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State Bank: Pakistan IT Exports Surge to Pass Billion Dollars in 2018

From the Blog riazhaqPakistan's information technology exports have bucked the nation's declining exports trend with double digit growth to reach $1,065 million in fiscal year 2018, according to the State Bank of Pakistan. It is generally believed that Pakistan's central bank underestimates technology exports. Some have argued that the actual IT exports were closer to $5 billion in fiscal 2018. Some of the differences can be attributed to the fact that the State Bank IT exports data does not include various non-IT sectors such as financial services, automobiles, and health care. Source: State Bank of Pakistan Pakistan IT exports surged 13.4% to $1.06 billion in fiscal year 2018 from $939 million in fiscal year 2017. The growth was even more robust in the prior year with IT exports rising 19.1% from pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6799583988809777992 Pakistani Blog Posts


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