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Shed tears either on conditions or oneself

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: chica-solitaria-cerca-de-la-ventana-pensando-en-algo-reflejo-melancolico-de-la-chica-en-la-ventana_1391-430] Shed tears either on conditions or oneself As I recall, I get upset and pity on myself I thought I had over and done with her so, What's the reason I get so much upset so? Why do we live and who do we breathe for Such topics often kept me more sadden for Who grieves over for someone dear friend Everyone weeps for own grievance friend ……………… kabhī ḳhud pe kabhī hālāt pe ronā aayā baat niklī to har ik baat pe ronā aayā ham to samjhe the ki ham bhuul ga.e haiñ un ko kyā huā aaj ye kis baat pe ronā aayā kis liye jiite haiñ ham kis ke liye jiite haiñ bārhā aise savālāt pe ronā aayā kaun rotā hai kisī aur kī ḳhātir ai dost sab ko apnī hī kisī baat pe ronā aayā pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4960654130850258932 Pakistani Blog Posts


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