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If Death Note Happened In Pakistan

From the Blog the-emo-wolverine-writesYou've heard of the anime (takes place in Japan). You've heard of the Netflix movie (takes place in Seattle). Now get ready for the blog post where we explore what would happen if Death Note took place in Pakistan. You know me. I'm Kanra, that one blogger who's obsessed with watching new things and then extrapolating them to see how it would play out if the setting was changed to my own country. So far, the only one I've done is for the Walking Dead and you can check that post out here. I have been considering to do a similar post for Daredevil and maybe the Avengers, but for now, let's settle with Death Note. This post will not be a chalked down, facts over fiction type of post the way the last one was. Nope, this time, I'm going to be writing out iconic scenes from Death Nopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3957630846466312782 Pakistani Blog Posts


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