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The New World

From the Blog snowysensation The new government has been formed and the new setup has begun. A lot has been said and there is soo much going on and so many perspectives and soo many analysis being done everyday that one seems as if a lot will be done soon enough. Though the new government has just talked about the audit of the former government's development projects, and still a lot of focus on the last government rather than things that will be spectacular like fireworks and wow us all. But maybe, we are expecting too much. Anyway, what we are looking at right now is a financial crisis and I am not an expert at this; I am a lay man when it comes to financial strategies, audits, budgets and all but whatever I know doesn't paint a good picture of the near future. I remember when Musharraf came to power andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Neurological disorders explained: Cerebral Palsy

From the Blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeStatistics have shown that about 500,000 children in the US alone are victims of cerebral palsy – a debilitating group of neurological disorders that keeps a child from leading a normal life. The prime manifestations of this disease are impaired muscle movement and motor skills along with secondary disabilities that affect vision, mental health, learning, […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7952008202973656367 Pakistani Blog Posts


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