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Wish to cross all barriers in love's madness

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 7f0c210245a5fc5f797bbf2951ed7de5--african-queen-african-beauty] Wish to cross all barriers in love's madness Wish to have control in love's foolishness Where I've drowned deep in ocean of love I wish to ascend with same passion of love She's not happy with me, so I'm cheerless too Even then wish to have a converse with her too Our love heaven is been impassioned for long Wishing to bond love's delight to belong To her style, self-respect and pride of love Wish to bow down in admiration of love With death comes blissful message of life Wish to die such a delightful death in life May the creation go on lively supremely? Then would like to breathe a sigh briefly Constantly commit slip-ups and sins Shakil Wish to be salved after immoral deeds …………………………… SHAKEEL Badapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2278209544437725917 Pakistani Blog Posts


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