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Happy Birthday, Mr. Jinnah

From the Blog khadijasayshi Do you see this man? Do you know who this is? Do you remember? What's that, you do? Okay okay, I believe you. For anyone who doesn't know, this is Muhammad Ali Jinnah, fondly known in this country as Quaid-e-Azam, Founder of Pakistan. In fact, I think more people call him Quaid than his actual name, which is fine as long as you *remember* the actual name too. I feel like sometimes people, including myself, forget that Mr. Jinnah was in fact a real person. We forget the enormity of the feat he achieved. We've been reading about his life and his struggles in putting Pakistan on the map, but we haven't been grasping the actual feeling behind it. Think of it like this; something possessed an ordinary lawyer to aspire to create *an entire new country.* This isn't something trivialpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8077558500883959913 Pakistani Blog Posts


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