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آج کی بات ۔۔۔۔ 30 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ مجھے اپنے ملک کے لوگ مایوس اچھے نہیں لگتے ۔ میں چاہتا ہوں کہ وہ مثبت بنیں۔ پر امید۔ اونچے خواب رکھنے والے ۔ وسیع سوچ رکھنے والے ۔ میں چاہتا ہوں لوگ شکر گزار بنیں۔ جو ہے اس کی قدر کریں۔ جو نہیں ہے ' اس کو زیادہ نہ سوچا کریں۔ نمرہ احمد کے نئے ناول "حالم" سے اقتباس pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Things That I Have Learned In 5 Years of Blogging

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesI have been blogging for FIVE years now?! It seems like I just started yesterday but I am so happy to see how far I have come in this journey that I started without expecting much. Once again, this year as well, I forgot that it is my blog's anniversary today but luckily I realized that it is at one in the noon rather than any later. So I had enough time to reschedule my other posts and plan and write this post where I am sharing the 5 things that I have learned in 5 years of blogging. Now the reason why I picked this topic for today is that 5 years is a pretty long time for keeping up with a hobby like blogging and I do have some advice that I am sure new bloggers would find helpful. Besides, I do get blogging related questions quite often and while that is not really a niche pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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In Multan – Pizza Served By Robots

From the blog cheflingtales Not too long ago, there were hardly two to three top restaurants in Multan, their menus being limited and nothing new to try out. However, the taste of the Multani food has always been unbeatable, but if we reminiscence, our eyes find it so hard to believe that how much Multan has changed. Especially, it's food industry's development has amazed not only us, but many who live here or visit this full-of-grace city after a long time. In every lane, we get to find at least three food spots, cafes or restaurants. Recently, a new addition has been made to the family of foodies of Multan. There is a lot of buzz about this spot, not just locally, but on the national and international news as well: It is In no time, this pizza restaurant has succeeded in making the headlines pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Things That I Have Learned In 5 Years of Blogging

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesI have been blogging for FIVE years now?! It seems like I just started yesterday but I am so happy to see how far I have come in this journey that I started without expecting much. Once again, this year as well, I forgot that it is my blog's anniversary today but luckily I realized that it is at one in the noon rather than any later. So I had enough time to reschedule my other posts and plan and write this post where I am sharing the 5 things that I have learned in 5 years of blogging. Now the reason why I picked this topic for today is that 5 years is a pretty long time for keeping up with a hobby like blogging and I do have some advice that I am sure new bloggers would find helpful. Besides, I do get blogging related questions quite often and while that is not really a niche pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

Comments Permalink Home 9142304623777472188 Pakistani Blog Posts

آج کی بات ۔۔۔۔ 30 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ مجھے اپنے ملک کے لوگ مایوس اچھے نہیں لگتے ۔ میں چاہتا ہوں کہ وہ مثبت بنیں۔ پر امید۔ اونچے خواب رکھنے والے ۔ وسیع سوچ رکھنے والے ۔ میں چاہتا ہوں لوگ شکر گزار بنیں۔ جو ہے اس کی قدر کریں۔ جو نہیں ہے ' اس کو زیادہ نہ سوچا کریں۔ نمرہ احمد کے نئے ناول "حالم" سے اقتباس pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Things That I Have Learned In 5 Years of Blogging

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesI have been blogging for FIVE years now?! It seems like I just started yesterday but I am so happy to see how far I have come in this journey that I started without expecting much. Once again, this year as well, I forgot that it is my blog's anniversary today but luckily I realized that it is at one in the noon rather than any later. So I had enough time to reschedule my other posts and plan and write this post where I am sharing the 5 things that I have learned in 5 years of blogging. Now the reason why I picked this topic for today is that 5 years is a pretty long time for keeping up with a hobby like blogging and I do have some advice that I am sure new bloggers would find helpful. Besides, I do get blogging related questions quite often and while that is not really a niche pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ali Jahangir Siddiqui Appointed as Special Assistant to PM

From the blog propakistani Cabinet Division has notified Ali Jahangir Siddiqui as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister with the status of Minister of State, said a notification of the Cabinet Division issued here on Wednesday. The notification reads, "The Prime Minister has been pleased to appoint Mr Ali Jahangir Siddiqui as Special Assistant to the Prime Minister with immediate effect." It is pertinent to mention that Ali Jahangir Siddiqui is son of eminent businessmen Jahangir Siddiqui and one of the Board of Director of JS Bank and also Son-in-Law of a owner of leading media House. According to sources, Ali Jahangir Siddiqui is likely to get the portfolio of Board of Investment as it is vacant. The Cabinet Division had already issued seven Special Assistants to the Prime Minister and they are; pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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In Multan – Pizza Served By Robots

From the blog cheflingtales Not too long ago, there were hardly two to three top restaurants in Multan, their menus being limited and nothing new to try out. However, the taste of the Multani food has always been unbeatable, but if we reminiscence, our eyes find it so hard to believe that how much Multan has changed. Especially, it's food industry's development has amazed not only us, but many who live here or visit this full-of-grace city after a long time. In every lane, we get to find at least three food spots, cafes or restaurants. Recently, a new addition has been made to the family of foodies of Multan. There is a lot of buzz about this spot, not just locally, but on the national and international news as well: It is In no time, this pizza restaurant has succeeded in making the headlines pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اکنامک کہانی کی اگلی بات

From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Apple iPhone Girls

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Apple iPhone Girls, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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India Medical Tourism: Pakistanis Spend the Most Per Patient

From the blog riazhaqAs Indian medical visas granted to Pakistani patients regularly make headlines in India, it is hard not to conclude that it's all part of a PR campaign by the Hindu Nationalist Modi government in India. What is often left out of the media stories is the minor detail that Pakistanis pay more to use services of for-profit Indian hospitals than do people of other nationalities for such "humanitarian gestures". Pakistan is an important and lucrative source of medical tourism dollars in India. The kind of facilities Pakistanis pay to use in India are not accessible to poor Indian masses who must rely on India's decrepit public health system. A 2017 report by Indian ministry of commerce and industry says an average Pakistani spends Rs 187,000 on treatment in India. Those from Banglapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Daily Gems

From the blog iabhopal Doing nothing is very hard to do, You never know when you are finished There are three sides to any argument. Your side, my side, and the right side Don't argue with a fool. People might not know the difference Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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غزل۔ اپنے خونِ وفا میں نہائے ہوئے زخم اپنے بدن پر سجائے ہوئے ۔ اعجاز رحمانی

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalغزل اپنے خونِ وفا میں نہائے ہوئے زخم اپنے بدن پر سجائے ہوئے قاتلوں سے کہو اب نہ زحمت کریں ہم صلیب اپنی خود ہیں اُٹھائے ہوئے ہر زباں بے سُخن، ہر جبیں پر شکن وحشتِ رقص میں انجمن انجمن اتنا غمناک ماحول ہے شہر کا اک زمانہ ہوا مُسکرائے ہوئے معتبر کیا ہے اور کیا ہے نا معتبر، اپنا اپنا خیال اپنی اپنی نظر لوگ کانٹوں سے بچتے ہیں گلزار میں، ہم گلوں سے ہیں دامن بچائے ہوئے ایک کیا سو نشیمن ہوں میرے اگر، وہ بھی قربان گلزار کے نام پر آشیاں کا مجھے غم نہیں ، غم یہ ہے، پھول شعلوں کی زد میں ہیں آئے ہوئے سطحِ دریا ہے چشمِ تماشائی میں، جھانکتا کون ہے دل کی گہرائی میں اشک آنکھوں میں اس طرح محفوظ ہیں، جیسے موتی صدف ہو چھپائے ہوئے رہگزاروں کے سب نقش معدوم ہیں، پیڑ ہیں بھی تو سائے سے محروم ہیں جن کو آتا ہے شیشہ گری کا ہنر، سنگ ہاتھوں میں ہیں وہ اُٹھائے ہوئے ساغرِ شب کو لبریز کر دیں گے ہم، صبح کو رنگ آمیز pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Guys Who Think Cooking is "Woman's Work"

From the blog brainknittings Guys who think cooking is "woman's work" obviously missed the memo, because the majority of the world's top rated chefs are men. You may never own a Michelin starred restaurant, but there's no better place to learn the basics than your mom's kitchen. You can even have your own very masculine "Ancient Cookfire" cooking classes you'll be the ultimate barbecue man on the block in no time. Cooking ain't a woman's work anymore as providing for the family ain't a man's job alone either. So to even it out, it would be much nicer if men tried their culinary skills out. After all there isn't anything she can do that he cannot do better, right? [image: 😉] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Telenor Pakistan Launches Khushaal Zamindaar in Gilgit-Baltistan

From the blog telecompk style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2983676629643435″ data-ad-slot="8774799491″ data-ad-format="auto"> Expanding its digital footprint to the far-flung and underserved areas of the country, Telenor Pakistan has launched its mobile agriculture advisory service Khushaal Zamindaar in Gilgit – Baltistan. Launched in collaboration with Market Development Facility (MDF), the innovative service will provide localized and customized advisory services to facilitate local farmers in increasing their agricultural yield. The high-spirited launch event was held in a local hotel in the provincial capital, Gilgit. The honorable guests include MDF, members from Agha Khan Rural Support Program (AKRSP), Japan Inter Cooperation Agency (JICA), International Fund for Agricultural Develpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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3 Reasons Why I Love Bioderma

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBioderma was launched as a revolutionary makeup remover a few years back and I remember reading about it on all of my favourite UK blogs. The micellar water concept was innovative at that time and soon took the beauty world by a storm. So, of course, I had to invest in one too and I assure you that I have never looked back since. If you are interested in reading my detailed review, check out my post on the *Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water* from the past. In today's post, as you can tell by the title, I am sharing with you the 3 reasons why I love Bioderma! [image: 3 Reasons Why I Love Bioderma] Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water PR Sample/Sponsored Post* *1. All In One Cleanser* Bioderma micellar water is pretty much an all in one product for people who are always on the gopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Karachi's New Eateries To Try On Eid

From the blog cheflingtales Karachi is the ultimate destination for food lovers, and there is a variety of eateries in this big city, from the best Pakistani food to Continental to Chinese and fast food. There have been many famous restaurants to decide from when we wish to try different types of food at any time in Karachi. People coming from abroad or out of the city have always said good things about Karachi's food, it's taste and the variety offered. Karachi's food industry always has the best of the best to offer to local foodies and people coming from other cities. There are few new restaurants in town, that are also offering various cuisines for the people in K-town, I have tried a few and others are on my bucket list. *Dialogue * Dialogue opened it's gates for all it's customers on 24th May earlpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mi 6 sold out in one week in Pakistan

From the blog iamzeeshan Mi 6, Mi Max 2 and lines of Mi Ecosystem products make a new record of popularity through Smart Link Technologies distribution Xiaomi's official distributor Smart Link Technologies announced the fast sold out for the latest innovative products Mi 6, Mi Max 2 which were launched a week ago during an event at Beach Luxury Hotel Karachi. Known worldwide as the mastermind behind quality, innovation and creative thinking, Xiaomi has once again revolutionized the way Pakistanis utilize smart phone technology. Keeping the company's value driven strategy alive, Smart Link Technologies, the official distributor of Xiaomi, have launched two latest smartphones Mi 6 and Mi Max 2, and a bucketful of Mi Ecosystem products throughout Pakistan starting Aug 21. All these products are availpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

Comments Permalink Home 5590208477518935291 Pakistani Blog Posts

3 Reasons Why I Love Bioderma

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBioderma was launched as a revolutionary makeup remover a few years back and I remember reading about it on all of my favourite UK blogs. The micellar water concept was innovative at that time and soon took the beauty world by a storm. So, of course, I had to invest in one too and I assure you that I have never looked back since. If you are interested in reading my detailed review, check out my post on the *Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water* from the past. In today's post, as you can tell by the title, I am sharing with you the 3 reasons why I love Bioderma! [image: 3 Reasons Why I Love Bioderma] Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water PR Sample/Sponsored Post* *1. All In One Cleanser* Bioderma micellar water is pretty much an all in one product for people who are always on the gopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 29 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ موت کا ذائقہ سب کو چکھنا ہے، مگر زندگی کا ذائقہ کسی کسی کو نصیب ہوتا ہے مولانا جلال الدین رومی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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3 Reasons Why I Love Bioderma

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterfliesBioderma was launched as a revolutionary makeup remover a few years back and I remember reading about it on all of my favourite UK blogs. The micellar water concept was innovative at that time and soon took the beauty world by a storm. So, of course, I had to invest in one too and I assure you that I have never looked back since. If you are interested in reading my detailed review, check out my post on the *Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water* from the past. In today's post, as you can tell by the title, I am sharing with you the 3 reasons why I love Bioderma! [image: 3 Reasons Why I Love Bioderma] Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water PR Sample/Sponsored Post* *1. All In One Cleanser* Bioderma micellar water is pretty much an all in one product for people who are always on the gopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Samsung Launches The Galaxy J7 Core in Pakistan

From the blog propakistani Samsung has launched yet another mid-range smartphone for the masses. Samsung Galaxy J7 Core (known as J7 Nxt in international markets) is now officially available at retail and online shops in Pakistan. The phone comes in at a price of Rs. 24,999 and comes in black and gold colors. Design and Display Like other mid-range Samsung phones, the Galaxy J7 Core features a similar design with a home button below the screen flanked by back and recent apps buttons. Displays are Samsung's forte and the Galaxy J7 Core showcases that. The phone features a 5.5 inch Super AMOLED 720p (1280 x 720) resolution screen. The icons may appear pixelated when viewed up close however the colors are punchy with plenty of contrast. Internals and Storage On the inside, J7 Core is powered by Samsung'pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Karachi's New Eateries To Try On Eid

From the blog cheflingtales Karachi is the ultimate destination for food lovers, and there is a variety of eateries in this big city, from the best Pakistani food to Continental to Chinese and fast food. There have been many famous restaurants to decide from when we wish to try different types of food at any time in Karachi. People coming from abroad or out of the city have always said good things about Karachi's food, it's taste and the variety offered. Karachi's food industry always has the best of the best to offer to local foodies and people coming from other cities. There are few new restaurants in town, that are also offering various cuisines for the people in K-town, I have tried a few and others are on my bucket list. *Dialogue * Dialogue opened it's gates for all it's customers on 24th May earlpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mi 6 sold out in one week in Pakistan

From the blog iamzeeshan Mi 6, Mi Max 2 and lines of Mi Ecosystem products make a new record of popularity through Smart Link Technologies distribution Xiaomi's official distributor Smart Link Technologies announced the fast sold out for the latest innovative products Mi 6, Mi Max 2 which were launched a week ago during an event at Beach Luxury Hotel Karachi. Known worldwide as the mastermind behind quality, innovation and creative thinking, Xiaomi has once again revolutionized the way Pakistanis utilize smart phone technology. Keeping the company's value driven strategy alive, Smart Link Technologies, the official distributor of Xiaomi, have launched two latest smartphones Mi 6 and Mi Max 2, and a bucketful of Mi Ecosystem products throughout Pakistan starting Aug 21. All these products are availpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایک غلطی۔۔

From the blog ayesha کہتے ہیں احتیاط علاج سے بہتر ہے۔۔ Agar yeh dekh ker bhi aap test na karwayen next generation ko bachane ke liye tu am sorry to say aap kabhi nahi jaag sakte.. #awareness #thalassemia #GetTested [image: thalassemia] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hookup Show in Tollinton Leaked!!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore XXX : Hookup Show in Tollinton Leaked!!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سوچ ۔ بُری اور اچھی

From the blog theajmals ایک بزرگ کہتے ہیں "بازار میں چلتے ہوئے کسی نے میرے ٹخنے پر ڈنڈے سے چوٹ لگائی ۔ میں نے دَرد اور غُصے کی کیفیت میں پَلَٹ کر مارنے والے کو دیکھا تو وہ ایک نابینا شخص تھا جو اپنے ڈنڈے سے راستہ ٹٹول رہا تھا ۔ غُصے کی کیفیت جھَٹ سے شَفَقت اور تَرس میں تبدیل ہو گئی ۔ میں نے نابینا کا ہاتھ پکڑ لیا اور اُس کو اُس کی منزل تک پہنچا کر آیا ۔ ۔ ۔ اُس دِن مجھے احساس ہوا کہ جب انسان کا نُقطہءِ نظر تبدیل ہوتا ہے تو جذبات بھی تبدیل ہو جاتے ہیں"۔ ہمیں ایک دوسرے کے بارے میں نقطہءِ نظر تبدیل کرنے کی ضرورت ہے ۔ پھر جذبات خود ہی تبدیل ہو جائیں گے اور جو لوگ ہمں بُرے لگتے ہیں وہ اچھے لگنے لگیں گے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Forced Marriages in South Asia: Myth or Reality?

From the blog riazhaqThere are frequent accusations of forced marriages in India and Pakistan which are regularly reported in the mass media. These reports elicit a strong emotional response from the society at large. Many such cases end up in violence with families taking the law in their own hands. A few of these cases end up in courts with the judges deciding the fate of such marriages. Let's examine the reality of "forced marriages" in South Asia. *Interfaith Marriages:* Charges of forced marriages are usually leveled mostly against interfaith or inter-caste marriages, particularly when such unions occur without the agreement of the parents on one or both sides. Accusations of forced marriages are rare for same-faith and same-caste marriages arranged by the parents on both sides, even when thesepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایک غلطی۔۔

From the blog ayesha کہتے ہیں احتیاط علاج سے بہتر ہے۔۔ Agar yeh dekh ker bhi aap test na karwayen next generation ko bachane ke liye tu am sorry to say aap kabhi nahi jaag sakte.. #awareness #thalassemia #GetTested [image: thalassemia] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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وادی عشق

From the blog ashrafiya ھدیہ جناب مولانا علی منیر صاحب pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog pakteahouse *By Hamza Arshad* 'Well, again you are here', Rom roared, 'I thought you were gone to some other ditch'. 'No', Dom shouted, 'your wish is mockery of justice.' Then he cleared his throat and said, 'I was almost dead with disease'. 'You often remain ill', said Rom, putting his bony hand on his shoulder. Now his tone was less roaring. 'Things are not pure' complained Dom. 'Yah' nodded Rom, 'So much pesticide, urea, cobalt, arsenic and heaven of other things are mixed in our food. We are almost dying out'. 'You are right', agreed Dom, 'some 100 years ago, availability was scant, but superb taste and healthy drink. A hellish joy was to sip in the dusky eve of December when food was picked in lonesome groves or dark streets'. Then he displayed his white and long teeth. Suddenly Rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ابلیس سے جنگ کی روداد۔ ۔۔ حج کا سفر ۔۔۔ حصہ- 11

From the blog seems77 ابلیس سے جنگ کی روداد۔ ۔۔ حج کا سفر حج کی داستان حج کی اصل روح کے تعارف کے ساتھ تحریر: پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محمد عقیل حصہ-11 *شیطانی کیمپ کے مناظر* میں کروٹیں بدل رہا تھا ۔ غنودگی اور بیداری کی ملی جلی کیفیت تھی۔ اچانک میں تصور کی آنکھ سے اس جنگ کے مناظر دیکھنے لگا۔ اب منظر بالکل واضح تھا۔ اس طرف اہل ایمان تھے اور دوسری جانب شیطان کا لشکر بھی ڈیرے ڈال چکا تھا۔ شیطانی خیموں کی تعداد بہت زیادہ تھی اور ان میں ایک ہلچل بپا تھی۔ رنگ برنگی روشنیوں سے ماحول میں ایک ہیجان کی کیفیت پیدا کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی تھی۔ باہر پنڈال لگا تھا جہاں بے ہنگم موسیقی کی تھاپ پر شیطانی رقص جاری تھا۔ کچھ نیم برہنہ عورتیں اپنے مکروہ حسن کے جلوے دکھا رہی تھیں۔ ایک طرف شرابوں کی بوتلیں مزین تھیں جنہیں پیش کرنے کے لیے بدشکل خدام پیش پیش تھے۔ اس پنڈال کے ارد گرد شیاطین کے خیمے نصب تھے جو مختلف رنگ اور ڈیزائین کے تھے۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Here are Ten Most Populated Cities of Pakistan

From the blog propakistani The population of 10 major cities of the country has increased by 74.4 per cent since 1998, when the last census was conducted, according to the data of recently concluded 6th Population and Housing Census 2017. The total population of the 10 cities surged to 40,956,232 individuals as per the 2017 census from 23,475,067 registered during the 1998 census, the data revealed. The figures, based on 6th Census, show that population of Karachi has increased from 9.339 million in 1998 to 14.91 million in the latest Census. Lahore is the second largest city in terms of population. Its population has increased from 5.143 million in 1998 to 11.126 million in 2017. Population-wise third largest city of the country is Faisalabad, the count of which has gone up from 2.008 million in 1998 tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog pakteahouse *By: Rafique Ali* Karachi was my city, and then in another life, the fantasy of green pastures made the city a distant memory for a long time. Eventually, thaw defrosted and visits resumed, upon one such visit eight months ago during holidays, I experienced something called Super Sawari Express. The Sign Teenage members of my own and extended family accompanied me this time, however, they never set foot in the city or the country before. Being a quasi-tour guide my job was to introduce them to the city, its people, the history, culture, food etc. A relative advised "SUPER SAWARI EXPRESS", a city tour bus service. Some young people replicated what tour operators of New York, Chicago, London, Shanghai, Tokyo etc do. I think these smart business savvy kids did it with least invepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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If Death Note Happened In Pakistan

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesYou've heard of the anime (takes place in Japan). You've heard of the Netflix movie (takes place in Seattle). Now get ready for the blog post where we explore what would happen if Death Note took place in Pakistan. You know me. I'm Kanra, that one blogger who's obsessed with watching new things and then extrapolating them to see how it would play out if the setting was changed to my own country. So far, the only one I've done is for the Walking Dead and you can check that post out here. I have been considering to do a similar post for Daredevil and maybe the Avengers, but for now, let's settle with Death Note. This post will not be a chalked down, facts over fiction type of post the way the last one was. Nope, this time, I'm going to be writing out iconic scenes from Death Nopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔۔ 27 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ اپنی عمر سیکھنے اور پڑھنے میں گزار دو کیونکہ انسان کا سب سے بڑا خزانہ اس کا علم ہوتا ہے ، اس کو جتنا مرضی بڑھاتے رہو کیونکہ اس کا کوئی بوجھ نہیں ہوتا۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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If Death Note Happened In Pakistan

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesYou've heard of the anime (takes place in Japan). You've heard of the Netflix movie (takes place in Seattle). Now get ready for the blog post where we explore what would happen if Death Note took place in Pakistan. You know me. I'm Kanra, that one blogger who's obsessed with watching new things and then extrapolating them to see how it would play out if the setting was changed to my own country. So far, the only one I've done is for the Walking Dead and you can check that post out here. I have been considering to do a similar post for Daredevil and maybe the Avengers, but for now, let's settle with Death Note. This post will not be a chalked down, facts over fiction type of post the way the last one was. Nope, this time, I'm going to be writing out iconic scenes from Death Nopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Please help us to safe a human life. (Requesting for the assistance to safe a liver cancer patient)

From the blog ashiyanacampمحترم دوستوں، اسلام و علیکم. عرض خدمت یہ ہے کہ ٹیم آشیانہ کے سماجی کارکن منصور احمد بھائی کی والدہ گزشتہ برسوں سے جگر کے کینسر جیسے موزی مرض میں مبتلا ہیں. جنکا ممکنہ علاج کراچی، پاکستان مختلف اسپتالوں (عباسی شہید اسپتال، جناح اسپتال، دار الصحت اسپتال) میں کروانے کی کوشش کی ہے لیکن مرض میں کمی کے بجائے اضافہ ہوا ہے. مزید ٹیسٹ رپورٹس اور چیک اپ کے بعد ڈاکٹرز نے فوری لیور ٹرانسپلانٹ (Liver transplant) کا مشورہ دیا ہے جو کہ پاکستانی اسپتالوں میں نہیں ہے. مغربی ملک میں علاج کے لئے وسائل دستیاب نہیں جس کی وجہہ سے مقامی ڈاکٹروں اور فمیلی کے لوگوں نے انکا علاج انڈیا کے شہر دہلی میں موجود راجیو گاندھی کینسرانسٹیٹیوٹ اینڈ ریسرچ سینٹر میں کرانے کے فیصلہ کیا ہے. جسکے لئے ایک خطیر رقم کی ضرورت ہے. الله پاک کے فضل و کرم سے کچھ درد دل رکھنے والوں کی مدد سے کافی حد تک کی رقم کا بندوبستpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cameras Not Allowed

From the blog odysseuslahori"Tourist resort in Nagarparkar opens" reads a Dawn news item (August 21, 2017). The news item is topped by an image of a cluster of red pitched-roof buildings under a cloud-dappled sky. There would be few Sindhis who would not know of the magical Nagarparkar and its nearby Karoonjhar Hills of pink granite. And there would be only marginally more from the rest of Pakistan who would be unaware of this fascinating part of the Thar desert. Named after the redoubtable freedom fighter Rooplo Kohli of Nagarparkar who was hanged by British authorities in the late 1850s, the resort, so the report says, will promote tourism. I have serious reservations on the issue, however. Until about the middle of the past decade, travel to this area was free and easy. I have been a periodic visitor pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Village Couple Caught in Punjab

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore XXX : Village Couple Caught in Punjab, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Comments by a Pakistani Girl Living in USA

From the blog iabhopal Dear Trump, After hearing your speech on US foreign policy today, I felt the urge to pen down my ramblings with reference to Pakistan. Even otherwise when silence burdens one's conscience, it's time to break it. You said: "We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars". Please note that Pakistan has spent $123.13 billion, in direct and indirect cost due to war on terrorism, whereas US aid to Pakistan has not been more than US $ 30 billion. Moreover, there has been a 73 percent decline in US security assistance to Pakistan since 2011, and 53 percent decrease in economic assistance, as per the statistics released by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). Also note that, in 2016, Americas largest of its kind package of military aid amounting to U.S. $38 billionpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Letters En Route

From the blog safdarsikandar Dear Nyla, Thoughts are like fire that leaps from tree to tree in a forest. I can't seem to find a way to start it. I can't get hold of two necessary stones and if by chance I find them somewhere I can't ignite a spark. So I let it be and wait looking hopefully up at the sky for nature to light up the forest through its own instruments. Sometimes the clouds gather but there is only a sprinkle and the miserly wombs of blessing float away. If believed that all the ideas and feelings are a result of chemical bodily processes and that *thought is to brain what urine is to kidneys*, I might be suffering from intellectual anuria. What do you call a condition when you fear you might be hypochondriac? I think hypochondria covers that too, like the heart supplying blood to itself thropakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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After a day's work…دن بھر کے کام کے بعد

From the blog faisalainAt the #ANU pop-up village. اے این یو کے پاپ اپ ویلج میں۔ See it here: Full Post

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US Dilemma: Trump finding it difficult to dismount the lion

From the blog firewithin-jhb The US finds it does not know how to dismount the tiger. The US is finding the War in Afghanistan a little too hot for its liking and why not; it was a War that remained in search of strategy and failed to find it. It's not that I wish to gloat, nor that I want to say 'I told you so', but that one is forced to respond when confronted with accusations that the US failed in Afghanistan on account of Pakistan. That we were a tricky two-faced partner. Since I was closely associated with this conflict for a number of years and since I am aware of the things that happened, it is only right that people such as me must speak for Pakistan just as we fought for Pakistan. That a hundred and fifty thousand NATO troops have been overwhelmed by the imagined hoards that Pakistan sent across thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 26 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ دلچسپی کو طلب مت بننے دو . کیونکہ طلب کی شدت بڑھ کر ضرورت بن جاتی ہے ، اور ضرورت بڑھ کر کمزوری . پھر وه کمزوری انسان کو بے بسی کی حدود پر لا کھڑا کرتی پے ! خود کو مضبوط رکھو اور الله سے اپنے نفس کی مضبوطی مانگتے رہو. نہ جانے کونسا لمحہ کمزور کر دے . . . ! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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FTA with China: a loss-making deal for Pakistan

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics By Shahram Haq The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Pakistan and China has had a significant impact on the amount of trade between the two countries. This has prompted a shift from higher productivity to lower productivity in firms, which is far from optimal in the context of Pakistan's growth strategy. The relationship between the two countries has a long history and over the last few decades this relationship has been accompanied by significant economic interactions, which include the 2006 Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Pakistan and China as well as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). According to study conducted by the Lahore School of Economics (by Dr. Azam Chaudhry, Dr. Theresa Chaudhry and Ms. Nida Jamil), Pakistani tariffs on Chinese goods have negativepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Dressing Down!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Dressing Down!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Wish to cross all barriers in love's madness

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 7f0c210245a5fc5f797bbf2951ed7de5--african-queen-african-beauty] Wish to cross all barriers in love's madness Wish to have control in love's foolishness Where I've drowned deep in ocean of love I wish to ascend with same passion of love She's not happy with me, so I'm cheerless too Even then wish to have a converse with her too Our love heaven is been impassioned for long Wishing to bond love's delight to belong To her style, self-respect and pride of love Wish to bow down in admiration of love With death comes blissful message of life Wish to die such a delightful death in life May the creation go on lively supremely? Then would like to breathe a sigh briefly Constantly commit slip-ups and sins Shakil Wish to be salved after immoral deeds …………………………… SHAKEEL Badapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آپریشن جبرالٹر ۔ حقائق جو منظرِ عام پر نہ آئے

From the blog theajmals *اطلاع *۔ 15 سال کی محنت اور مطالعہ کے بعد میں نے جنگِ 1965ء اور کشمير ميں مداخلت کے متعلق مصدقہ حقائق يکجا کرکے 7 سال قبل شائع کئے تھے ۔ اِن 7 سالوں میں قارئین کی اکثریت بدل چُکی ہے ۔ اس لئے حقائق دُہرا رہا ہوں خیال رہے کہ 1965ء تک کشمیر کے لوگ بآسانی جنگ بندی لائین عبور کر لیتے تھے ۔ میں 1957ء میں پلندری میں گرمیوں کی چھٹیاں گزار رہا تھا کہ دو جوان سرینگر میں دکھائی جارہی فلم کے متعلق بحث کر رہے تھے میرے اعتراض پر انہوں نے کہا کہ پچھلے اتوار کو فلم دیکھ کر آئے ہیں ۔ میں نے یقین نہ کیا تو دو ہفتے بعد وہ نئی فلم دیکھنے گئے اور واپس آ کر سرینگر کے سینما کے ٹکٹ میرے ہاتھ میں دے دیئے ۔ میں نے اچھی طرح پرکھا ٹکٹ اصلی تھے سرینگر کے سینما کے اور ایک دن پہلے کے شو کے تھے آپریشن جبرالٹر 1965ء کے متعلق جموں کشمیر بالخصوص مقبوضہ علاقہ کے لوگوں کے خیالات مختصر طور پر قلمبند کرتا ہوں آپرpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Impact of Trump's Afghan Strategy on Pakistan

From the blog riazhaqWhat is US President Donald Trump's new Afghan strategy? What are its key elements? More troops? No deadlines? Partnership with India? More pressure on Pakistan? Is it really "new" or just a rehash of earlier Bush and Obama era strategies? How will Pakistan respond to pressure? Has similar or greater pressure worked in the past? Is it likely to work this time? Does Trump administration have more or less leverage with Pakistan than Bush and Obama administrations? What are Pakistan's legitimate security interests in Afghanistan? Why does Pakistan believe India is using the Afghan soil to launch attacks in Pakistan? What is the way forward in Afghanistan? Can the US military defeat the Afghan Taliban? What about the emergence of ISIS in Afghanistan? Do Iran and Russia need to be pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Your Self

From the blog iabhopal The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you as well. The beauty you see around you, is your beauty. The world around you is a reflection, a mirror showing you the person you are. The good you find in others, is in you too. The faults you find in others, are your faults as well. After all, to recognize something you must know it. What you see in others, shows you yourself. See the best in others, and you will be your best. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کاپی پیسٹ اسپیشل

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalکرنل محمد خان کی ایک شاہکار تحریر رضیہ ہماری توقع سے بھی زیادہ حسین نکلی اور حسین ہی نہیں کیا فتنہ گر قد و گیسو تھی۔ پہلی نگاہ پر ہی محسوس ہوا کہ initiative ہمارے ہاتھ سے نکل کر فریقِ مخالف کے پاس چلا گیا ہے۔ یہی وجہ تھی کہ پہلا سوال بھی ادھر سے ہی آیا: "تو آپ ہیں ہمارے نئے نویلے ٹیوٹر؟" اب اس شوخ سوال کا جواب تو یہ تھا کہ "تو آپ ہیں ہماری نئی نویلی شاگرد؟" لیکن سچی بات یہ ہے کہ حسن کی سرکار میں ہماری شوخی ایک لمحے کے لیئے ماند پڑ گئی اور ہمارے منہ سے ایک بے جان سا جواب نکلا: " جی ہاں، نیا تو ہوں ٹیوٹر نہیں ہوں۔ مولوی صاحب کی جگہ آیا ہوں" "اس سے آپ کی ٹیوٹری میں کیا فرق پڑتا ہے؟" "یہی کہ عارضی ہوں" "تو عارضی ٹیوٹر صاحب۔ ہمیں ذرا اس مصیبت سے نجات دلا دیں" رضیہ کا اشارہ دیوانِ غالب کی طرف تھا۔ میں نے قدرے متعجب ہو کر پوچھا: "آپ دیون غالب کو مصیبت کہتی ہیں؟" "جی ہاں! اور خود غاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Top 4 Places to get Perfect Cakes in Abbottabad

From the blog cheflingtales There are plenty of options in the city of Abbottabad where you can find good quality sweets. But when it comes to cakes, the choices are few. For different varieties of cakes and places where you can order, customized cakes are limited. We are hunting down some of the best places to get perfectly devourable cakes in the city. Eid is near, pick out the best of these spots and pre-order your Eid cakes. 1. Coffity Coffity is the best place to order your choice of cakes. This place is known for desserts. Many varieties include Death by Chocolate, Coffee Mousse Cake, Red Velvet Cake, Lemon Cheese Cake, and much more. Adding the artistic touch to your ordered cake is what this café is good at. A full cake or either a slice of that, it's your call. They make artistic ones, if you opakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ما گنه کاریم و تو آمرزگار

From the blog seems77 پادشاها جرم ما را در گذار ما گنه کاریم و تو آمرزگار اے بادشاہ ہمارے جرم سے در گزر فرما ہم گنہگار ہیں اور تو بخشنے والا تو نکوکاری و ما بد کرده‌ایم جرم بی‌ پایان و بیحد کرده‌ایم تو بھلاٸی کرنے والا اور ہم براٸی کرنے والے ہیں ہم نے بے انتہا اور بے شمار جرم کیے ہیں سالها در فسق و عصیان گشته‌ایم آخر از کرده پشیمان گشته‌ایم برسوں گناہوں اور نافرمانیوں کی قید میں رہے آخر اپنے کیے پر شرمندہ ہیں دایما در بند عصیان بوده‌ایم هم قرین نفس و شیطان بوده‌ایم ہمیشہ گناہ و نافرمانی میں مبتلا رہے نفس اور شیطان کے ساتھی رہے ہیں روز و شب اندر معاصی بوده‌ایم غافل از یؤخذ نواصی بوده‌ایم شب و روز گناہوں میں غرق رہے کرنے کاموں اور رکنے کی باتوں سے لاپرواہ رہے بی گنه نگذشته بر ما ساعتی با حضور دل نکرده طاعتی ہماری کوٸی گھڑی گناہ کے ارتکاب کے بغیر نہیں گزری ہم نے صدقِ دل سے فرمانبرداری نpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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SBP Launches Easy Loans Scheme For Women Entrepreneurs

From the blog propakistani State Bank of Pakistan launched "Refinance and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs in Underserved Areas" with 0% refinance rate and 60% risk coverage for small businesses. SBP Governor Mr. Tariq Bajwa, while addressing the launch ceremony in Quetta, reiterated his commitment towards sustainable and inclusive economic growth across Pakistan. "Women are central to this growth paradigm." 'It is for the first time in our history that a scheme with 0% refinance rate and 60% risk coverage for small businesses run by women entrepreneurs has been rolled out,' he said. "This scheme is an affirmative action by the State Bank to encourage flow of funds to small enterprises run by women in underserved areas of Pakistan. The scheme earmarks, at least 20% of funds for Balochistpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Top 4 Places to get Perfect Cakes in Abbottabad

From the blog cheflingtales There are plenty of options in the city of Abbottabad where you can find good quality sweets. But when it comes to cakes, the choices are few. For different varieties of cakes and places where you can order, customized cakes are limited. We are hunting down some of the best places to get perfectly devourable cakes in the city. Eid is near, pick out the best of these spots and pre-order your Eid cakes. 1. Coffity Coffity is the best place to order your choice of cakes. This place is known for desserts. Many varieties include Death by Chocolate, Coffee Mousse Cake, Red Velvet Cake, Lemon Cheese Cake, and much more. Adding the artistic touch to your ordered cake is what this café is good at. A full cake or either a slice of that, it's your call. They make artistic ones, if you opakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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10 donors 1 patient

From the blog ayesha *Sponsor a thalassemia major [image: 🙂]* [image: Donors for desferal Pakistan] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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More girls numbers to share

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Mobile Phone Numbers : More girls numbers to share, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan ISI: The Bogeyman of Afghanistan?

From the blog riazhaqBritish Afghan war veteran Major Robert Gallimore says he saw no presence of Pakistan's intelligence service ISI in Afghanistan. The Afghan Army saw the " imagined nefarious hand" and "bogeyman" of Pakistan everywhere but he never saw it. He "saw not one piece of evidence" of it. It was all in their minds. British Army Major Robert Gallimore with Afghan Soldiers During his three tours of duty in Afghanistan, he could hear all the radio conversations going on but never heard any Pakistani accent. He did, however, see "buckets and buckets of money" and rising Indian influence in Afghan Army that blamed Pakistan for all their problems. Pakistan is their bogeyman. The Afghan Army says they'll feel good when they can "invade Pakistan". They do not blame the British but the Pakistanispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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10 donors 1 patient

From the blog ayesha *Sponsor a thalassemia major [image: 🙂]* [image: Donors for desferal Pakistan] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Open The Box of Sahulat!

From the blog cheflingtales Being from a typical Punjabi family, I always saw my mother investing her time equally among me and my two sisters, her house chores, our father, and her active social life. She believes that a mother is the first friend a daughter has and the other way round, which is why her time with us is still an important part of our life, now that the three of us are married. Apart from a great mother and wife, she is a wonderful cook, her yummy dishes have always been the best part of our home. Back when we were all growing up, we used to have guests coming over every weekend and endlessly enjoying the food she laid upon the table, while she equally gave time to us, and this is what we learned while growing up. I wasn't a chef myself and didn't cook Pakistani dishes on a regular basis. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 24 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ ﺯﻧﺪﮔﯽ ﺍﻭﺭ ﻗﺴﻤﺖ ﮐﺎ ﭘﺘﺎ ﺍﮔﺮ ﺯﺍﺋﭽﻮﮞ۔۔ﭘﺎﻧﺴﻮﮞ۔۔ ﺍﻋﺪﺍﺩ۔۔ ﻟﮑﯿﺮﻭﮞ ﺍﻭﺭ ﺳﺘﺎﺭﻭﮞ ﺳﮯ ﻟﮕﻨﮯ ﻟﮕﺘﺎ، ﺗﻮ ﭘﮭﺮ اللہ ﺍﻧﺴﺎﻥ ﮐﻮ ﻋﻘﻞ ﻧﮧ ﺩﯾﺘﺎ- ﺻﺮﻑ ﯾﮩﯽ ﭼﯿﺰﯾﮟ ﺩﮮ ﮐﺮ ﺩﻧﯿﺎ ﻣﯿﮟ ﺍﺗﺎﺭ ﺩﯾﺘﺎ- ﺟﺐ ﻣﺴﺘﻘﺒﻞ ﺑﺪﻝ ﻧﮩﯿﮟ ﺳﮑﺘﮯ، ﺗﻮ ﺍﺳﮯ ﺟﺎﻥ کرﮐﯿﺎ ﮐﺮﯾﮟ ﮔﮯ؟ ﺑﮩﺘﺮ ﮨﮯ، ﻏﯿﺐ ﻏﯿﺐ ﮨﯽ ﺭﮨﮯ۔ اللہ ﺳﮯ ﺍﺱ ﮐﯽ ﺧﺒﺮ ﮐﯽ ﺑﺠﺎﺋﮯ، ﺍﺱ ﮐﺎ ﺭﺣﻢ ﺍﻭﺭ ﮐﺮﻡ ﻣﺎﻧﮕﻨﺎ ﺯﯾﺎﺩﮦ ﺑﮩﺘﺮ ﮨﮯ!! ﻋﻤﯿﺮﮦ ﺍﺣﻤﺪ کے ناول ﺁﺏِِ ﺣﯿﺎﺕ سے اقتباس pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Open The Box of Sahulat!

From the blog cheflingtales Being from a typical Punjabi family, I always saw my mother investing her time equally among me and my two sisters, her house chores, our father, and her active social life. She believes that a mother is the first friend a daughter has and the other way round, which is why her time with us is still an important part of our life, now that the three of us are married. Apart from a great mother and wife, she is a wonderful cook, her yummy dishes have always been the best part of our home. Back when we were all growing up, we used to have guests coming over every weekend and endlessly enjoying the food she laid upon the table, while she equally gave time to us, and this is what we learned while growing up. I wasn't a chef myself and didn't cook Pakistani dishes on a regular basis. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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حالات حاضرہ ، امریکہ

From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Call Girls Now

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Call Girls Now, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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شکرقندی کا المیہ

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalشکرقندی کا المیہ مرتضیٰ برلاس سے معذرت کے ساتھ سبزیوں کے حلقے میں، ہم وہ کج مقدر ہیں گاجروں میں مولی ہیں، مولیوں میں گاجر ہیں سرگوشی: شعر جو تختہء مشق بنا :) دوستوں کے حلقے میں ہم و کج مقدر ہیں افسروں میں شاعر ہیں، شاعروں میں افسر ہیںمرتضیٰ برلاس pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Machines or Donkeys; We are not humans anymore!

From the blog fancyontheroad Few days ago, my husband went out to pay internet bill with other things he had to do. He came few hours later and update his wallet app (which I have mentioned in my last blog). He figured that he has not paid the cash at the counter but the agent has issued him a slip as paid. He decided to go and pay in his next visit out. It reminded me of another similar incident with my friend's brother who was a cashier in a bank and forgot to receive a huge amount from a person and had to pay from his own pocket. Well… that's all. Story finished! But this led to a serious discussion between us, I wondered even in the "tech"era where everything is "computerized" we are still far behind in coping with human errors. In reality, there is nothing to really wonder, while working in tech I bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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 Top 3 Hi-Tea Spots for Under Rs. 750/ – Capital is not always expensive.

From the blog cheflingtales *Are you a budget freak like me? Food in the capital is tempting, and by the end of the month, we foodies are in trouble. Well don't worry, this time your pocket money is saved. I have some great places for hi-tea, where your budget won't go out of limit.* Whether you are a budget freak or a student with restricted pocket money, every single victim fights the usual battle with meeting the desires of food with a limited budget, and when it comes to Islamabad, it says even the addition of a single fine green mint leaf to the meal adds up to Rs. 10. *So hi-tea under Rs. 750 with up to 40 dishes? Well now take a deep breath and read on. * In today's blog, we are recommending you 3 amazing hi-tea spots in Islamabad, where you can eat under Rs. 750, perfect for treating buddies, a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اللہ کے نام پر۔۔۔

From the blog seems77 اللہ کے نام پر۔۔۔ افتخار اجمل بھوپال صاحب کا شکریہ سوچ کو بیدار کرنے کے لیے :) رسول اکرم سیّدنا محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہِ و سلّم کا ارشاد ہے " تُم میں سے کوئی شخص اس وقت تک کامل مؤمن نہیں بن سکتا جب تک وہ اپنی پسندیدہ چیز اللہ کے راستے میں قربان نہ کرے"۔ ہم تو اللہ کے نام پر دینے کے لیے بچے ہوئے سکے اور پرانے نوٹ رکھتے ہیں کہ کو ئی مانگنے والا ملا تو دے دیں گے ۔۔۔ پرانے کپڑے جن کے یا تو رنگ خراب ہو چکے ہوتے ہیں، یا آؤٹ آف فیشن ہو جاتے ہیں یا جن سے دل بھر جاتا ہے وہ نکال کر الگ رکھ دیتے ہیں (اللہ کے نام پر) کسی ضروررت مند کو دینے کے لیے ۔۔۔ دنیاوی مشاغل میں جو تھوڑا "فارغ وقت" مل جائے تو سوچتے ہیں کہ کچھ اللہ کا ذکر کرلیا جائے یا آج نماز پڑھ لیتے ہیں۔۔۔ ہم تو "بے کار" "پرانی" "فالتو" اور "فارغ" چیزیں نکالتے ہیں اللہ کے لیے اور توقع کرتے ہیں کہ وہ ہمیں بہترین دے (وہ کریم دیتا بھpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Policy Directive for Auction of 3G / 4G Spectrum in AJK and GB Issued

From the blog propakistani Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) and Gilgit-Baltistan Council on Wednesday approved policy directives for next generation mobile services (NGMS) 3G/4G in AJ&K and G.B, we have confirmed officially. After the approval of AJ&K/G.B council, the policy directive was issued to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) for the NGMS spectrum auction. Transparent, competitive auction will be conducted for spectrum allocation for deployment of next generation mobile networks. The allocation will be technology neutral and usable for technologies standardized for 3G and advanced generation(s) of mobile services. As finalized by the PTA & Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication in collaboration with the Frequency Allocation Board, the following frequency blocks for provisiopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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 Top 3 Hi-Tea Spots for Under Rs. 750/ – Capital is not always expensive.

From the blog cheflingtales *Are you a budget freak like me? Food in the capital is tempting, and by the end of the month, we foodies are in trouble. Well don't worry, this time your pocket money is saved. I have some great places for hi-tea, where your budget won't go out of limit.* Whether you are a budget freak or a student with restricted pocket money, every single victim fights the usual battle with meeting the desires of food with a limited budget, and when it comes to Islamabad, it says even the addition of a single fine green mint leaf to the meal adds up to Rs. 10. *So hi-tea under Rs. 750 with up to 40 dishes? Well now take a deep breath and read on. * In today's blog, we are recommending you 3 amazing hi-tea spots in Islamabad, where you can eat under Rs. 750, perfect for treating buddies, a pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hyderabad Girls and Contact

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Mobile Phone Numbers : Hyderabad Girls and Contact, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سوچنے کی بات

From the blog theajmals ایک فقیر ایک پھل والے کے پاس گیا اور کہا " اللہ کے نام پر کچھ دے دو"۔ پھل والے نے فقیر کو گھورا اور پھر ایک گلا سڑا آم اُٹھا فقیر کی جھولی میں ڈال دیا فقیر کچھ دیر وہیں کھڑا کچھ سوچتا رہا اور پھر 20 روپے نکال کر پھل والے کو دیئے اور کہا "20 روپے کے آم دے دو"۔ دکاندار نے 2 بہترین آم اُٹھائے اور لفافے میں ڈال کر فقیر کو دے دیئے فقیر نے ایک ہاتھ میں گلا سڑا آم لیا اور دوسرے ہاتھ میں بہتریں آموں والا لفافہ اور آسمان کی طرف دیکھتے ہوئے کہنے لگا "دیکھ اللہ تُجھے کیا دیا اور مجھے کیا دیا "۔ رسول اکرم سیّدنا محمد صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہِ و سلّم کا ارساد ہے " تُم میں سے کوئی شخص اس وقت تک کامل مؤمن نہیں بن سکتا جب تک وہ اپنی پسندیدہ چیز اللہ کے راستے میں قربان نہ کرے"۔ سوچنے کی بات ہے کہ کیا ہم لوگ اللہ کے نام پر اپنی پہترین چیز دیتے ہیں ؟ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Trump's Afghan Strategy: Will Pakistan Yield to US Pressure?

From the blog riazhaqAnnouncing the new US strategy on Afghanistan this week, President Donald Trump singled out "valued partner" Pakistan for increased American pressure to act against "agents of chaos" such as the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani Network who attack American service members and officials. Trump said this "will have to change, and that will change immediately." He also sought India's help in Afghanistan while ignoring the increased Iranian and Russian involvement in helping the Afghan Taliban. *Pakistan's Response to US Pressure:* Will Trump's pressure on Pakistan work? Will Pakistanis do the bidding of the new US administration? To answer this question, let us look at the following two quotes: 1. "The Pakistani establishment, as we saw in 1998 with the nuclear test, does not view apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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احوالِ ملاقات . فیض صاحب سے معذرت کے ساتھ​ (تضمین)

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalاحوالِ ملاقات فیض صاحب سے معذرت کے ساتھ​ وہ تو کچھ چُپ چُپ رہی پر اُس کے پیارے بھائی نے‎ چار چھ مکے بھی مارے، آٹھ دس لاتوں کے بعد‎ اُس نے اپنے بھائی سے پوچھا یہ حضرت کون تھے؟ "ہم کہ ٹھہرے اجنبی اتنی مداراتوں کے بعد"​ تضمین از محمد احمدؔ​ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What's new in Android Oreo — Learn in a few seconds

From the blog basitali This is a quick post on what's new on Android Oreo For Users - You'll see new colorful categorized notifications - You'll see a notification dot on the app icons (how you see on Samsung or iOS?) - Some apps can show up in a small window — called Picture in Picture — Like they do in Youtube app already? - Wow, you can download fonts and use them on your phone. For Developers Developers take note of following new or enhanced features in API level 26 (Android 8) - Fonts in XML instead of resource folder - Auto resizing TextView - Enhanced WebView APi - Color Management for apps - Adaptive icons - Multi-Screen support for your apps - Pinning shortcuts within apps and more These are just the highlights I thought I'd share with youpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Grinding Pakistan - US Relations: A Rational Analysis

From the blog firewithin-jhb Much is being said about the recent statement of Donald Trump. Yes, rightfully world has to analyze his words as he commands the super power. It is also acknowledged fact that a mere presence of its 101 Air borne division of aircraft carrier changes the power dynamics of region. Is move of 7 fleet into bay of Bengal into 1971 fresh in our memory? And have we read what our president was hoping? But we are a sovereign nation with a large army. Why should we go into panic. I am amazed that we are telling the world what we sacrificed for this war on terror – funny and shame. We need to do all for our country not to get American sympathy. We must learn to indulge in interstate relationship. Don't play victim to circumstances; you created. We are doing exactly the same. Let me refreshpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 22 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ ‏عزت نفس اور انا میں وہی فرق ہے ‏جو فخراور غرور میں ہوتا ہے ‏عزت نفس اور فخرکہتا ہے ‏کہ"میں بھی ہوں" ‏لیکن غرور اور انا کہتی ہے ‏کہ"صرف میں ہی ہوں" pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Favourite Bookmark

From the blog khatrihinaOnce upon a time there was this page that sold bookmarks. I liked two bookmarks on their page and wanted to buy them. One a silver quill with some black strips attached and one this Eiffel one. The silver one … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Long Time

From the blog randomlyabstract Filed under: 2017, Little Things, Photography pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 22 اگست 2017

From the blog seems77 ~!~ آج کی بات ~!~ ‏عزت نفس اور انا میں وہی فرق ہے ‏جو فخراور غرور میں ہوتا ہے ‏عزت نفس اور فخرکہتا ہے ‏کہ"میں بھی ہوں" ‏لیکن غرور اور انا کہتی ہے ‏کہ"صرف میں ہی ہوں" pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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FBR Burns Down 10.2 Million Counterfeit Cigarettes

From the blog propakistani The Directorate of Intelligence & Investigation (IR) of Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has seized 1020 cartons of smuggled cigarettes (10.20 million sticks) stocked in secret warehouses in Peshawar. The counterfeit cigarettes were burnt down today at 11 am in the presence of media and witnesses. Brands of Cigarettes 870 cartons of Gold Leaf, Red & White, Morven, Capstan, Gold Flake, Pine, C-Pec, Bridge etc. were confiscated, while 150 cartons of Chunghwa, Marlboro, Dunhill, Seven Stars, Grand, Winston & Pine were also seized from the warehouses. Intel Reports The intelligence wing of the FBR received an intel report from its sources regarding the secret warehouses within the premises of District Peshawar where huge quantities of non-custom paid cigarettes were stored. The pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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My Favourite Bookmark

From the blog khatrihinaOnce upon a time there was this page that sold bookmarks. I liked two bookmarks on their page and wanted to buy them. One a silver quill with some black strips attached and one this Eiffel one. The silver one … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Long Time

From the blog randomlyabstract Filed under: 2017, Little Things, Photography pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Call Me Please!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi XXX : Call Me Please!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shed tears either on conditions or oneself

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: chica-solitaria-cerca-de-la-ventana-pensando-en-algo-reflejo-melancolico-de-la-chica-en-la-ventana_1391-430] Shed tears either on conditions or oneself As I recall, I get upset and pity on myself I thought I had over and done with her so, What's the reason I get so much upset so? Why do we live and who do we breathe for Such topics often kept me more sadden for Who grieves over for someone dear friend Everyone weeps for own grievance friend ……………… kabhī ḳhud pe kabhī hālāt pe ronā aayā baat niklī to har ik baat pe ronā aayā ham to samjhe the ki ham bhuul ga.e haiñ un ko kyā huā aaj ye kis baat pe ronā aayā kis liye jiite haiñ ham kis ke liye jiite haiñ bārhā aise savālāt pe ronā aayā kaun rotā hai kisī aur kī ḳhātir ai dost sab ko apnī hī kisī baat pe ronā aayā pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistani Diaspora Thriving in America

From the blog riazhaqNearly half a million people of Pakistani origin call America home. Pakistani-Americans' education and income levels are significantly higher than those of the general population of the United States. Among them are doctors, engineers, lawyers, accountants, journalists, politicians, business executives, professional sports team managers and owners, artists, actors, entrepreneurs, salespeople, policemen, soldiers, convenience store clerks and taxi, bus and truck drivers. United States is the 5th most popular destination for Pakistani-born international migrants and the 6th largest source of remittances to Pakistan. In addition to participating in local philanthropy and community activities, several Pakistani-American organizations help raise funds for schools, hospitals and other pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Free serving Pak restaurant makes headlines in US

From the blog iabhopal In the world's most important capital, Mannan is silently improving image of the country of his origin. Running a small restaurant just within a kilometre from the White House, he is called a "Messiah", an "angel" and a "hero" in Washington. Top media outlets like the Washington Post describe him as a model immigrant and a success story. Mannan's heart beats with Pakistan. "I want to change the image of my country and my religion and show the world that we are a caring and loving nation," he says. There are hundreds of restaurants in Washington serving food from all continents of the world, but Mannan's "Sakina Halal Grill" is loved by Americans like none. His chicken Karahi, Butter chicken and Biryani are popular but most famous is his generosity. At Sakina, everyone can eatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جوش ملیح آبادی اور فیس بک ۔۔۔ تحریف در غزلِ جوش

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalجوش ملیح آبادی کی ایک خوبصورت غزل کسی شوخ ساعت میں ہماری مشقِ ستم کا شکار ہو گئی تھی۔ غزل کی اس تازہ شکل میں جوش صاحب قتیلِ فیس بک ہو کر رہ گئے ہیں اور اسی بات کی دہائی جناب اس غزل میں دے رہے ہیں۔ ملاحظہ فرمائیے۔ فیس بک دے کے مجھے اس نے یہ ارشاد کیا جا تجھے کشمکشِ دہر سے آزاد کیا وہ کریں بھی تو کن الفاظ میں مینشن تجھ کو جن کو تیری نگہِ لطف نے برباد کیا نوٹیفائیر نے کبھی چین سے رہنے نہ دیا جب میں لاگ آف ہوا، تو نے مجھے یاد کیا اے میں سو جان سے اس طرزِ تکلّم کے نثار آپ نے ٹیگ کیا اور کچھ ارشاد کیا اس کا رونا نہیں ان فرینڈ کیا تم نے مجھے اس کا غم ہے کہ بہت دیر سے آزاد کیا اتنا مانوس ہوں 'فطرت' سے، کہ لی جب چُٹکی جھک کے میں نے یہ کہا، مجھ سے کچھ ارشاد کیا مجھ کو تو ہوش نہیں، میں تو وہاں ٹیگ نہ تھا لوگ کہتے ہیں کہ تم نے مجھے برباد کیا​ پس نوشت: اِس دھماچوکڑی میں فرینڈ کی "ر" کہیں pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The first 10 days of Zil-Hajj

From the blog ashrafiya It is mandatory (*wajib*) for all male and female Muslims to recite the *takbiraat e tashreeq* after every *fardh* *salah* once. Males have to do it in a fairly audible voice. *Sayyidi wa sanadi* Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah preserve and protect him) said, 'In addition it is desirable (*mustaheb*) that during the first ten days these takbiraat be recited excessively. It is permissible to recite them quietly or aloud. In our era this has been abandoned. Whereas this recitation has been reported from many Companions of Prophet (Allah be pleased with them). We should act on it.' 'Our master Mohammed ibn Ali (Imam Baqir, Allah be pleased with him) used to recite it after all supererogatory *salah*. ' Inam al Bari, volume 3 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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