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Comments by a Pakistani Girl Living in USA

From the Blog iabhopal Dear Trump, After hearing your speech on US foreign policy today, I felt the urge to pen down my ramblings with reference to Pakistan. Even otherwise when silence burdens one's conscience, it's time to break it. You said: "We have been paying Pakistan billions and billions of dollars". Please note that Pakistan has spent $123.13 billion, in direct and indirect cost due to war on terrorism, whereas US aid to Pakistan has not been more than US $ 30 billion. Moreover, there has been a 73 percent decline in US security assistance to Pakistan since 2011, and 53 percent decrease in economic assistance, as per the statistics released by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). Also note that, in 2016, Americas largest of its kind package of military aid amounting to U.S. $38 billionpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Letters En Route

From the Blog safdarsikandar Dear Nyla, Thoughts are like fire that leaps from tree to tree in a forest. I can't seem to find a way to start it. I can't get hold of two necessary stones and if by chance I find them somewhere I can't ignite a spark. So I let it be and wait looking hopefully up at the sky for nature to light up the forest through its own instruments. Sometimes the clouds gather but there is only a sprinkle and the miserly wombs of blessing float away. If believed that all the ideas and feelings are a result of chemical bodily processes and that *thought is to brain what urine is to kidneys*, I might be suffering from intellectual anuria. What do you call a condition when you fear you might be hypochondriac? I think hypochondria covers that too, like the heart supplying blood to itself thropakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

After a day's work…دن بھر کے کام کے بعد

From the Blog faisalainAt the #ANU pop-up village. اے این یو کے پاپ اپ ویلج میں۔ See it here: Full PostComments 8892449867590198765 Pakistani Blog Posts


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