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Pakistani Regional Security Delegates Achieve Unprecedented Milestone for Track 1.5/ II in Kabul

From the Blog pakteahouse By Faiysal AliKhan [image: Kabul] A nine member Pakistani delegation comprising senior security officials, members of parliament and media arrived in Kabul on Sunday December 20th, for the first round of regional security working groups meetings, as part Beyond Boundaries, a series of Track 1.5/II meetings between Afghan and Pakistani Security Sector Stakeholders. The initiative is led by the Center for Research and Security Studies (CRSS) in partnership with Afghan counterpart organization DURAN Research and Analysis. After the successful conclusion of the two-day workshop which ended in both groups agreeing and adopting a joint declaration (reproduced below), both delegations met with the Chief Executive of the National Unity Government, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah on December 22pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5982245742934183573 Pakistani Blog Posts


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