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E-Commerce: Cow Dung Sales Hot on Amazon and eBay in India

From the Blog riazhaqCow patties -- cow poop mixed with hay and dried in the sun, made mainly by Indian women in rural area -- are among the hottest selling items by online retailers including Amazon and eBay in India, according to media reports. Some retailers are offering discounts for large orders and offering free gift wrapping. Cow dung has a special spiritual significance in Hindu religion. The cows in India do not eat non-vegetarian items and only eat grass or grains which makes cow dung holy and acceptable. In a lot of pujas (worship rituals), both dried and fresh cow dung is used. From Govardhan Puja to havans, cow dung is used during pujas. In many spiritual "yagnas", the fire is lit using dried cow dung and desi ghee (clarified butter). It is believed that burning cow dung with ghee ispakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

[سالنامہ 2015ء] سال کے گمنام ہیروز

From the Blog cricnamaکرکٹ کے لحاظ سے 2015ء ایک بہترین سال رہا، آخر کیوں نہ ہوتا؟ یہ عالمی کپ کا سال جو تھا۔ دنیائے کرکٹ کا سب سے بڑا اعزاز اس سال آسٹریلیا کے نام رہا لیکن آسٹریلیا لے کر افغانستان تک تقریباً سبھی ملکوں کے لیے یہ سال کسی نہ کسی لحاظ سے یادگار رہا۔ پاکستان نےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6204172193010208584 Pakistani Blog Posts


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