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ظلمت کے ساتھ امید بھی حد سے نکل گئی

From the blog urdu ظلمت کے ساتھ امید بھی حد سے نکل گئی جو شمع بجھ گئی مرے سینے میں جل گئی ہے زندگی وہ موت کہ آ آ کے ٹل گئی سانس آ گئی کہ سینے میں تلوار چل گئی امید کیا بندھی ترے ہجراں میں وصل کی آدھی کرن اندھیرے کو سالم نگل گئی جس نے خزاں […] یہ نگارش ظلمت کے ساتھ امید بھی حد سے نکل گئی اولین اردو نگار پر شائع کی گئی۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Understanding Multidimensional Analysis

From the blog linguisticslearnerMultidimensional Analysis is a quantitative framework to study register variation developed by Douglas Biber. These slides present a very basic introduction of this methodology and its assumptions. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sony Announces its First OLED Flagship With Xperia XZ3

From the blog propakistani Sony has officially revealed the new XZ3 after weeks of rumors and leaks and while it does not bring a whole lot of improvements over the XZ2, there are still a few things that are new with the XZ3. Design and Display Talking about the design, nothing much has changed over the XZ2. It still features the new, more rounded off design which does provide better grip over the phone in the hand. There's glass on the back which is a premium touch. On the back, you'll also find the single camera along with the LED flash and the fingerprint scanner. Sony has also added a new feature called Side Sense which works more or less like Edge Sense on the HTC U11 or U12+. Instead of triggering an action, what Sony does is view your most used applications in a little window so you can access tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 spots to indulge in if you find yourself in Gujranwala

From the blog cheflingtales The well-known city of wrestlers (Pehalwan) Gujranwala is a large industrial hub in Punjab. Gujranwala has its own cultural history which is rich and diverse. When we talk about the culture of a city then how can we forget FOOD. People come from entire Pakistan especially to eat "Chiras" (Sparrows) tikkas, because that is most highlighted and famous among Gujranwala cuisine. Here we are suggesting you to some of the best places you shouldn't miss when in the city which is as famous for its food as it is for its Pehalwans. *Shahbaz Tikka * Shahbaz Tikka is one of the best and perfect destination for foodies to visit trust me! Along with its special B.B.Q, it is famous for "Batair" and their renowned daintiness of "Chirra" which is barbequed sparrow meat. *Source: Shahbaz Tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Top 5 Most Popular Imported Used Cars in Pakistan in 2018

From the blog smartchoice Imports of used cars and minivans surged to 65,723 units in 2017, up almost 70 percent from 38,676 units a year ago, latest data released by the auto industry shows It was one of the headlines of the Dawn News on January 26, 2018. At the time when Pakistan saw a massive revolution in both political and social arena, the year witnessed a lot of upsurge in the changing trends of ways people are living. At the time when there were changing preferences in buying properties, the Pakistanis were found to be more inclined to buy imported preferably Japanese cars rather than looking for local made. According to a report published by the Import General Manifest (IGM), this year, about 75,723 cars were imported in Pakistan from around the globe and the most number of imported cars were pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Puppet on a string

From the blog mehmal*'Naya Pakistan' with old rules* Pakistan's general elections are over. Or are they? Well, technically the election results are in. The leading party is Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. While the process of government formation is still in progress, it is all but clear that the next prime minister of Pakistan would be none other than Khan. His dream has finally been fulfilled. Or has it? Could this 'dream' turn into a 'nightmare' for Mr Khan soon after coming to power? Only time will tell but we have already seen some teething troubles for the PTI. It was but obvious to all and sundry that Khan and his party, the PTI, would form the next government in Pakistan. No surprises there, given the pre-poll rigging. The night before the elections, most of us in the media were givpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Best Fintech Podcasts – My List of The Top Ten

From the blog faisalkhan The best fintech podcasts are the ones that satisfy the criteria of being informational, interesting, updated and a whole lot entertaining. Which ones fit the criteria? Let's see. But first, a bit about podcasts and fintech in general. Podcasts are a great way to news, information and even learn a few things. Whether it's during your morning commute, the gym or just enjoying a quiet evening watching the sunset, I always have my earphones plugged in listening to one of my favorite podcasters. In recent years, podcasts have become quite a big thing as more and more people find them more convenient to fit into their daily schedule. As compared to a radio show that comes on at a fixed time every day, podcasts are more flexible. When we started the Around the Coin podcast, the plapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Girl from Pakistan

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : The Girl from Pakistan, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Thousands of Indian Asylum Seekers in US Jails

From the blog riazhaqOver 4,200 Indians have so far been jailed for illegally crossing US-Mexico border this year, according to available data reported by US media. It's a big jump from 3,100 Indians detained in all of 2017. Most are seeking asylum based on claims of religious and political persecution in their country of origin. Source: LA Times*Undocumented Indians in US Detention: * Portland-based newspaper "The Oregonian" found that the single largest group of detainees at Sheridan Federal Prison in Oregon came from India. It reported that there were 50 Indians among the 124 migrants being housed at the prison. The others hailed from Nepal, Armenia, Brazil, Mexico and parts of Central America. *India Fastest Growing Source of Illegals:* India has become the biggest source of illegal immigrantspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hands-Only CPR?

From the blog firstaidtosavealifeWhy Hands-only CPR? Never do nothing! Thousands of lives could be saved every year in Pakistan if common people know how to do hands-only CPR (CPR). We're providing CPR training across the Pakistan to make sure that when someone has a … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog gsntahir There always will be A candle kept lit In a niche in every corner Of every heart To keep alive a hope Of a long dead desire Springing eternal Like a mountain stream The start of which Knows not where the flow Will peter out to a drop Lost in eons of dried soil For it is said There is an unknown unseen Hand plying the strings Of the puppet Called me! . . . 15.07.18 – 8:24 pm Lahore pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اک محبوب نگری – سفرنامۂ جہاز بانڈہ – چوتھی قسط

From the blog mbilalm جھیل کٹورہ ٹریک کے آغاز پر ہی منظرباز نے پہاڑوں کے اوپر دیکھتے ہوئے کہا "میخانے کا دروازہ کھول کہ رِند آئے ہیں"۔ پھر ہم خطرناک پتھروں پر بے حال ہوئے چلے جا رہے تھے۔ سچ ہے کہ حُسن کشٹ مانگتا ہے۔ جھیل یونس کے بعد راستے کی خطرناکی دیکھتے ہوئے شاہ رخ صاحبہ نے کہا "سوچ لو کہ آج مرنا ہے"۔ پھر ایک لڑکی نے ظلم ڈھایا اور ہم نے غصہ کھایا۔ آخر جھیل کٹورہ پہنچ ہی گئے۔ اس مقام کی تاثیر یہ تھی کہ "تم" آئے چناب کی صورت۔ خیر جھیل کنارے مسافرِشب سے ماڈلنگ کرائی۔ فوٹوفوٹی جنگ ہوئی، بونے ناچے اور کئی لڑکیوں نے "کُڑی مارکہ" کا عملی نمونہ پیش کیا۔ آخر ریل گاڑی چلی اور پھر اچانک حادثہ← مزید پڑھیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Glimpse of Cosmic Beauty For A Green Pakistan How to Spot a Toxic Person from a Mile Away Step-by-step guide to start a self-hosted WordPress blog Damages And Fine Of Rs.100,000/ Against Bank why we suffering. Mountaineering Training in Shimshaal: Some Reflections Pakistan e-commerce consortium (PEC) held their first meetup on 16th December, 2017 – PakEcomConnect Crossfire The Virtuous Psychiatrist: Meditations on Success and Flourishing How to Listen to Trees Rapist India rapes an Eight years old Muslim girl Asifa

From the blog cosmiczain The Universe is truly spectacular. From its billions of stars contained within each of the hundred billion galaxies to the millions of organic life forms that are sheltered and sustained on the planet Earth. Our home, this vulnerable blue world is just one of the many vibrant strokes on a vast cosmic canvas. But what is it that makes the cosmos beautiful? What aspect of this boundless masterpiece makes it worth human exploration for several millennia? If you still haven't figured it out then think about the Earths movement around the Sun. Each planet in our solar system while going around the Sun traces out a specific geometrical path in the form of an ellipse (an elongated circle). What's even more fascinating that this elliptical behavior is exhibited by planets of other solpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PEACE Cable System Initiates Landing Cooperation with Pakistan and Djibouti

From the blog propakistani PEACE Cable International Network Co., Ltd. (PEACE) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and landing party agreement with Pakistan carrier Cybernet and Djibouti Telecom during the 4th Asia-Pacific Submarine Networks Forum. Remaining landing party agreements will also be signed within the next two weeks, representing a key milestone in the delivery plan which includes the permit application work in each country. *(left to right) Mr. Frederick Chui, SVP Global Data at PCCW, Sun Xiaohua, COO of PEACE and Mr. Danish Lakhani, CEO of Cybernet at the signing ceremony* Geographically the PEACE cable will connect the three most populated continents in the world: Asia, Africa and Europe with backbone connectivity in Pakistan, Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya and France providing critical pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Traditional food of Hunza- GB – 5 local delicacies you must try.

From the blog cheflingtales Hunza valley will be greatly referred to throughout the planet for the lifespan of the individuals having a place from Hunza valley. Many people believe that it's the healthy atmosphere and diet in Hunza valley which counts into the beauty. Whether you bring useful control with respect to your craving you camwood attempt this heavenly food for Hunza valley Gilgit Baltistan. This food is precise rich to taste. You will figure out the genuine taste from calming nature Also purity for these nourishments. Wandering clinched alongside Hunza valley. Throughout these uncommon events will be energizing yet the main issue will be your mouth full for water because of those tempting smell for extraordinarily cooked nourishment will aggravate you the vast majority. Though you ever tasted pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Thalassemia patients of Pakistan requests to Government of Pakistan

From the blog ayesha FAiTh Patients & Parents Association request government to please take some actions for thalassemia patients of Pakistan. We need thalassemia centers or ward in every city where we can get free safe blood transfusion and regular iron chelation medicines. #thalassemia #pakistan #pti #ary #geo #samaa pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Necklace Girl Posing

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Sexy Girl Movies : Necklace Girl Posing, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How Plastic Is Dangerous To Our Environment

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylife"Today we use plastic- A material designed to last forever- For products designed to last minutes" Plastic is one of the most contagious materials in the world as it cannot be biodegraded. Our lives are the put at the verge of life-threatening diseases by use of this single material. We throw plastic bottles, bag & […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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State Bank: Pakistan IT Exports Surge to Pass Billion Dollars in 2018

From the blog riazhaqPakistan's information technology exports have bucked the nation's declining exports trend with double digit growth to reach $1,065 million in fiscal year 2018, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. It is generally believed that Pakistan's central bank underestimates technology exports. Some have argued that the actual IT exports were closer to $5 billion in fiscal 2018. Some of the differences can be attributed to the fact that the State Bank IT exports data does not include various non-IT sectors such as financial services, automobiles, and health care. Source: State Bank of Pakistan Pakistan IT exports surged 13.4% to $1.06 billion in fiscal year 2018 from $939 million in fiscal year 2017. The growth was even more robust in the prior year with IT exports rising 19.1% from pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Thalassemia patients of Pakistan requests to Government of Pakistan

From the blog ayesha FAiTh Patients & Parents Association request government to please take some actions for thalassemia patients of Pakistan. We need thalassemia centers or ward in every city where we can get free safe blood transfusion and regular iron chelation medicines. #thalassemia #pakistan #pti #ary #geo #samaa pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Solidarity with pro-democracy activists #India #Bangladesh #SouthAsia #FreeShahidul

From the blog beenasarwar *"…In a coordinated operation… several well known academics, lawyers, writers, poets, priests and journalists have been arrested and their homes raided by the police"… * [image: India arrests-threat] This extract from a statement titled 'Fascism at our doorstep' by Women Against Sexual Violence and State Repression (WSS) against the ongoing raids in India against democracy and rights activists applies elsewhere too. So do the words of Prof. Badri Raina in Delhi who writes in The Wire, "the grave fault of the human rights activists who have just been arrested is that they share knowledge of the provisions of the constitution of India with Indian citizens who, despite seven decades of practicing democracy, have remained disenfranchised from the promises of constitutional democrpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Glimpse of Cosmic Beauty For A Green Pakistan How to Spot a Toxic Person from a Mile Away Step-by-step guide to start a self-hosted WordPress blog Damages And Fine Of Rs.100,000/ Against Bank why we suffering. Mountaineering Training in Shimshaal: Some Reflections Pakistan e-commerce consortium (PEC) held their first meetup on 16th December, 2017 – PakEcomConnect Crossfire The Virtuous Psychiatrist: Meditations on Success and Flourishing How to Listen to Trees Rapist India rapes an Eight years old Muslim girl Asifa

From the blog cosmiczain The Universe is truly spectacular. From its billions of stars contained within each of the hundred billion galaxies to the millions of organic life forms that are sheltered and sustained on the planet Earth. Our home, this vulnerable blue world is just one of the many vibrant strokes on a vast cosmic canvas. But what is it that makes the cosmos beautiful? What aspect of this boundless masterpiece makes it worth human exploration for several millennia? If you still haven't figured it out then think about the Earths movement around the Sun. Each planet in our solar system while going around the Sun traces out a specific geometrical path in the form of an ellipse (an elongated circle). What's even more fascinating that this elliptical behavior is exhibited by planets of other solpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog r2square The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy has always been a rescue for me whenever I have been sad, lonely and whenever I didn't feel like dealing with the world. Reading it has always been like sitting next to a totally bizarre person in an airport waiting area, a person you encounter every time you travel through this particular airline. You've seen this particular man so many times and are so looking forward to running into him with his over-sized bag and his red pullover that the one time last October he wasn't there; you stood in the boarding line crestfallen and strangely disappointed. And life felt a little off. It is the familiar insanity that keeps me safe from a little unknown craziness from my own. This is what this book means to me. That strange man in a red pulpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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LG Launches the G7 One and G7 Fit

From the blog propakistani Today at the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) event in Berlin, LG was expected to unveil a couple of consumer electronics including a smartphone. However, they ended up releasing two smartphones today one of which is an Android One phone and comes without LG's UI on board. LG G7 One Design and Display The G7 One follows the same premium design elements as the G7 ThinQ. You get the premium glass on the front and back and the polished metal frame sandwiched between the glass which gives the phone a slim and sleek appearance. On the back, you have a single rear-facing camera on the round fingerprint scanner module below. The fingerprint scanner no longer acts as a power button but instead, you have a dedicated power button on the right side of the phone. The display ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Food brings people together – Foodies R US became the platform.

From the blog cheflingtales "Foodies r us", is one of the most active food group of Pakistani Audience. I don't know why my request is pending from a year but let's just I have my sources to get to the bottom of this story. *PS: If someone from the admins read my article then kindly accept my request, it would be so appreciable. * In the world of technology, anything is possible. As we all know in many cases, social media platforms worked a lot in choosing the right partner. It also happened in one of the most famous food group on Facebook *"Foodies r us".* Yes, it sounds so filmy but it is the sweet reality. *Mr. and Mrs. Ali. Kaunain *found each other on "foodies r us" and then they met. They took their relationship to the next level and got married. *Where there is a food, there is Love* We are so hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Businessmen Recommend the PTI Govt to Establish Digital Ministry

From the blog propakistani The computer venders/importers and assemblers have proposed Finance Minister Asad Umer to set up a digital ministry to exclusively deal with the rapid developments taking place in the IT world. Yousaf Jamal, Senior Vice Chairman of Pakistan Computer Association (PCA), today made a presentation to Asad Umer on the future of IT industry and recommended ways for improving functioning of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). According to Yousaf Jamal, in view of the rapid developments taking place in the computing world, the government of Pakistan should set up a new digital ministry, not only to connect industries/universities/hospitals and many other segments within Pakistan but also to enable the citizens to enhance their outreach and excess to global markets. "If we put the rigpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Back to school fun lunch box ideas for kids.

From the blog cheflingtales It's back to school season and what us mommies have to worry about is the lunch boxes. We collected some ideas for quick and easy lunch box snacks that are not just easy for you to make but fun for kids to enjoy! Make healthy fruit roll up DIY lunch for kids Make chips at home Cheesy crackers Here are some more ideas from our blog: Lunchbox Tips pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Choose The Girl You Love

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Choose The Girl You Love, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Remembering Kuldip Nayar, journalist, activist, peacemonger

From the blog beenasarwar[image: Kuldip, Nandita, Asma J] A precious photo: Kuldip Nayar, Nandita Das and Asma Jahangir at Wagah border. Photo: courtesy Seema Mustafa, The Citizen I was sad to hear about the passing away of veteran journalist and peacemonger Kuldip Nayar, 95, in Delhi. His passing in general evoked great sadness — as well as a resolve to keep working for his values — not only in India but the land of his birth, Pakistan. I had got to know Kuldip ji over the years through the Pakistan India People's Forum for Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD) that I joined as a young journalist from Lahore when it was launched in 1994-95, as the largest people-to-people organization between the two countries. The last time I met him was at Allahabad train station a few years ago. The lawyer S.M.A. Kazmi and opakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The first time I ever said a swear word out loud

From the blog furreekattI'd like to think I had a liberal upbringing. I really do. I was born in the 90s, my parents were in their 20s, life was pretty chill. Never did anyone in my immediate family ever force me to do anything or behave a certain way. Growing up, I had open discussions about a lot of things with my parents - including words and their meanings, especially the stuff I'd heard in school or on TV. Whenever I was confused about anything, I was explained in a PG fashion and sent on my way. This is why I think all the conservatism of my childhood was literally my own fault. I don't know where I got the ideas that dating boys was wrong, kissing was disgusting, and saying swear words was THE ABSOLUTE SIN, because my parents never told me any of these things. Neither did my grandparents, come pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City Notebook – Chinese Lantern Show

From the blog thekarachiwallaKarachi's first Chinese Lantern Show is being held in Shaheed Benazeer Park in Clifton from 14th of August to 26th of August. The ticket is for Rs. 300 per person which is quite overpriced for a family event. Valet is available but there is ample parking space along the boundary of the park. While the […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's First Week in Office

From the blog riazhaqPakistan's newly-elected Prime Minister Imran Khan has completed his first week in office. He has named his cabinet and key advisors to run his government. What key challenges does he face going forward? Pakistan graduated from low-income (level 1) to lower-middle-income (level 2) status at the end of Musharraf years in 2008, according to the United Nations. Can Prime Minister Imran Khan lead his nation to upper-middle-income (level 3) ranks by the end of his first term in office? What are his chances of accomplishing this ambitious goal? Successive Pakistani governments have failed to manage the nation's external accounts and foreign exchange reserves, forcing incoming governments to seek IMF bailouts. IMF bailouts come with strings attached, strings that impact Pakistan's sovpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to do CPR

From the blog firstaidtosavealifeCardiac problems are more common than you think, and they can happen to anyone, at any age, anywhere and anytime. It causes the person to fall unconscious and stop breathing. Without CPR the person will die within minutes. CPR should only … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tip for success

From the blog ashrafiya Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (Allah have mercy on him) once advised a person: In order for you to acquire focus and remain composed at all times, it will be necessary for you to make a timetable, allocating time for each responsibility. Thereafter, if you adhere strictly to your timetable, you will be able to easily complete all your various works with complete ease and undivided attention. Over time, working in this manner will become your second nature. (Qutbul Aqtaab Hazrat Sheikhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (rahmatullahi 'alaih) pg. 387) Airport Karachi-Jeddah pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cabinet Revises Timings for Govt Offices, Saturdays to Remain Off

From the blog propakistani Earlier today, it was reported that the federal government was planning to make Saturday a working day for public employees. A notification to this effect was circulated over social media as well: Govt offices to open on Saturday's as well. Agenda of Cabinet meeting under PM IK. — Azhar Sultan (@sazharsultan) August 24, 2018 A detailed summary was also presented for making Saturday a working day, with working hours set at 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. However, the news turned out to be fake. The Real News After the conclusion of the cabinet meeting by Prime Minister Imran Khan today, the news of the 6-day working week has been debunked, we have checked with sources. The cabinet has however decided to go with new timings for a 5-day working week: - Mondpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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زمانوں کی باتیں

From the blog khawarkingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to Start a Money Transfer Business – Video Series

From the blog faisalkhan I have written quite a lot about how to start a money transfer business; discussing the various options and trying to explain the intricacies involved in the whole process of setting up a remittance business. From blog posts to answering thousands of questions on Quora, I have covered almost everything that may come to your mind as someone who wants to begin an MSB business anywhere in the world. However, I find that when it comes to learning, people are more receptive to the physical presence of the teacher. Since that would be quite difficult, if not impossible, for me to manage, I decided to do the next best thing: A video series on how to start a money transfer business. I have always cited YouTube as accelerated learning. It is after all the second biggest search engine pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Girl Dancing Alone!

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore Girls : Girl Dancing Alone!, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The New World

From the blog snowysensation The new government has been formed and the new setup has begun. A lot has been said and there is soo much going on and so many perspectives and soo many analysis being done everyday that one seems as if a lot will be done soon enough. Though the new government has just talked about the audit of the former government's development projects, and still a lot of focus on the last government rather than things that will be spectacular like fireworks and wow us all. But maybe, we are expecting too much. Anyway, what we are looking at right now is a financial crisis and I am not an expert at this; I am a lay man when it comes to financial strategies, audits, budgets and all but whatever I know doesn't paint a good picture of the near future. I remember when Musharraf came to power andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Neurological disorders explained: Cerebral Palsy

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeStatistics have shown that about 500,000 children in the US alone are victims of cerebral palsy – a debilitating group of neurological disorders that keeps a child from leading a normal life. The prime manifestations of this disease are impaired muscle movement and motor skills along with secondary disabilities that affect vision, mental health, learning, […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog theajmals سورة 2 البَقَرَة آیت 215 بِسۡمِ اللهِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ يَسۡـــَٔلُوۡنَكَ مَاذَا يُنۡفِقُوۡنَ ؕ قُلۡ مَآ اَنۡفَقۡتُمۡ مِّنۡ خَيۡرٍ فَلِلۡوَالِدَيۡنِ وَالۡاَقۡرَبِيۡنَ وَالۡيَتٰمٰى وَالۡمَسٰكِيۡنِ وَابۡنِ السَّبِيۡلِ‌ؕ وَمَا تَفۡعَلُوۡا مِنۡ خَيۡرٍ فَاِنَّ اللّٰهَ بِهٖ عَلِيۡمٌ لوگ پوچھتے ہیں کہ ہم کیا خرچ کریں؟ جواب دو کہ جو مال بھی تم خرچ کرو اپنے والدین پر، رشتے داروں پر، یتیموں اور مسکینوں اور مسافروں پر خرچ کرو اور جو بھلائی بھی تم کرو گے، اللہ اس سے باخبر ہوگا pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز سے درخواست ہے۔۔

From the blog ayesha ہم سب جانتے ہیں پاکستان کےتھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز میں پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس کا عمل دخل بہت واجبی سا ہے، شاید ان کی قابلیت سینٹر چلانے والوں سے کم ہے یا تجربہ نہیں ہے اس لیئے۔۔ ہم باحیثیت تھیلیسیمیا پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس سوسائٹی سب تھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز سے درخواست کرتے ہیں کہ پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس کو موقع دیں کہ وہ بھی کچھ کرسکیں، جیسے کہ بلڈ کیمپ میں انہیں لے کر جائے تا کہ وہ ڈونرز کو موٹیویٹ کریں انہیں بتائے کہ ان کا دیا عطیہ کیسے ان کی زندگی بچاتا ہے۔ پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس کو انتظامیہ میں رکھنے سے ڈونرز کا اعتماد اور بڑھتا ہے اداروں پہ اور پیشنٹ کو بھی موقع ملتا ہے اپنے لئے اور دوسروں کے لئے کچھ کرنے کا۔ پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس سوسائٹی تمام تھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز کی مدد کے لئے حاضر ہے اگر وہ موقع دیں۔۔ شکریہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City Landmarks – Goan Union Hall

From the blog thekarachiwallaKarachi Goan Union Hall building has such a pleasing look that it uplifts the mood of entire neighborhood. Just like Goans of Karachi have rocked the social and cultural scene of Karachi since migrating here from Goa. Goans of Karachi originate from Goa, a Portuguese colony from 1510 to 1961 in Indian subcontinent. Being an […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز سے درخواست ہے۔۔

From the blog ayesha ہم سب جانتے ہیں پاکستان کےتھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز میں پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس کا عمل دخل بہت واجبی سا ہے، شاید ان کی قابلیت سینٹر چلانے والوں سے کم ہے یا تجربہ نہیں ہے اس لیئے۔۔ ہم باحیثیت تھیلیسیمیا پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس سوسائٹی سب تھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز سے درخواست کرتے ہیں کہ پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس کو موقع دیں کہ وہ بھی کچھ کرسکیں، جیسے کہ بلڈ کیمپ میں انہیں لے کر جائے تا کہ وہ ڈونرز کو موٹیویٹ کریں انہیں بتائے کہ ان کا دیا عطیہ کیسے ان کی زندگی بچاتا ہے۔ پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس کو انتظامیہ میں رکھنے سے ڈونرز کا اعتماد اور بڑھتا ہے اداروں پہ اور پیشنٹ کو بھی موقع ملتا ہے اپنے لئے اور دوسروں کے لئے کچھ کرنے کا۔ پیشنٹ اور پیرنٹس سوسائٹی تمام تھیلیسیمیا سینٹرز کی مدد کے لئے حاضر ہے اگر وہ موقع دیں۔۔ شکریہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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' مبارک ہو ''

From the blog universe-zeenoمنجانب فکرستان اور مبارک ہو *٭* ''عرفان خان،فیملی عرفان خان،اور لور عرفان خان کو *عرفان کا زندگی کی جانب لوٹنا بہت بہت مبارک ہو '' * عرفان خان نے دوران علاج صحت، زندگی اور فطرت، مذہب اور یقین کے حوالے سے جنِ خیالات کا اظہار کیا نیز اسی حوالے سے بیماری سے پہلے کے خیالات کو ''فکرستان'' نے غور و فکر کیلئے پوسٹ *زندگی/موت ؟* ایک سوال؟ کی صورت میں سجایا ہے ۔۔ملاحظہ ہو۔ ۔اب اجازت۔۔۔۔تاہم اگر دل چاہے تو *زندگی* سے متعلق میلوڈی سونگ *٭* نوٹ : پوسٹ میں کہی گئی باتوں سے اتفاق کرنا */ *نہ کرنا آپ کا حق ہے ۔ { رب مہربان رہے } pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Careem Wins the Best Online Ride-Hailing Service Award at Digi Awards 2018

From the blog propakistani Acknowledging Careem's efforts in engaging its customers through digital platforms, Digi Awards 2018 conferred the awards of 'Best online ride-hailing service'to Careem. KE's Communications Team received the award on behalf of the organization during a ceremony held at a local hotel in Karachi. The awards recognized Careem's state of the art services and its value added props, which enable Careem to maximize convenience for customers through its different platforms. The entry submission involved a vigorous and competitive screening process including case study submissions and live pitch presentations. The Awards were organized by BrandE advertising and were the first of their kind in Pakistan. Leading digital organizations from around the country participated in each categorypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Swimming, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bangladesh #FreeShahidul – my opinion piece in Washington Post yesterday

From the blog beenasarwar Shahidul Alam in Central Park, New York, 2012. Photo: Beena Sarwar *The Washington Post published my opinion piece about Shahidul yesterday. Below, a slightly earlier version of the final edited piece for those unable to access WP.* Here's why Bangladesh made a huge mistake by jailing Shahidul Alam *Beena Sarwar* The arrest in Bangladesh of the celebrated photojournalist Shahidul Alam is personal for me. He's been a friend for over 20 years through our work on media and South Asia. As in Bangladesh, the nascent democracy in my own country, Pakistan, is marred by censorship, illegal detentions and extrajudicial killings. Our common problems notwithstanding, the dominant narratives of Bangladesh, Pakistan and India are hostile to each other and suspicious of those who don't fopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Asian Games Football: Pakistan Bags First Ever Victory After 44 Years

From the blog propakistani After 44 years, Pakistan bagged their victory against Nepal in the Asian Games. Nepal was defeated by 2-1 in the last Group D match in Bekasi, Indonesia on Sunday. Situation seemed off for Pakistan when Shahbaz Younus, unintendedly, scored in own-goal in the 12th minute. But everything came back together in the second half as Muhammad Bial scored in the 54th minute. The game was sealed with a winning goal by captain Saddam Hussain courtesy a penalty in the 72nd minute. With this win, hopes are rising for Pakistan to make it to the knockout round. Be that as it may, Pakistan in comparison with other nations has a poor goal difference which is -6, as they lost to Vietnam in the first match and lost against Japan by 4-0 on Thursday. Overall, Pakistan has only won thrice at the Apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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عیدالاضحٰے مبارک

From the blog theajmals السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و بركاته کُلُ عَام اَنتُم بَخَیر ذوالحجہ کا چاند نظر آنے سے لے کر عيد کے تيسرے دن نصف النہار تک يہ ورد رکھنا چاہیئے ۔ اگر زيادہ نہيں تو ہر نماز کے بعد ايک بار ۔ مزيد عيد کی نماز کو جاتے ہوئے اور واپسی پر بھی اللهُ اکبر اللهُ اکبر لَا اِلَهَ اِلْالله وَحْدَہُ لَا شَرِیْکَ لَهُ لَهُ الّمُلْکُ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَ ھُوَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیٍ قَدِیر اللهُ اکبر اللهُ اکبر لا اِلهَ اِلالله و اللهُ اکبر اللهُ اکبر و للهِ الحمد اللهُ اکبر اللهُ اکبر لا اِلهَ اِلالله و اللهُ اکبر اللهُ اکبر و للهِ الحمد اللهُ اکبر اللهُ اکبر لا اِلهَ اِلالله و اللهُ اکبر اللهُ اکبر و للهِ الحمد اللهُ اکبر کبِیراً والحمدُللهِ کثیِراً و سُبحَان اللهِ بکرۃً و أصِیلاً الله سُبحانُهُ و تعالٰی سب مسلمانوں کو اپنی شريعت پر قائم کرے اور شيطان کے وسوسوں سے بچائے جنہوں نے حج ادا کیا ہے الله کریم اpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Can Imran Khan Lead Pakistan to the Next Level?

From the blog riazhaqPakistan graduated from low-income (level 1) to lower-middle-income (level 2) status at the end of Musharraf years in 2008, according to the United Nations. Can Prime Minister Imran Khan lead his nation to upper-middle-income (level 3) at the end of his first term in office? What are his chances of accomplishing this ambitious goal? Health-Wealth Levels. Source: *Four Levels of Development:* The extensive data compilation and research by Professor Hans Rosling of Sweden has shown that the binary categorization of nations into developed and developing is no longer useful. Instead, he proposed using 4 levels of development based on health and wealth indicators, a proposal that has now been accepted by the United Nations and the World Bank. Here's how the United Natpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hajj and Eid Felicitations

From the blog iabhopal اللہُ اکبر اللہُ اکبر لَا اِلَہَ اِلْاللہ وَحْدَہُ لَا شَرِیْکَ لَہُ لَہُ الّمُلْکُ وَ لَہُ الْحَمْدُ وَ ھُوَ عَلٰی کُلِّ شَیٍ قَدِیر اللہُ اکبر اللہُ اکبر لا اِلہَ اِلاللہ و اللہُ اکبر اللہُ اکبر و للہِ الحمد اللہُ اکبر اللہُ اکبر لا اِلہَ اِلاللہ و اللہُ اکبر اللہُ اکبر و للہِ الحمد اللہُ اکبر کبِیرہ والحمدُللہِ کثیِرہ و سُبحَان اللہِ بکرۃً و أصِیلا Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, La ilaha il-Allah, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul mulko wa lahul hamdo wa howa ala kul-li sayyin Qadeer Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, La ilaha il-Allah, wa Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, wa lil'lahil hamd Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, La ilaha il-Allah, wa Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar, wa lil'lahil hamd Allaho Akbar kabeera, wal-hamdulillahi kathira, wa sub-han Allahi bukratan wa aseela May Allah accept Hajj of tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sunna of washing hands prior to eating

From the blog ashrafiya *Sayyidi* *wa sanadi *Shaikh Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) was requested to join the dinner at wedding reception. Shaikh asked the host for location of the restroom to wash hands. It was located far away so provision was made to wash hands in the garden nearby. As Shaikh was washing hands he commented, 'These days this *Sunna* (the habit of Prophet, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) of washing hands prior to eating is being neglected (especially in big events and gatherings).' Sunset Club, Banquet hall, Phase 2 ext. DHA. 19 August 2018, 2300 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Exploring #Eid menu – Kalaji to palau to #BBQ.

From the blog cheflingtales Eid is almost here and with all the gosht that we will have (after obviously giving relatives and the needy their part) there is so much we can make. Day 1 is always kalajee breakfast (our chef has a special tip for you in the video). No matter what you are planning to make Chef Fatima guides you to portioning your bakra. From marinating your BBQ botis to pasandey and steaks, kababs, yukhni pulao, hunter beef and more. Know your Meat Cuts Recipes our Chef talked about: Mutton Biryani Hunter Beef Kachay Ghost ke Dam Biryani Chops https://cheflingtapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Top Pictures from Pakistanis Who Took Part in World Photography Day

From the blog propakistani People across the world celebrate August 19 as World Photography Day, an online platform where photographers, beginners or professionals, come together to share their world with the world. World Photo Day basically honors the invention of the Daguerreotype, a photographic process developed by Frenchmen Louis Daguerre and Joseph Nicephore Niepce in 1837. On January 9, 1839, the French Academy of Sciences announced the Daguerreotype process. On August 19, the French government purchased the patent and announced the invention as a gift "free to the world". The first global online gallery was hosted on August 19, 2010 where 270 photographers shared their pictures and people from a hundred countries visited the website. That year onwards, August 19 is celebrated all over the worldpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Exploring #Eid menu – Kalaji to palau to #BBQ.

From the blog cheflingtales Eid is almost here and with all the gosht that we will have (after obviously giving relatives and the needy their part) there is so much we can make. Day 1 is always kalajee breakfast (our chef has a special tip for you in the video). No matter what you are planning to make Chef Fatima guides you to portioning your bakra. From marinating your BBQ botis to pasandey and steaks, kababs, yukhni pulao, hunter beef and more. Know your Meat Cuts Recipes our Chef talked about: Mutton Biryani Hunter Beef Kachay Ghost ke Dam Biryani Chops https://cheflingtapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Yummy Meat Dishes You Must Try This Eid-ul-Adha

From the blog smartchoice The festive season is here again and this time people can be seen excited to try new meat dishes to soothe their taste buds. Eid-ul-Adha is an occasion where millions of Muslims are at Makkah performing Hajj while the remaining are all set for the religious sacrifice of animals, in the name of Allah. Following the great sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim, each year on Eid-ul-Adha, and the Muslims slaughter animals in the name of Allah. In Pakistan, we are ready for sacrifices to show willingness and acceptance of scarifying made by Prophet Ibrahim and his beloved son Hazrat Ismail as an act of submission to the Almighty Allah's command. According to Islamic rituals, the meat of the sacrificed animal is divided into 3 equal sections. This sectioned meat is then shared into different pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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'Pakistan can address payment woes by curbing GDP growth'

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Shahram Haq Pakistan can tackle its balance of payments woes by slowing down gross domestic product (GDP) growth through fiscal and monetary contraction as currently it is the only short-term solution for the country's economic managers, suggested a research conducted by the Lahore School of Economics (LSE). For the long run, Pakistan's policymakers needed to develop an industrial strategy aimed at producing higher value-added export goods, it said. The argument presented by researchers was that it was the high GDP growth that caused the recurring balance of payments problem. "The fundamental reason behind this is that there exists structural weakness in Pakistan's economy in terms of composition of exports since a higher growth is accompanied by significantly higher importspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What Philanthropy Taught us About Crowd Sourcing Financial Aid in One Month

From the blog shaistathinks How a Fundraiser brought together an Islamic scholar and a development practitioner, who share five key lessons in crowd sourcing financial aid for a humanitarian cause. By Shaista Hussain and Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani Dr. Sayed Ammar Nakshawani is an Islamic scholar and a global goodwill Ambassador of the Zahra Trust, a UK based charity which is in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations. Shaista Hussain is a development practitioner working for a multilateral development bank, based in the Philippines. A fundraiser brought us together, and we wanted to share our thoughts which may be applied to any humanitarian cause. This year Sayed Ammar raised a funds appeal, both offline and online, to support orphans and familiepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTI Chief Imran Khan Inaugurated Pakistan's 22nd Prime Minister

From the blog riazhaqPakistan Tehreek e Insaaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan became Pakistan's 22nd prime minister after his 22-year-long quest for the highest executive office in the land. What is the historic significance of this event for Pakistan's democracy? Has it finally ended the three-decade-long dynastic duopoly of the Pakistan Muslim League and the Pakistan People's Party which are controlled by Sharifs and Bhuttos? Will the emergence of the PTI as the 3rd political force likely reduce corruption and improve governance in Pakistan? Is Imran Khan's nomination of Sardar Usman Buzdar as Punjab Chief Minister a mistake? Will Prime Minister Imran Khan make mistakes as he begins his tenure? Will his opponents jump at every opportunity to attack him when he makes mistakes? Should he be allowed to make pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Audio: Nisab e Tasawwuf (Urdu)

From the blog ashrafiya Plan is for daily reading from the curriculum of Tasawwuf (nisab e Tasawwuf) 10-15 mins. It will be available on Mixlr. Timings: after maghrib salah (Jeddah). May Allah accept it and make it most beneficial for us. Ameen! pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A VISIT TO THARPARKAR: World's Only Fertile Desert

From the blog faizansworld I once visited a place which has taken firm roots in my heart. Its uniqueness, freshness, and diversity have made a lasting impression upon my mind. The white sand when receives a tiny bit of rainfall, gives rise to lush green carpets spread over several thousand miles. Then the terrain seems so moving, so wavy as if a part of giant but smoothly elevated ocean wave. Then the overall environment, camels walking besides roads, small indigenous huts placed in middle of nowhere, deeply dug wells in the most barren land, simplest ever people taking care of the guests, and the light fragrance of the tropical desert, all suggest that there is nothing like Tharparkar in this entire world. The word 'Tharparkar' comes from Thar or Thul which means thorn or sand ridges and 'Parkar' meanspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A VISIT TO THARPARKAR: World's Only Fertile Desert

From the blog faizansworld I once visited a place which has taken firm roots in my heart. Its uniqueness, freshness, and diversity have made a lasting impression upon my mind. The white sand when receives a tiny bit of rainfall, gives rise to lush green carpets spread over several thousand miles. Then the terrain seems so moving, so wavy as if a part of giant but smoothly elevated ocean wave. Then the overall environment, camels walking besides roads, small indigenous huts placed in middle of nowhere, deeply dug wells in the most barren land, simplest ever people taking care of the guests, and the light fragrance of the tropical desert, all suggest that there is nothing like Tharparkar in this entire world. The word 'Tharparkar' comes from Thar or Thul which means thorn or sand ridges and 'Parkar' meanspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Girl Opening Shirt at Seaview

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Girl Opening Shirt at Seaview, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ہمیں اِس کی اشد ضرورت ہے

From the blog theajmals آج کل سائنس کی ترقی کا چرچہ ہے ۔ سائنس کی ترقی نے آدمی کو بہت سہولیات مہیاء کر دی ہیں پڑھنے لکھنے پر بھی زور ہے جس کے نتیجہ میں بہت لوگوں نے بڑی بڑی اسناد حاصل کر لی ہیں توقع تو تھی کہ ان سہولیات کو استعمال کرتے ہوئے آدمی تعلیم حاصل کر کے انسان بن جائیں گے لیکن سائنس کی ترقی میں انسانیت کم پنپ پائی ہے اور وبال یا جہالت زیادہ سائنس کے استعمال نے انسان کا خون انفرادی ہی نہیں بلکہ انبوہ کے حساب سے آسان بنا دیا ہے اور انسانیت بلک رہی ہے ایسے میں ویب گردی کرتے میں افریقہ جا پہنچا ۔ دیکھیئے نیچے تصویر میں کون بچے ہیں اور کیا کر رہے ہیں [image: Ubuntu] ان بچوں کے پاس اپنے جسم ڈھانپنے کیلئے پورے کپڑے نہیں لیکن اس تصویر سے اُن کی باہمی محبت اور احترام کا اظہار ہوتا ہے ۔ یہ تو میرا اندازہ ہے ۔ اصل حقیقت یہ ہے ایک ماہرِ بشریات (anthropologist) نے ایسے لوگوں کو شاید پڑھا لکھا نہ ہونے کیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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زندگی/موت ؟

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان:عرفان خان کے خیالات * * بیماری سے پہلے بیماری کے بعد۔* انسانی بیداری شعور نے جب "کائنات اور اپنی ذات" کا سوال اُٹھایا تو وہ دو رویا شاہراہ" دل و دماغ "پر گامزن ہوُا۔ "دل"نے اپنی شاہراہ کو مختلف مذاہب فرقوں سے سجایا تو ''دماغ'' نے اپنی شاہراہ کو حیران کُن ایجادات سے سجایا، دُنیا گلوبل ولیج بن گئی تو جان پایا کہ ''جس خطہ زمین اورجس گھرانے میں پیدا ہوا '' ،وہاں کا مذہبی ماحول اِس یقین کو پکّا کرتا ہے کہ دُنیا میں صرف اُسی کا مذہب یا فرقہ ہی سچّا ہے کہ بخشش بھی صرف اِسی مذہب یا فرقے کے پیروکاروں کی ہوگی اور جنّت کے حقدار بھی صرف یہی ٹھرائے جائیں گے ۔۔اِس تمہید کے بعد آئیں جانیں کہ مذہب کے بارے میں عرفان خان کا نقطہ نظر کیا ہے؟۔۔۔۔ ''بیماری سے پہلے عرفان کے "خیالات " ہر فرد کو اپنے لئے، اپنے مذہب کو تلاش کرنا چاہئے۔ دوسرے کی طرف سے بتایا گیا مذہب کوئی مذہب نہیں ہوتا اوpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PM Announces Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui of MQM as Minister for IT

From the blog propakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has appointed Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui as Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication. Siddiqui is the current convener and leader of the Muttahida Quami Movement Pakistan (MQMP) and was elected in the general election held on July 25, 2018. He was also elected in the general election 2013. It is worth mentioning that Siddiqui has apparently no experience of information technology sector and was not even member of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Information Technology and Telecommunication during his last tenure as member Parliament. Former Minister for IT Anusha Rehman was member of the Standing Committee during her earlier tenure (2008-13) and after her selection on reserved seat in 2013, she was given the charge of Statpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Independence Day Celebrations at Marriott Islamabad!

From the blog areejusmanIts August! A few days ago Pakistan our dearest country celebrated its 71st Birthday! Its a big milestone for any country and nowadays the spirit of a new Pakistan is being celebrated more all over the entire nation!As Imran Khan just took oath as new Prime Minister! Wish him all the best in making a New Pakistan and taking us towards our betterment and bringing the good out of the Pakistani Nation! A lot of events and celebrations took place in the entire country.Some remarkable events were held in the capital as well.I was invited to witness one of those.It was the cake cutting ceremony at Marriott Islamabad to celebrate independence day!It was not an ordinary cake! It was a 71ft long cake weighing over a 1000 kg that actually represented the 71 years of Pakistan. The chefs and pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What is CPR?

From the blog firstaidtosavealifeWhat is CPR? CPR stands for Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation. Cardio means "of the heart" and pulmonary means "of the lungs." Resuscitation is a medical word that means "to revive" — or bring back to life. Its an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions often with artificial ventilation in … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Celebrate This Eid-ul-Azha With Infinix Special Eid Discounts

From the blog telecompk style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2983676629643435″ data-ad-slot="8774799491″ data-ad-format="auto"> Ever a brand of the people, Pakistan's leading smartphone brand Infinix has always strived to provide its consumers with only the best of the best. Already known for combining innovative, cutting edge technology with affordability, Infinix has gone one step further this Eid by offering amazing discounts on all its bestsellers to give consumers one more reason to celebrate. *"Eid is a time for celebration and the giving of gifts. This is Infinix's gift for its Pakistani consumers and through this we also hope to promote the spirit of gift-giving in others looking to make this Eid even more special for their loved ones"*, said Infinix's General Manager of Pakistan, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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8 Lahore Spots That will Roast Raan For You on this Eid

From the blog cheflingtales Eid ul Azha is coming and with that Eid's preparations has been started everywhere. It doesn't matter if you have sacrificed a bakra or a gayee, what's matter is your intentions. In every family, there are two types of people: one who handle all the things regarding Qurbani and women mostly hold the kitchen center and make some yummy dishes on this Eid. Personally, being a man I always love Eid ul Azha more because of yummy food. After Eid 1st day, Family Get-togethers starts, and everyone mostly looks forward towards the Raan. It is very hard to find the best place but Chefling Tales is solving this issue also and giving you 8 best spots of Lahore that can make the yummiest Raan. Java Broast How can we forget "Java broast" restaurant when we list down the best Raan places ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آدمی کا مرثیہ

From the blog urdu دشت سے ایک اور مجنوں گھر گیا دکھ ہوا سن کر کہ تو بھی مر گیا آدمی کیا آدمی کی بات کیا پھونک کیا اور پھونک کی اوقات کیا یہ امیرِ سلطنت اور وہ غریب یہ مریضِ لادوا اور وہ طبیب کل کا وہ لڑکا وہ مردِ پختہ کار وہ زنِ مشفق وہ طفلِ شیر […] یہ نگارش آدمی کا مرثیہ اولین اردو نگار پر شائع کی گئی۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Intel Upgrades its NUC PCs With More Power

From the blog propakistani Intel's NUC mini PC project is apparently still going at full force, with the company now introducing a new mid-range PC which similarly doesn't take up too much desk space. Once again, Intel has also used the opportunity to showcase one of its newer Cannon Lake processors, with the new NUC coming with a 2.2GHz dual-core Core i3-8121U processor, which was previously seen on a solitary Lenovo laptop. The 10nm processor is unique in that it comes with an integrated GPU of its own. That's not all, as the NUC also comes with some decent graphics, in the form of a 2 GB AMD Radeon 540 GPU, with 512 stream processors. RAM options are set at either 4 or 8 GB. Storage and Connectivity For storage, both 2.5-inch and M.2 SSD slots are supported, with up to 1 TB HDD. The new NUC also cpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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8 Lahore Spots That will Roast Raan For You on this Eid

From the blog cheflingtales Eid ul Azha is coming and with that Eid's preparations has been started everywhere. It doesn't matter if you have sacrificed a bakra or a gayee, what's matter is your intentions. In every family, there are two types of people: one who handle all the things regarding Qurbani and women mostly hold the kitchen center and make some yummy dishes on this Eid. Personally, being a man I always love Eid ul Azha more because of yummy food. After Eid 1st day, Family Get-togethers starts, and everyone mostly looks forward towards the Raan. It is very hard to find the best place but Chefling Tales is solving this issue also and giving you 8 best spots of Lahore that can make the yummiest Raan. Java Broast How can we forget "Java broast" restaurant when we list down the best Raan places ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Dating Girls Snapshots

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Islamabad Girls : Dating Girls Snapshots, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Best Guide To Raise Your Child

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylife"Silence is golden. Unless you have a toddler, then its just suspicious" When your kids are growing up, they start inheriting the behaviors of the people around them. You might not be able to keep an eye on them all the times however you can provide better chances of development by various strategies. The early […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1924-2018): Kinder, Gentler Face of Hindu Nationalism

From the blog riazhaqFormer Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee passed away today in New Delhi, India, according to media reports. He was 93. He was seen as the moderate face of Hindu Nationalism. Mr. Vajpayee led Hindu Nationalists to their first-ever outright election victory with the majority of seats won by his BJP-led NDA (National Democratic Alliance) in the Indian parliament in 1999. He had briefly held the prime minister's job twice earlier but the third time proved to be the charm. His third term in office lasted from 1999 until 2004. *Hardcore Hindu Nationalist:* Vajpayee represented kind and gentle face of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh). Beneath the surface, however, he was a hardcore Hindu Nationalist. He joined the RSS at the age of 16. The RSS has sought to make India apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Khan, Sidhu, Vajpayee, and India Pakistan relations

From the blog beenasarwar[image: Sidhu-Khan] Navjot Singh Sidhu has a visa to attend Imran Khan's swearing in ceremony. Why can't visas be easy for everyone? Image courtesy: CatchNews *August 17 this year marks 30 years since the mid-air explosion that killed the military dictator General Ziaul Haq in 1988. This year, Zia's death anniversary ironically took a back seat to the election of the country's new prime minister. Today, the 342-seat National Assembly voted on the prime minister, who of course was Imran Khan. His speech and that of Shahbaz Sharif were sadly marred by sloganeering in the gallery from their opponents. Everyone listened attentively to Bilawal Bhutto's maiden speech in parliament – well spoken, reminded the speaker and prime minister-elect of their responsibilities and paid tribute tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ufone Concludes Its Summer Internship Program with 40 Interns

From the blog propakistani Ufone's flagship Summer Internship Program for 2018, that on-boarded 40 interns from 15 universities across Pakistan and had commenced on June 18th, successfully concluded on August 15th. The internship program is launched once every year, through which a limited number of students are placed within the organization for 6-8 weeks after undergoing a competitive and merit-based selection process. For their exceptional performance, interns received awards and giveaways. The Ufone leadership team acknowledged academia partners' contribution in building the leaders of tomorrow. Commandant Brigadier Tariq and Dr. Mohsin Tiwana from College of EME NUST, Dr. Ashfaque Hasan Khan, Dean and Principal, School of Social Sciences and Humanities NUST were present at the ceremony among the atpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Where in Lahore can you find best of it's traditional dishes

From the blog cheflingtales Lahore brings to the table each one of those delectable and extremely desi dishes. Lahore isn't only the core of Punjab yet in addition most flavorful desi sustenance things. Lahoris are known for their cordiality, hospitality, and taste as well. Thus it ought not to come as an unexpected while as per neighborhood convention, you can win the hearts of individuals through tasty food. Here are some of the traditional foods with their famous spots, that the city of Lahore has to offer: *Chicken Karahi* *Source: *** Chicken karahi, otherwise called gosht karahi (when arranged with goat or sheep meat rather than chicken), and karahi chicken, is a dish from the Indian subcontinent noted for its hot taste; it is striking in Pakistani and North Indian food. - *Bpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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