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[سالنامہ 2015ء] سال کے گمنام ہیروز

From the Blog cricnamaکرکٹ کے لحاظ سے 2015ء ایک بہترین سال رہا، آخر کیوں نہ ہوتا؟ یہ عالمی کپ کا سال جو تھا۔ دنیائے کرکٹ کا سب سے بڑا اعزاز اس سال آسٹریلیا کے نام رہا لیکن آسٹریلیا لے کر افغانستان تک تقریباً سبھی ملکوں کے لیے یہ سال کسی نہ کسی لحاظ سے یادگار رہا۔ پاکستان نےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Celebrating Humor: 18 Amusive Tweets on Faisal Qureshi's Pose in Newspapers

From the Blog propakistani Ufone's response to Mobilink's Nargis Fakhri ad won the internet yesterday. It remained in top trends on Twitter for over 9 hours, while millions of Pakistanis — including celebrities — tweeted, retweeted and discussed the classic humor originating from Ufone's marketing desks. Majority of Pakistanis liked the idea of witty message that Ufone delivered through a pose while copying Mobilink's... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

5 Reasons Why Amir Should Play for Pakistan

From the Blog pkhope Controversy over Mohammad Amir is raging high in Pakistan. Interestingly enough, internationally the media and ICC are silent, but within Pakistan there has emerged a huge split between the fans and haters of Muhammad Amir, the fast bowler who was punished for match fixing. Following are 5 reasons why Amir should play for Pakistan and must not be stopped: 1. Amir had pled guilty before a court, has served his punishment and deserves another chance. 2. He has regretted what he did and has apologized publicly with tears numerous times. 3. He has been pardoned by the Pakistan Cricket Board and they have decided to give him a chance. 4. Amir was just 18 when he committed that crime of spot fixing. He has matured and learned his lesson. 5. Pakistan simpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

5 Food Trends to Make Their Mark In 2016

From the Blog cheflingtales Pakistani's are true foodies with the food industry in Pakistan is changing rapidly with the consumer's needs. In the last few years it has been revolutionized by new trends and has seen some major changes. Specially the onset of food entrepreneurs making their mark and introducing some exciting products in the market. Here are a few trends that made their way into the food scene in Pakistan in 2015 and we predict that they are here to stay: Vegetables Are The New Meat: [image: ZBD_4021]We all remember the Punjab Food Authority raids in the middle of the year and the major scare they gave us. After that episode, it is quiet evident that the foodies in Pakistan are a bit reluctant to order meat based dishes while dining out. Based on this we make the prediction that vegetablpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7564851452536209702 Pakistani Blog Posts


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