping. Cow dung has a special spiritual significance in Hindu religion. The cows in India do not eat non-vegetarian items and only eat grass or grains which makes cow dung holy and acceptable. In a lot of pujas (worship rituals), both dried and fresh cow dung is used. From Govardhan Puja to havans, cow dung is used during pujas. In many spiritual "yagnas", the fire is lit using dried cow dung and desi ghee (clarified butter). It is believed that burning cow dung with ghee ispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[سالنامہ 2015ء] سال کے گمنام ہیروز

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ کے لحاظ سے 2015ء ایک بہترین سال رہا، آخر کیوں نہ ہوتا؟ یہ عالمی کپ کا سال جو تھا۔ دنیائے کرکٹ کا سب سے بڑا اعزاز اس سال آسٹریلیا کے نام رہا لیکن آسٹریلیا لے کر افغانستان تک تقریباً سبھی ملکوں کے لیے یہ سال کسی نہ کسی لحاظ سے یادگار رہا۔ پاکستان نےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The myth of sex objects

From the blog pakteahouse *By Ali Bhurgri* [image: Women6] Societies metamorphose with time. From the Paleolithic period to the current century. We keep adapting different ways to live in this world. Our attires, our way of eating. Everything vicissitudes with time. However, there has been one constant, in the shape of male chauvinism. It’s popularity differs from society to society but it’s existence is firm. Some people base this ideology of man superiority on theology and some attribute to their physical aptitude. The question then arises is, Why is there this obsession with sadism ? When I say a woman, I hear all kind of different voices from society. But The one which i hear the loudest is a dogmatic view of a sex object. Read More: Muslims, Islam and terrorism Women are seen, as fulfilling the ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Netflix and Amazon

From the blog newsThe Amazon: Amazon won five Emmys for the TV comedy series "Transparent" this year, according to The Nation. The feature films will hit the big screen and be quickly available on Amazon online service. With its Prime subscription service, Amazon has invested heavily in boosting its video content, and like Netflix has gone into original production, both in TV series and now in cinema. Netflixpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pain and SKMCH

From the blog socialdenterLet me congratulate Imran Khan on the occassion of successful completion of second cancer hospital of Pakistan i.e. Shaukat Khanam Memorial Cancer Hospital Peshawer. Hoping to see another SKMCH in Karachi soon IA. It is a story of pain which some one comes across any time in his life. Imran Khan stated " The last two months of the pain I sufferred once my mother was suffering from cancer at last stage and I could not do anything except watching her creeping towards death was too immense to create something where some one could come and get the tratement without any issue of money and resources". This is the mission statement for anyone who carries courage enough to stand up and be counted. Imran Khan stood up and did it. No words to commemorate the feel for Imran Khan. Let pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Failure of Modern Society-4 (Diverse Systems of Ethics)

From the blog iabhopal *Preface * If democracy, rule by public opinion, is the best hope for earth to reach higher levels of civilization. If we desire dignity and happiness to be within the reach of most of humankind, that every living thing be free to exercise and satisfy all impulses fitting to that species. Then our primary goal must be an atmosphere to perfect the means by which moral opinions are formed. The enduring success of any democracy presupposes a high level of intelligence, creativity and morality on the part of a majority of it’s citizens. To secure progress and achievements already made it is necessary that leaders and inspirers evolve who reduce corruption and by their creative activity, improve, refine and increase human culture. The “catch 22” being; while we need to improve humpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Silencing the Dark – #LALAlightsuplives

From the blog sychhAn initiative in association with Richa Maheshwari Films and Photography, 6TH Avenue and National Association of Blind India to create awareness for the visually impaired, LALA’s participation at ‘Silencing the Dark’ is in direct support of LALA’s CSR initiative #LALAlightsuplives where the brand collaborations such as ‘Lifestyle Pakistan in India’ in 2014, an initiative to […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Book Your Favourite Seats at Cinema with

From the blog telecompk Nothing feels better than to sit in a warm room with your friends and watch movies during these cold December days. Keeping this in mind, is proud to announce the launch of the country’s most efficient E-Ticketing system. The system will allow movie lovers to avoid long queues and hassles by letting them reserve the best seats in the house from the comfort of their home. No longer will you be on the mercy of the cinema staff and their annoying call waiting tunes as the website gives you the freedom to reserve the seats YOU want from the comfort of your home within 5 minutes! Finally, you can say good bye to having to drive to the cinema early in fear that your reserved seats weren’t given away just because you were a minute too late. Reserving seats has nepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اشکے کہ زدل خیزد

From the blog draslamfaheem ہر نفس نے موت کا ذائقہ چکھنا ہے ۔۔۔۔۔۔ ابا جان بھی چلے گئے (انا للہ وانا الیہ راجعون )،جوانوں کی سی ہمّت،عزم و حوصلے کا کوہِ گراں کبھی ان کے ساتھ جو پیدل چلنا پڑے تو ان کا ساتھ دینا مشکل ہو جاتا78سال کی عمر میں بھی چاق وچوبند،دل ،شوگر ،پھیپھڑوں اور گردوں کے عوارض کا بڑی جوانمردی سے مقابلہ کیا،زندگی کے آخری لمحوں تک اپنی اور اہلِ خانہ کی نمازوں کیلئے فکر مند رہے وفات سے تین روز قبل تک نہ صرف پنج وقتہ نمازبلکہ تہجد کیلئے بھی باقاعدگی سے اہتمام کرتے رہے،پوری زندگی اللہ کے دین اور اللہ کی مخلوق کی خدمت میں وقف کئے رکھی،نہ صرف لوگوں کی جسمانی صحت بلکہ ان کی روحانی صحت کیلئے بھی فکر دامن گیر رہتی قرآن سے لوگوں کو جوڑنے اور زندگیوں کو منوّر کرنے کیلئے شہر میں قرآن کلاس کی روایت شروع کی اور ہزاروں مردو خواتین تک قرآن کے پیغام کو پہنچانے کیلئے پروفیسر عرفان احمد صاحب کے ذریعے مسلسل کئی بpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نیوزی لینڈ میں سری لنکا بے حال، ایک اور بدترین شکست

From the blog cricnamaنیوزی لینڈ کے ہاتھوں ٹیسٹ سیریز میں کلین سویپ کی ہزیمت سے دوچار ہونے کے بعد لگتا ہے کہ ایک روزہ میں بھی آثار مختلف نہیں ہیں۔ دوسرے ایک روزہ میں سری لنکا کو محض شکست ہی نہیں ہوئی بلکہ بلے بازوں کی مکمل ناکامی کے بعد 10 وکٹوں کی بدترین شکست کا سامنا کرناpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Infinix Unveils its Note 2 LTE Smartphone in Pakistan

From the blog propakistani After success of Infinix Hot 2, Hot Note and Zero 2, Infinix Mobility this week unveiled its latest smartphone the Infinix Note 2 LTE in Pakistan. As with previous versions, Infinix Note 2 will be available on Daraz.PK that customers would be able to order online for a price that's not disclosed as of yet. Infinix Note 2 is massive LTE... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Session: A lap around Visual Studio 2015

From the blog adilmughal [image: Lap around VS 2015 Session]In October, I had an opportunity to talk about Visual Studio 2015 at Microsoft Innovation Center (Karachi, PK). I talked mostly about debugging enhancements, C# 6 language enhancements, the new ASP.NET 5 ecosystem including CoreCLR, .NET execution environment (DNX) etc. Slide deck: If you are interested in reading about C# 6 stuff, I have written a seperate blog post around that. Playing with C# 6 features pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Alkhidmat Foundation takes notice of the video report published on Pamir Times, announced three wheel chairs and other aid items for the family  of Qasim Khan

From the blog pamirtimesGilgit, December 28: Alkhidmat Foundation Gilgit-Baltistan took notice of the video report published on Pamir Times regarding the mysterious disability of two sons and a daughter of Qasim Khan from Khalti, Gupis. In a press release, the president of Alkhidmat Foundation Gilgit-Baltistan Habib u Rehman has assured to provide three wheel chairs and other aid […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Chorus of Craft

From the blog odysseuslahoriCrafts, like all other inventions, are parented by human needs. Sometimes this birth takes place by sheer fluke. The first drum played a hundred thousand years ago, if not earlier, was perhaps nothing more than a termite-ridden trunk of a felled tree pounded with a club to loosen grubs to feed upon. Played to a cadence, the hollow sound morphed into music. Similarly, some 50,000 years later, the first stringed instrument may arguably have been a hunter’s bow indifferently strummed during the wait to spot game. Anthropological research suggests our Neanderthal ancestors were wearing colourful shaped and polished stone pendants as early as 60,000 years ago. They were also interring their dead with similar ornaments and powdered dyes. Closer to our times, we find ample examples opakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan VIP Culture's Young Victim; Trump's Muslim Ban; PTI's Lodhran Win; Rangers' Powers

From the blog riazhaqWhy did a 10-month old have to die for PPP co-chairman Bilawal Bhutto? Who's to blame for the excesses of Pakistan's VIP culture? Is the entire nation responsible for cheapening of lives in the country? What explains the US Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump's increasing lead in polls? Is it his bigotry against minorities and Muslims? Is it anger against the established politicians among the Republican base? What is the demographics of Trump's supporters? Is it middle-aged non-college educated whites unhappy with their declining fortunes in society as Nobel Laureate Angus Deaton says? How did PTI's Jahangir Tareen pull off a big win in Lodhran after PTI's losses in local elections? What explains it? Is it a boost for PTI in Punjab? Is the Sindh government justifiedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shawl on the bough

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 12398960_526839050813033_1226948264_n] Clouds in the sky and a shawl on the bough My heart is entangled in shawl on the bough pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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نیوزی لینڈ میں سری لنکا بے حال، ایک اور بدترین شکست

From the blog cricnamaنیوزی لینڈ کے ہاتھوں ٹیسٹ سیریز میں کلین سویپ کی ہزیمت سے دوچار ہونے کے بعد لگتا ہے کہ ایک روزہ میں بھی آثار مختلف نہیں ہیں۔ دوسرے ایک روزہ میں سری لنکا کو محض شکست ہی نہیں ہوئی بلکہ بلے بازوں کی مکمل ناکامی کے بعد 10 وکٹوں کی بدترین شکست کا سامنا کرناpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Best And Free Android Apps

From the blog computerbeast Searching for best and free android apps , well it is no longer an issue . To get best and free android apps you should go here FREE RELIABLE APPS . All these apps have been tested and are very reliable . They work the way they are presented and are very friendly to use. There are different varities of apps here and share these with your friends.I found these apps very valueable and recommned them . Download HERE. The playstore is market of android apps and is flooded with apps but quality apps are very less.Most of the apps are prank and do not perform well .These apps are very practicle and cover different domains that are in daily use. Tagged: 2016, android, apps, free, free download, information, iphone, mobile, mobile apps, United States pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Abul Hassan Isphani Road Branch and Habib Metro Bank

From the blog newsHabib Metro: Customers from Rampura Branch Peshawar, Markaz F-7 Branch , Garden East Branch , Abul Hassan Isphani Road Branch and Pasrur Road Branch received cash rewards of Rs100,000, Rs 75,000, Rs50,000, Rs35,000 and Rs25,000, respectively, according to The Nation. In addition to this, 20 other customers were also given a cash reward of Rs10,000 each. In a ceremony that marked the end ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Lenovo Launches VIBE P1m in Pakistan

From the blog telecompk Lenovo, the largest PC Company in the world, has released its latest addition to their already gargantuan mobile portfolio with the anticipated launch of the Lenovo VIBE P1m in Pakistan. The Lenovo VIBE P1m Smartphone is a premium piece of innovation and technology that is set to hail for its customers, an affordable, yet big-battery alternative to its counterparts available in the market today. The specs of the new Smartphone are leagues ahead when compared with both, within Lenovo’s current roster of electronics and their competitors. *# Massive battery matched by innovative power-related functions* One of the highest capacities for its class – *4,000mAh* for the 5” P1m. - *Physical power saver switch* instantly extends battery life by powering down, while providinpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان کو بہت بڑا دھچکا، یاسر شاہ کا ڈوپ ٹیسٹ ناکام

From the blog cricnamaپاکستان کا ایک اور بہترین گیندباز بورڈ کی بے پروائی اور نااہلی کی بھینٹ چڑھنے والا ہے۔ اس وقت ملک کے نمبر ایک باؤلر یاسر شاہ ڈوپ ٹیسٹ میں ناکام ہونے کے بعد بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کی جانب سے عارضی طور پر معطل کردیے گئے ہیں۔ یوں محمد آصف، محمد عامر، محمد حفیظ اورpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Gilgit-Baltistan’s Identity Crisis!!

From the blog pamirtimes[image: map]Mudabber Ali “Is it not suffice for your identity as Pakistani that we here in Punjab do not bother you on account of being denizens of Gilgit-Baltistan” A lawyer of high profile tried to ensure me in Lahore. We simply don’t deserve this but at times when I recount the injustice we did to ourselves […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The highway and the well

From the blog odysseuslahoriTwenty years ago I spent a couple of days with my army chum Ahmed Yar Bandial in his village which is, naturally, Bandial. It sits on the old highroad from Khushab to Mianwali. For good measure, it keeps company with village Hadali, famous for being the ancestral place of the great Khushwant Singh. Incidentally, upon his passing, our very own Fakir Syed Aijazuddin brought home the ashes of the great writer to inter them in one wall of the school where this future luminary first learned the secrets of the written word. *The well: Rising just above the mesquite trees in the back can be seen the domed pillars marking the head of the steps leading into the well* But all this was just to get the geography right. On the first visit, my mate had showed me a brick-paved road passing thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان کو بہت بڑا دھچکا، یاسر شاہ کا ڈوپ ٹیسٹ ناکام

From the blog cricnamaپاکستان کا ایک اور بہترین گیندباز بورڈ کی بے پروائی اور نااہلی کی بھینٹ چڑھنے والا ہے۔ اس وقت ملک کے نمبر ایک باؤلر یاسر شاہ ڈوپ ٹیسٹ میں ناکام ہونے کے بعد بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کی جانب سے عارضی طور پر معطل کردیے گئے ہیں۔ یوں محمد آصف، محمد عامر، محمد حفیظ اورpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سب چور ہیں

From the blog theajmals جو کچھ میں آج لکھنے جا رہا ہوں اگر کوئی قاری اس میں سے کچھ غلط سمجھے یا اس سے متفق نہ ہو یا کچھ سمجھ نہ آئے تو ضرور اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرے ۔ میں مشکور ہوں گا کہیں بھی چلے جایئے اگر لوگ گپ شپ کر رہے ہیں تو بات حکومت پہ پہنچنے پر بحث میں تیزی آ جاتی ہے ۔ بالآخر ایک اپنے تئیں مفکّر کوئی صاحب فتوٰی صادر کر دیں گے "سب ہی چور ہیں"۔ اگر محفل والوں سے میری بے تکلّفی ہو تو میں کہہ دیتا ہوں "اگر یہ جُملہ میں کہوں تو آپ کا اپنے متعلق کیا خیال ہے ؟" حکمران ہماری پسند کے نہ ہوں یا ہمارا کام نہ کرتے ہوں تو اُنہیں ہم چور کہتے ہیں ۔ یہ نہیں سوچتے کہ ہمارا اپنا کردار و عمل کیسا ہے ۔ تھوڑی دیر کیلئے بھُول جایئے کہ آپ کیا ہیں پھر اپنے اِرد گِرد نظر ڈالیئے ۔ آپ دیکھیں گے کہ اکثرلوگ (50 فیصد سے زائد) نیچے درج سب یا اِن میں سے اکثر عوامل کے مالک ہوں گے 1 ۔ کسی کی خدمت یا مدد کرتے ہیں تو اللہ کی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistani Regional Security Delegates Achieve Unprecedented Milestone for Track 1.5/ II in Kabul

From the blog pakteahouse By Faiysal AliKhan [image: Kabul] A nine member Pakistani delegation comprising senior security officials, members of parliament and media arrived in Kabul on Sunday December 20th, for the first round of regional security working groups meetings, as part Beyond Boundaries, a series of Track 1.5/II meetings between Afghan and Pakistani Security Sector Stakeholders. The initiative is led by the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) in partnership with Afghan counterpart organization DURAN Research and Analysis. After the successful conclusion of the two-day workshop which ended in both groups agreeing and adopting a joint declaration (reproduced below), both delegations met with the Chief Executive of the National Unity Government, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on December 22pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Zardari Plays Sindh Card on Benazir Anniversary

From the blog pkhope Best day to evoke Sindhi nationalism is Benazir Bhutto’s death anniversary on 27th December. To be honest, she herself didn’t do a thing for interior Sindh or Sindhis in general as they are still living in same dismal and godforsaken conditions. But then nobody ever did anything for them. So why not support their own bad leaders than? Bhutto clan had thrived for decades exploiting the Sindhi nationalism. They would get votes from Punjab and other provinces too but when feel threatened, they would start flailing Sindh card. Benazir Bhutto used that card with dexterity. Whenever her inept and corrupt governments were dismissed on corruption charges (mainly root cause was her husband Zardari), she would start raising hue and cry that Punjab establishment threw a Sindhi out. She wpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Most Bizarre Place You Could Eat At

From the blog cheflingtales For a person like me, the only way to lighten up the day would be to eat a fancy dinner at a fancy place. But a change in your environment every now and then doesn’t hurt, does it? It is rather essential for foodies to try every restaurant they come across to enhance their taste buds. Anyway, here is a list of the weirdest eateries in the world that you ought to put up in you bucket list: *Ninja new york- New york city* [image: Weirdest-Restaurants-Ninja-New-York]Servers in black ninja costume greet you at the entrance and bow every time they see you. It is designed like a 15th century Japanese village dark nook and scary passage ways everywhere.Throughout your dinner, you will see warriors jump and perform tricks around you. I think this is the perfect place for the ones who pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Remembering Parveen Shakir (1952-1994)

From the blog razarumiMy 2009 article published in The Friday Times. Parveen Shakir (1952-1994) has defined the sensibilities of several generations and beyond. At the relatively young age of 42 years, Parveen Shakir died on an empty Islamabad boulevard, as if this was an essential part of her romantic persona. But she had lived a full life where […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Two days football camp arranged for girls

From the blog pamirtimes[image: 7]Karachi, December 26: Jiwani Development Centre (JDC), a project of Hunza-Gilgit Ismailia Students Federation Karachi arranged a two-day football camp for girls on 24-25 December. The camp was conducted by Suhail Pervaiz, renowned football coach and convener of Aga Khan Gym Khana, Karachi. He is also currently engaged with Civitas as a director sports and […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Ranked Among World's Top 5 Nations For Promoting Financial Inclusion

From the blog riazhaqWhen people in need of money go to unscrupulous and unregulated moneylenders, they usually get trapped in mounting debts at exorbitant interest rates. In developing nations like India and Pakistan, many end up losing their basic freedom and human dignity when they are forced to work as bonded laborers. How can this situation be changed? The first obvious answer is to enforce laws and rules against the use of bonded labor. The second, often ignored, answer is to enable people to legitimately borrow the money they need from regulated financial institutions like banks. In addition, they can also save and invest money as bank customers. This is called financial inclusion. The Economist magazine publishes an annual Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) assessment and ranking of countriespakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sugar can do more than just sweeten

From the blog tanveerrauf *Sugar Can Do More than Just Sweeten![image: images (7)]* *Besides been the material we love to taste the most, sugar can help out with plenty of other things, and is always worth having around the house. We’ve collected a few of these uses for you to learn about – you’ll never think of sugar as just a sweetener again!* * Uses of Sugar: 1. Calming babies:[image: images (6)]* * Studies in Pediatrics show that babies who have been given a solution containing one spoon of sugar and four glasses of water before being vaccinated reacted more calmly to shots than those who didn’t. 2. Treating wounds: A pinch of sugar may help heal many types of wounds. Among them: Pressure wounds, ulcers and cuts. All you need to do is pour a little sugar on the wound pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Jesus & Mary in Islamic Art

From the blog pakteahouse Raza Rumi posted a few images on Twitter from a forgotten chapter of our history when Muslim rulers and Muslim artists were keen to experiment with Christian iconography in the miniature art. Since Mary and Jesus Christ are sacred for Muslims, this was even more important. #Mughal Emperor Jehangir and #Jesus. Early 17th C. Abu'l-Hasan. (Chester Beatty Library,Dublin) v @scroll_in #Xmas — Raza Ahmad Rumi (@Razarumi) December 25, 2015 Another miniature on the birth of #JesusChrist ensconced in #lapislazuli – origin #Afghanistan #CentralAsia #art — Raza Ahmad Rumi (@Razarumi) December 25, 2015 'The Nativity', #Mughal painting, Muhammad Shah period, 17th cent. #paper. #miniature at @NMnewdelhi #MerryXpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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One Indian – One Pakistani – One Epic Romance

From the blog sychhAfter revealing the first look earlier this month, Big Film proudly reveal the official poster for #BACHAANA – a Nasir Khan Film. Featuring Sanam Saeed, Mohib Mirza and Adeel Hashmi, #BACHAANA is set to release in the upcoming Valentine’s Season in February 2016 across Pakistan with the official trailer launch on 5th January 2016. Speaking […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I fail.

From the blog mystutteringlifeWhenever I try to tell someone about that moment, I fail. For I have never touched or been with him in a way I can miss. I have never known a side to him I wish I did. For the most part I think I imagined it. But it was painful, I promise. When I…pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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One of the restaurant near our place yummy food. And good view and place to sit by the lake.. #pokhara #nepalnow #nepal #lakesode #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #nepalissafe #nepalissafetovisit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday #fun #instatraveling #mytravelgram

From the blog ozairrao [image: One of the restaurant near our place yummy food. And good view and place to sit by the lake.. #pokhara #nepalnow #nepal #lakesode #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #nepalissafe #nepalissafetovisit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday #fun #instatraveling #mytravelgram] The post One of the restaurant near our place yummy food. And good view and place to sit by the lake.. #pokhara #nepalnow #nepal #lakesode #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #nepalissafe #nepalissafetovisit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کرکٹ کے حیران کردینے والے ریکارڈز

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ میں اعداد و شمار جس تیزی سے تبدیل ہوتے ہیں، شاید ہی دنیا کے کسی دوسرے کھیل میں ہوتے ہوں۔ مشہور ترین کھیل فٹ بال میں تو اسکور بورڈ پر ہونے والی تبدیلیاں انگلیوں پر گنی جا سکتی ہیں لیکن کرکٹ میں صرف ایک گیند پر ہی اتنے اعداد تبدیل ہوجاتے ہیں کہ انگلیاںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL Offers its Charji EVO Tab with Lifetime of Free Internet

From the blog propakistani To celebrate Qaid-e-Azam day, PTCL today announced that it is offering its CharJi EVO Tab with lifetime of free internet, said a Facebook update posted by the company. CharJi EVO tab — priced at Rs. 25,000 — is a 7-inch tablet with HD display on a 1280×720 pixel resolution and it runs on Android 4.4 Kitkat. CharJi EVO Tab is powered... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Nawaz Modi Personal Touch – New Hope for Region

From the blog pkhope That's like neighbors, typical neighbors in sub-continent. We in India and Pakistan don't call weeks before to take an appointment from our neighbors to visit like the Western world, where such visits between friends, relatives, neighbors are well planned, well-appointed and well ahead of time. We meet and greet at drop of hat. That's what happened between India and Pakistan when PM Modi of India called from Afghan capital Kabul to PM Nawaz and expressed his desire to visit Pakistan on his way back home to Dehli. It's out of question and unthinkable for any sub-continent host to even thinking about saying 'No' or become hesitant. Modi's desire was received with warmth and welcoming gestures and preparations were started. PM Nawaz is a family man and was busy in the wedding of pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Angry Mountain Calling; A Story from Nagar Valley

From the blog pamirtimes[image: rakaposhi]Raja Tariq Abbas A place of exception and natural beauty; that hosts the peaks like Dastagil Sar (7,888M), Rakaposhi (7,788M), Diran (7,266M), Golden Peak (7,027M); where tourists set their destination to places like Minapin, Hoper and Ghulmat; where snow-leopard and Ibex lives in Bar and Chalt valleys in great harmony with nature; where hidden gems and mineral are explored […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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There is something extraordinary happening in the world — The Global Future of Work — Medium

From the blog faisalkhan Most of us haven’t quite realized there is something extraordinary happening. This is an article that came across my timeline on Medium. After reading through it – there was so much that I could relate to. Not only that, it made me want to do more. The crazy ideas I have in my head. Hope you read and take inspiration. Source: *There is something extraordinary happening in the world — The Global Future of Work — Medium* The post There is something extraordinary happening in the world — The Global Future of Work — Medium appeared first on Faisal Khan. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کرکٹ کے حیران کردینے والے ریکارڈز

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ میں اعداد و شمار جس تیزی سے تبدیل ہوتے ہیں، شاید ہی دنیا کے کسی دوسرے کھیل میں ہوتے ہوں۔ مشہور ترین کھیل فٹ بال میں تو اسکور بورڈ پر ہونے والی تبدیلیاں انگلیوں پر گنی جا سکتی ہیں لیکن کرکٹ میں صرف ایک گیند پر ہی اتنے اعداد تبدیل ہوجاتے ہیں کہ انگلیاںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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یومِ ولادت قائدِ اعظم کے حوالے سے

From the blog theajmals اللہ کے حُکم سے پاکستان بنانے والے مسلمانانِ ہند کے عظیم راہنما قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح کا آج یومِ ولادت ہے ۔ میں اس حولے سے قائد اعظم کے متعلق لکھی ہوئی چند اہم تحاریر کے عنوان مع روابط لکھ رہا ہوں ۔ اُمید ہے کہ قارئین اان سے مُستفید ہوں گے پڑھنے کیلئے مندرجہ ذیل عنوانات پر باری باری کلِک کیجئے قائد اعظم کا خطاب ۔ 15 اگست 1947ء اُردو قومی زبان کیسے بنی ۔ بہتان اور حقیقت قائد اعظم اور قرآن قائدِ اعظم پاکستان کو سیکولر ریاست بنانا چاہتے تھے ؟ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Allama Shah Tarabul Haq and Bolton Market

From the blog newsNew Memon Masque: The main rally of 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal was taken out from New Memon Masque, Bolton Market around 5pm to commemorate the birth anniversary of Hazrat-e-Muhammad the last messenger of Allah which reached at Nishtar Park in night after passing through the traditional routes, according to Business Recorder. The rally was organised by Jamaat-e-Ahle Sunnat Pakistan and was supervised bypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Man of Grace: Muhammad Ali Jinnah

From the blog socialdenterFew days back, I was contacted by a friend of mine to share a moment of grace with me. The moments he sent were few snaps of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah with the caption of GRACE. I am a born Pakistani who feels, talks and shares about Pakistan and all aspects covering the positivism of this diversified cultural and sufi basis of this country. But surprisingly, I just had some what bookish affiliation with Muhammad Ali Jinnah. I read a chapter about him in my primary class text book and then Pakistan Studies book. Anyway I got those gracy moments via snaps of Muhammad Ali Jinnah. After looking at the snaps, roll back of thechildish memories of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah started at my mind. Starting from his dialogue with his sis Miss Fatimah Jinnah in which he statpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From my diary of September, 1954

From the blog iabhopal "Ask, and it shall be given unto you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: but seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." Bible پڑھيئے ایک دلچسپ اور معلومات کا حامل بلاگ " میں کیا ہوں " پر کلِک کر کہ یا مندرجہ ذیل یو آر ایل براؤزر میں لکھ کر pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Happy Birthday, Mr. Jinnah

From the blog khadijasayshi Do you see this man? Do you know who this is? Do you remember? What's that, you do? Okay okay, I believe you. For anyone who doesn't know, this is Muhammad Ali Jinnah, fondly known in this country as Quaid-e-Azam, Founder of Pakistan. In fact, I think more people call him Quaid than his actual name, which is fine as long as you *remember* the actual name too. I feel like sometimes people, including myself, forget that Mr. Jinnah was in fact a real person. We forget the enormity of the feat he achieved. We've been reading about his life and his struggles in putting Pakistan on the map, but we haven't been grasping the actual feeling behind it. Think of it like this; something possessed an ordinary lawyer to aspire to create *an entire new country.* This isn't something trivialpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[سالنامہ 2015ء] جو توقعات پر پورا نہ اتر سکے

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ اب بہت تیز رفتار کھیل بن چکا ہے۔ محدود اوورز کی کرکٹ شروع ہونے سے پہلے تو سال بھر میں کسی ٹیم کو ایک یا بمشکل دو سیریز ہی کھیلنے کو ملتی تھیں، اس لیے کارکردگی کو جانچنے کے لیے بھی بڑا وقت ملتا تھا۔ اب تو بھانت بھانت کی لیگ کرکٹ دنیا بھرpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog awaz-e-dostکرسمس کے باضابطہ آغاز میں ابھی کچھ وقت باقی ہے۔ شہر کے گرجا گھروں کے گھنٹے مسیح کی ولادت کی خوشی میں ہر کچھ عرصے بعد بجنے لگتے ہیں۔ میری کھڑکی پر ابھی ابھی ہونے والی بارش کے ان گنت قطرے ایسے بکھرے ہیں جیسے دور بہت دور میرے دیس پاکستان کے ایک چھوٹے سے گاؤں میں بیس برس پہلے کی راتوں میں آسمان پر ستارے بکھرے ہوا کرتے تھے۔ میرے سامنے والی عمارتوں میں کہیں کہیں جگنو نما ننھی ننھی روشنیاں نظر آ رہی ہیں ۔ ایک دو جگہ ہشت رخ ستارے بھی روشن ہیں۔ سٹریٹ لائٹ کی روشنیاں درختوں کے سائے، دھندلے سائے میری بصارتوں تک پہنچا رہی ہیں۔ ٹنڈ منڈ درخت جنہیں دن کی روشنی میں ذرادور سے دیکھنے پر ہریالی کا گمان ہوتا ہے لیکن قریب جانے پر احساس ہوتا ہے کہ بارشوں کی زیادتی نے ان پر کائی کی مستقل تہہ چڑھا رکھی ہے۔ دن ابھی روشن ہو تو کبھی کبھار کوئی اجنبی سا پرندہ قریب سے اڑتا چلا جاتا ہے اور اس کے پیچھے پیچھے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Jinnah and Religious Minorities in Pakistan

From the blog pkhope As a minority, the Muslims of India feared that they would be persecuted if the country remained united and got independence. They were afraid of Hindu revivalism and cultural and economic domination. In this backdrop, Jinnah's idea of Pakistan was not that of a theocratic state run by clerics in the name of Islam but of a modern Muslim-majority state where the minorities would enjoy all the rights which the Muslims were likely to be denied in undivided India. In an interview given as Governor-General designate, Jinnah stated: "Minorities to whichever community they may belong will be safeguarded. Their religion or faith or belief will be secure. There will be no interference of any kind with their freedom of worship. They will have their protection with regard to their religipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah Drew Inspiration From Prophet Mohammad's Life

From the blog riazhaqAn ongoing debate about the true vision of Pakistan's founder flares up every year around Quaid-e-Azam's Birthday that coincides with Eid Milad-un-Nabi, the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This debate is centered on one key question: Did the Quaid want an Islamic state or a secular state or a pluralistic democratic one? *Islamic or Secular Pakistan?* Here are a couple of excerpts from Quaid-e-Azam's speeches given at different times which are often cited in this "Islamic vs Secular Pakistan" debate: "You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State" "Who am I to give you a copakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[سالنامہ 2015ء] جو توقعات پر پورا نہ اتر سکے

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ اب بہت تیز رفتار کھیل بن چکا ہے۔ محدود اوورز کی کرکٹ شروع ہونے سے پہلے تو سال بھر میں کسی ٹیم کو ایک یا بمشکل دو سیریز ہی کھیلنے کو ملتی تھیں، اس لیے کارکردگی کو جانچنے کے لیے بھی بڑا وقت ملتا تھا۔ اب تو بھانت بھانت کی لیگ کرکٹ دنیا بھرpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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میری 1960ء کی ڈائری کا ایک ورق

From the blog theajmals [image: 1960, 112-114] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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حفیظ سنٹر میں ریاست 'پی کے' بن گئی

From the blog pakteahouse تحریر: ملک عمید [image: Banner] گزشتہ ہفتے احمدیوں کی مخالفت میں لگائے گئے ایک اسٹیکر نے حفیظ سنٹر کی دھوم ساری دنیا تک پہنچا دی۔ یوں حفیظ سنٹر بین الاقوامی شہرت یافتہ ہوگیا۔ بدنام اگر ہوں گے تو کیا نام نہ ہوگا؟ ایک تاجر کی دکان سے احمدی مخالف اسٹیکر اتارنے کی خبر پنجاب حکومت نے ٹویٹر پر برادرم رضا رومی صاحب کو دی۔ ساری دنیا میں واہ واہ ہوگئی۔ ایسے لگا کہ ملک بدلنے لگا ہے۔ تاجروں نے بھی کہا کہ چلو ایک اسٹیکر ہی ہے، وہ بھی تنظیم والوں کا، ہمارا کیا جاتا ہے۔ ایک اسٹیکر اترا، ہزار لگتے ہیں اور لگے ہوئے ہیں اپنے حفیظ سنٹر میں جگہ جگہ…. مگر جس دن ان صاحب کو پکڑ لیا گیا جن کی دکان پر اسٹیکر لگا ہوا تھا تو تاجروں کے صبر کا پیمانہ لبریز ہوگیا۔ غضب خدا کا، ہم میں سے ایک کو پکڑ لیا۔ یقین کیجیے کہ اگر اس تاجر کو اسٹیکر کی بجائے ٹیکس نہ دینے پر بھی پکڑا ہوتا تو ہنگامہ اتنا ہی ہونا تھا۔ اpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog news: The more people use Facebook to fulfill their goals, the more dependent on it they become, the study said, according to Express Tribune. However, Facebook dependency – whether it is for news, games, feedback on your posts or meeting new people – is not necessarily bad as it is not equivalent to an addiction, explained the researchers. 7 ways to be unbearable on Facebook To identify dependencypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Not killed by age

From the blog mystutteringlifeIt was a small, timid flower, at the end of the garden. Alone and quiet, it had always been on its own. Sometimes it would lean over and talk to the other prettier flowers. Sometimes it would just observe them and smile at them from a distance. The birds and the bees liked it. It…pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کون کتنے پانی میں؟ کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز

From the blog cricnamaپاکستان سپر لیگ کے پہلے سیزن میں کون کتنے پانی میں ہوگا؟ اس سلسلے میں آخری نام کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز کا ہے۔ اگر انہیں پی ایس ایل کا "چھپا رستم" کہا جائے تو بے جا نہ ہوگا۔ جو ٹیم سب سے پہلے کیون پیٹرسن پر ہاتھ رکھے اور اس کے بعد سرفراز احمد اور احمدpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL Ruthlessly Bombards Customers with Forced Popup ADs

From the blog propakistani PTCL is once again bombarding its DSL and EVO customers with pop-up ads injected into the websites that they visit while using PTCL's broadband services. PTCL users reported ProPakistani that they are left with no choice but to face brutal pop-ups causing huge frustration. And its not once in a while thing — that one can ignore —... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Alpine Club to hold snow hiking contests

From the blog pamirtimes[image: snow hike (1119)]Islamabad, December 23: Alpine Club of Pakistan (ACP) is planning to hold two snow hiking competitions by the end of January, 2016 to provide an opportunity to people to take part in healthy activities. “We are planning to hold two snow hiking events – one for the youth and the other for families by the end […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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مطالعہ گردی

From the blog omer-urduویسے تو بہت کچھ لکھنا چاہتا ہوں۔ چند خیالات اس نیت سے سنبھال کر رکھ چھوڑے ہیں کہ کبھی فرصت میسر آ رہے تو لکھا کریں گے۔ ارادہ بھی پختہ ہے اور تقریباً روز ہی اس پر نئے پُل بھی باندھتا ہوں۔ مگر شو مئی قسمت کہ یہ نیت اور وہ ارادہ، ابھی تک کسی تبلیغی جماعت کے امیر صاحب کی لاج رکھنے کے جیسے، منہ پر سفید جھوٹ کی مانند باندھے گئے عہد سے بڑھ کر نہیں ہے۔ ہاں، اکا دکا بار لکھتا آیا ہوں مگر اس کا بھی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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India's Hindu Nationalists Going Global

From the blog riazhaqIndia's top Hindu Nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has gone global with shakhas (branches) in 39 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and several Islamic middle eastern nations, according to Indian media reports. In the United States alone, the RSS has 146 active chapters spread over all 50 states, according to Satish Modh who has been associated with RSS work abroad for over 25 years. While shakhas in India take place in open public spaces, most shakhas meet on university campuses on hired parking lots in the US, says Modh. Most overseas shakhas are held once a week. In London, they are held twice a week. The UK has 84 shakhas. *RSS in US:* A US report entitled "Hindu Nationalism in the United States: A Report on Non-Profit Groups" dpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کون کتنے پانی میں؟ کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز

From the blog cricnamaپاکستان سپر لیگ کے پہلے سیزن میں کون کتنے پانی میں ہوگا؟ اس سلسلے میں آخری نام کوئٹہ گلیڈی ایٹرز کا ہے۔ اگر انہیں پی ایس ایل کا "چھپا رستم" کہا جائے تو بے جا نہ ہوگا۔ جو ٹیم سب سے پہلے کیون پیٹرسن پر ہاتھ رکھے اور اس کے بعد سرفراز احمد اور احمدpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Launch of LITTLE ASIA Asian Cuisine Restaurant


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Cape Canaveral Air Force Station and Rocket Failure

From the blog newsInternational Space Station: SpaceX to launch rocket Dec 19, six months after blast It was the first flight for his California-based company since a rocket failure in June that destroyed a cargo ship being carried on a resupply mission bound for the International Space Station, according to Express Tribune. The upgraded, 23-story-tall Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Forcepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan fighting the Militancy

From the blog firewithin-jhb The Bajour Agency operation was a major offensive undertaken by Pakistan Army and its Frontier Corps troops in the troubled north of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. Al Jazeera International broadcasting channel made a comprehensive tour of the area and interviewed the Inspector General of the Frontier Corps Pakistan Army Major General Tariq Khan, later lieutenant general. The report and interview has been compiled by Rageh Omaar, which covers the army operation in September 2009. I would not add anything from my end - just watch the video how the operation was launched and its dynamics. This is part one of the four series coverage of the operation. Watch the video below: The views and interviews conducted by the Al Jazeera International are exclusive to the channel and tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tripda Marks its First Anniversary in Pakistan

From the blog telecompk Tripda – Pakistan’s largest carpooling platform recently hosted its annual community meet-up in Lahore, to celebrate the completion of its first year of successful operations in Pakistan. The event attracted a large number of Tripda’s loyal users and professionals belonging to the tech/IT fraternity. This user-community meet-up was hosted by renowned entertainer – Ali Gul Pir, who also happens to use Tripda when travelling between Lahore and Islamabad. Being a smart application, offering valuable services “Free-of-Cost”, Tripda – is greatly facilitating inter-city travel-rides, as it enables car-owners the opportunities to share their vehicles, whenever they are travelling on long distance routes. The passengers can benefit from this service, by booking an empty seat availablepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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