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کیا شوپن ہار کا سکّہ کبھی خیرات ہو سکے گا؟؟؟۔

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان :غوروفکر کیلئے * نیٹ کا *٭*بنجارہ، ہر گُزرتے لمحے کے ساتھ گاؤں گاؤں قریہ قریہ ، *چیزیں* ہوں کہ *خیالات* سب کو نئے نئے معنی نئے نئے پیرہن پہناتا جا رہا ہوں۔۔ "میرا جسم میری مرضی " جیسے جملے تراش تا جا رہا ہے تو دوسری جانب " دیدوں کا پانی مر گیا/ڈھل گیا " جیسے محاورں کو "طاق نسیان" میں بِٹھاتا جا رہا ہے ۔۔ایسے ناپائیدار عالم میں میری نظروں سے ایسی تحریر گزری کہ *یقین* ہوچلا کہ فلسفی شوپن ہار کے سکّے پر *زمانوں* کے دُھول تک نہیں پڑی۔۔۔ "ول ڈیورانٹ " کی وجہ سے شوپن ہار کے سکے نے شہُرت حاصل کی ۔ اس سکے سے وابستہ روداد اس طرح سے ہے کہ " شوپن ہار بیرے کو کھانے کا آڈر دینے کے بعد جیب میں سے سونے کا سکہ نکال کر میز پر رکھ دیتا اور پھر اپنے کانوں کو اپنی میز سے ملحق میزوں پر بیٹھے افراد کی گفتگو سننے کے کام پر لگا دیتا،جسکا مقصد کہ جس دن بھی لوگوں کی گفتگو کا محور گھوڑوpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Discussion about thalassemia

From the blog ayesha Ayesha Mehmood, Co-founder Fight Against Thalassemia is 30 years old thalassemia major, working for thalassemia cause since more than 10 years and is a business woman.. In this video she is discussing: – thalassemia awareness – importance of blood donation – desferal program – sponsor a child – Ramadan drive 2018 – daily iftari our website : our page : our group : pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Social Media Promote Tribalism in Pakistan

From the blog riazhaqSocial media newsfeeds are driven by users' profiles to reinforce their preferences and prejudices. Newsfeeds are customized for each user. Any posts that don't fit these profiles don't get displayed. The result is increasing tribalism in the world. American and British intelligence agencies claim that Russian intelligence has used social media to promote divisions and manipulate public opinion in the West. Like the US and the UK, Pakistan also has ethnic, sectarian and regional fault-lines that make it vulnerable to similar social media manipulation. It is very likely that intelligence agencies of countries hostile to Pakistan are exploiting these divisions for their own ends. Various pronouncements by India's current and former intelligence and security officials reinforce tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Discussion about thalassemia

From the blog ayesha Ayesha Mehmood, Co-founder Fight Against Thalassemia is 30 years old thalassemia major, working for thalassemia cause since more than 10 years and is a business woman.. In this video she is discussing: – thalassemia awareness – importance of blood donation – desferal program – sponsor a child – Ramadan drive 2018 – daily iftari our website : our page : our group : pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Here's What the Bezelless Nokia X Looks Like

From the blog propakistani HMD Global, the manufacturer of Nokia phones has been teasing a new smartphone called Nokia X for quite some time now and it has finally been revealed on *Baidu – *a Chinese social media network. Nokia X, or X6, is expected to be a midrange device and might not offer flagship grade internal hardware. However, the company is going for a premium design to gain attention in the midrange market and the leaked pictures show that it will come with a "trendy" notched display. There's no word on official specifications, it has a glass back as shown in the pictures so it might have wireless charging. It has dual cameras, a rear-mounted fingerprint sensor, a 19:9 display, and a good-looking design. Take a look below, A Regular Midranger? Previously, a spec-sheet leak showed that Nokia pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mobile Pictures and Numbers

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore Girls : Mobile Pictures and Numbers, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How easy or difficult is it to type #MeToo?

From the blog hammadmateenMud slinging is different from having the courage and power to speak up and fight against oppression. #MeToo might be the need of the hour in the West, but frankly speaking, we live in a society where even if a woman's dupatta gets stuck in the seat of the bus and she mistakes it for the man sitting behind her in the male compartment pulling it to grab her attention or to harass her, the whole male compartment is going to beat the crap out of the accused without even giving him a chance to speak ONLY because it's about a woman's honour. Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان کو اپنے عالمی اعزاز کا دفاع نہیں کرنا پڑے گا

From the blog cricnama پاکستان نے گزشتہ سال بھارت کو زبردست شکست دے کر پہلی بار چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کا اعزاز جیتا تھا لیکن اب 2021ء میں گرین شرٹس کو اس اعزاز کے دفاع کی ضرورت نہیں پڑے گی کیونکہ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل نے اس ایونٹ کو ہمیشہ کے لیے ختم کردیا ہے۔ آئی سی سی نے 2021ء میں چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کی جگہ ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی کے انعقاد کا فیصلہ کیا ہے اور یوں پاکستان چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کا حتمی چیمپیئن بن گیا ہے۔ یہ پہلی بار نہیں ہوا کہ چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کو مشق ستم بنایا گیا ہو۔ اس سے پہلے 2013ء میں بھی آئی سی سی نے اعلان کیا تھا کہ وہ 2017ء میں چیمپیئنز ٹرافی نہيں کروائے گا لیکن نشریات کاروں کی عدم رضامندی کی وجہ سے آئی سی سی کو ٹیسٹ چیمپیئن شپ کا فیصلہ واپس لینا پڑا اور ایک مرتبہ پھر چیمپيئنز ٹرافی کروانی پڑی۔ لیکن اب لگتا ہے کہ اس ٹورنامنٹ کے مستقبل پر مہر ثبت ہو چکی ہے کیونکہ آئی سی سی چاہتا ہے ہر فارمیٹ میں ایک بڑpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Education Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-19 Announced

From the blog propakistani The government has announced the budget for education in Pakistan and it continues to be an area not being given enough focus. While the military budget has been increased and interest payments on debt climb due to a record amount of loans, Pakistan's spending on education as a percentage of GDP remains among the lowest in the region. HEC Budget for FY 2018-19: According to the budget documents Rs 111.23 billion has also been earmarked for Higher Education Commission (HEC) including Rs 46.23 billion under the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) and Rs 65 billion for recurrent budget for next fiscal year as compared to Rs 95.8 billion including Rs 35.6 billion under the PSDP and Rs60.2 billion for recurrent budget for the current fiscal year. According to the budgetary dopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان کو اپنے عالمی اعزاز کا دفاع نہیں کرنا پڑے گا

From the blog cricnama پاکستان نے گزشتہ سال بھارت کو زبردست شکست دے کر پہلی بار چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کا اعزاز جیتا تھا لیکن اب 2021ء میں گرین شرٹس کو اس اعزاز کے دفاع کی ضرورت نہیں پڑے گی کیونکہ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل نے اس ایونٹ کو ہمیشہ کے لیے ختم کردیا ہے۔ آئی سی سی نے 2021ء میں چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کی جگہ ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی کے انعقاد کا فیصلہ کیا ہے اور یوں پاکستان چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کا حتمی چیمپیئن بن گیا ہے۔ یہ پہلی بار نہیں ہوا کہ چیمپیئنز ٹرافی کو مشق ستم بنایا گیا ہو۔ اس سے پہلے 2013ء میں بھی آئی سی سی نے اعلان کیا تھا کہ وہ 2017ء میں چیمپیئنز ٹرافی نہيں کروائے گا لیکن نشریات کاروں کی عدم رضامندی کی وجہ سے آئی سی سی کو ٹیسٹ چیمپیئن شپ کا فیصلہ واپس لینا پڑا اور ایک مرتبہ پھر چیمپيئنز ٹرافی کروانی پڑی۔ لیکن اب لگتا ہے کہ اس ٹورنامنٹ کے مستقبل پر مہر ثبت ہو چکی ہے کیونکہ آئی سی سی چاہتا ہے ہر فارمیٹ میں ایک بڑpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"being a doctor,being a patient: nothing special"

From the blog dannish-dannish As I was brought to the Emergency room and been face to face with the receptionist after my car accident. I was asked multiple questions as required; I answered all of those and without any salutations of Dr. or MD with my name. I was asked to wait in the assigned area. I followed promptly as I wanted to be an exemplary patient, shy of being found as a doctor in house. The wait time added on in minutes turning in to hours but nothing moved. In the mean time family and friend support was available as a God sent blessing. Being a patient with suspected whiplash and concussion who had reported earlier to front desk with symptoms of headache, nausea, lighthededness, feeling of passing out and elevated BP did not moved anyone that day. People around me were suffering from coughpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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This is a TEST!

From the blog flavorsinlife Test post! The post This is a TEST! appeared first on Flavors in Life. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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10 top spots in Karachi that will fulfill your sweet tooth cravings

From the blog cheflingtales Sweet tooth cravings often kill us to an extent that we cry! If you crave for dark chocolate cake at 3: 00 AM you will know what I am talking about. Desserts are craved around the clock and sometimes we head to restaurants only for desserts and to satisfy the urge of sweetness boosting up. So here is the list of Here we bring you the best desserts spots in k-town. *Butlers Chocolate Cafe`* *Image source: Facebook* This spot is well known for its delicious food and coffees also serves a good range of desserts and in-house chocolates, the heavenly glass enriched with flavors is called honey comb sundae is simply divine. The best part is this place also entertains the weight watchers too and also have flourless desserts which are simply amazing. *Lals Patisserie* *Image sourcepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ورلڈ کپ 2019ء کا مکمل شیڈول جاری

From the blog cricnama ورلڈ کپ 2019ء کا آغاز 30 مئی کو میزبان انگلینڈ اور جنوبی افریقہ کے مابین مقابلہ سے ہوگا، جس کے ساتھ ہی تین مرتبہ عالمی کپ کے فائنل تک پہنچنے والا انگلستان پہلی بار یہ اعزاز احصل حاصل کرنے کی مہم شروع کرے گا لیکن اس سے بھی بڑھ کر سب کو انتظام ہرگا سب سے بڑے مقابلہ کا، یعنی پاک-بھارت ٹکراؤ جو 16 جون کو مانچسٹر میں ہوگا۔ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کی جانب سے جاری کردہ عالمی کپ 2019ء کے شیڈول کے مطابق 10 ٹیموں کے درمیان کھیلا جانے والا یہ عالمی کپ 10 شہروں کے 11 مقامات پر منعقد ہوگا جو راؤنڈ رابن فارمیٹ پر کھیلا جائے گا یعنی تمام ٹیمیں ایک دوسرے کے خلاف ایک، ایک مرتبہ کھیلیں گی، بالکل ویسے ہی جیسے 1992ء کے عالمی کپ میں ہوا تھا۔ بس فرق صرف اتنا ہے کہ 2019ء میں 1992ء کے مقابلے میں ایک ٹیم زیادہ ہوگی۔ 2015ء کے عالمی کپ کی طرح بھارت کا پہلا مقابلہ روایتی حریف پاکستان سے نہیں ہوگا بلکہ پpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Achieves 13-Year High GDP Growth of 5.7% in FY18

From the blog propakistani Pakistan's GDP growth momentum continued as it achieved a 13-year high level at 5.7 percent in the closing financial year 2017-18. However, the country missed the set target of 6 percent which was predicted earlier by the different local and international think tanks. Last year, Pakistan posted the highest GDP rate in the decade to settle at 5.28 percent against the target of 5.7%. Pakistan Economic Survey 2017-18 reads: The growth momentum remained above 5 percent for the last two years in a row and reached 5.79 percent in FY2018 finally, which is 13 years high mainly on the account of a strong performance in agriculture, industry and services sectors which grew by 3.81 percent, 5.80 percent and 6.43 percent, respectively. Pakistan has seen a visible economic turnaround overpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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10 top spots in Karachi that will fulfill your sweet tooth cravings

From the blog cheflingtales Sweet tooth cravings often kill us to an extent that we cry! If you crave for dark chocolate cake at 3: 00 AM you will know what I am talking about. Desserts are craved around the clock and sometimes we head to restaurants only for desserts and to satisfy the urge of sweetness boosting up. So here is the list of Here we bring you the best desserts spots in k-town. *Butlers Chocolate Cafe`* *Image source: Facebook* This spot is well known for its delicious food and coffees also serves a good range of desserts and in-house chocolates, the heavenly glass enriched with flavors is called honey comb sundae is simply divine. The best part is this place also entertains the weight watchers too and also have flourless desserts which are simply amazing. *Lals Patisserie* *Image sourcepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Love talking on phone

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Love talking on phone, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ورلڈ کپ 2019ء کا مکمل شیڈول جاری

From the blog cricnama ورلڈ کپ 2019ء کا آغاز 30 مئی کو میزبان انگلینڈ اور جنوبی افریقہ کے مابین مقابلہ سے ہوگا، جس کے ساتھ ہی تین مرتبہ عالمی کپ کے فائنل تک پہنچنے والا انگلستان پہلی بار یہ اعزاز احصل حاصل کرنے کی مہم شروع کرے گا لیکن اس سے بھی بڑھ کر سب کو انتظام ہرگا سب سے بڑے مقابلہ کا، یعنی پاک-بھارت ٹکراؤ جو 16 جون کو مانچسٹر میں ہوگا۔ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل کی جانب سے جاری کردہ عالمی کپ 2019ء کے شیڈول کے مطابق 10 ٹیموں کے درمیان کھیلا جانے والا یہ عالمی کپ 10 شہروں کے 11 مقامات پر منعقد ہوگا جو راؤنڈ رابن فارمیٹ پر کھیلا جائے گا یعنی تمام ٹیمیں ایک دوسرے کے خلاف ایک، ایک مرتبہ کھیلیں گی، بالکل ویسے ہی جیسے 1992ء کے عالمی کپ میں ہوا تھا۔ بس فرق صرف اتنا ہے کہ 2019ء میں 1992ء کے مقابلے میں ایک ٹیم زیادہ ہوگی۔ 2015ء کے عالمی کپ کی طرح بھارت کا پہلا مقابلہ روایتی حریف پاکستان سے نہیں ہوگا بلکہ پpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Practicing Medicine فرض کفایہ

From the blog ashrafiya Makhdum Zayn Uddin Al Malabari quotes from Imam Ghazali (Allah have mercy on them), Non-religious sciences may be blameworthy, praiseworthy or neutral. As for those which are praiseworthy, they are the sciences connected with the wellbeing of humanity in this life, such as medicine and mathematics. …..medicine, since it is necessary for the preservation of bodily health And do not be surprised by our statement that medicine and mathematics are communal obligations,…….because if these trades were to disappear, human society would be exposed to destruction. …….As the One who created the disease also created the cure, and guided humanity to the use of the latter, and prepared the causes for its benefit, it is not permissible for humans to allow themselves to be destroyed by selfpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Guilt Complex

From the blog pakteahouse *By Zeenat Iqbal Hakimjee * Enclosed in a shell like a tortoise, Keeping away from the lively movements *& *noise My own I fail to recognize, Do not shake hands with me please I am no more, no more at ease, I suffer from a guilt complex. Was I the one to destroy a friendship Or lose my temper in a relationship? The other day I threw some litter on the road, Turned a deaf ear to the call for prayer, I suffer from a guilt complex. I am amazed at my faults Have I them or have I not? Is it just the state of my mind Or has somebody without cause have me to remind Of a non-existent situation Will I ever surface, I suffer from a Guilt Complex. *The poem was first published in poetry collection Harmony* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دورۂ انگلینڈ و آئرلینڈ، اٹیکنگ نہیں اسمارٹ باؤلنگ پر زور

From the blog cricnama پاکستان کے باؤلنگ کوچ اظہر محمود نے انگلینڈ اور آئرلینڈ کے دورے کے لیے اپنے باؤلنگ پلان کی جھلک دکھاتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ہم اس دورے کے لیے گیند بازوں کی صرف رفتار پر ہی نہیں بلکہ بہتر تکنیک پر بھی توجہ دے رہے ہیں۔ باؤلنگ اسکواڈ پر اعتماد کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے اظہر محمود نے کہا کہ فٹنس بہت زیادہ ضروری ہے کیونکہ منتخب ہونے والے باؤلرز زيادہ تجربہ کار نہیں اس لیے فٹ ہونا بہت زیادہ اہم ہے۔ ساتھ ہی تمام باؤلرز اچھی فارم میں ہیں اور یہ تمام پہلو مل کر اچھے نتائج دے سکتے ہیں۔ اظہر محمود کے مطابق محض اٹیکنگ نہیں بلکہ اسمارٹ کرکٹ کھیلنا ہوگی اور یہی ہدایت محمد عامر اور حسن علی کے لیے بھی ہے کہ انہیں بے دریغ طاقت لگانے کے بجائے حکمت عملی سے کام لینا ہوگا اور سب سے بہتر اسٹریٹجی یہی ہے کہ حریف بلے بازوں کو تھکا کر ان کے کمزور پہلوؤں پر حملہ کرنا۔ اپنی سرزمین پر حالات میزبان بلے بازوں کے لیے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan's First Ever Water Policy Approved

From the blog propakistani All four provinces of Pakistan have come to an understanding and signed the country's first ever Water Policy. The new Water Policy is essential for managing Pakistan's water resources better and to ensure that future generations are not deprived of it due to global warming and climate change. The Council of Common Interests (CCI) presented the Water Policy which was approved unanimously by all participants. The Pakistan Water Charter was approved as well during the same meeting. Furthermore, it is expected that the development budget for next fiscal year will be approved in the same meeting. Chief Ministers of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, and Balochistan along with the Prime Minister himself attended the CCI meeting. *The Policy* The approved strategic policy is in compliance with thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Pindi boy's craving for 5 of these Lahore ki Saughaat

From the blog cheflingtales Although I am Pindi born and raised in Pindi but Lahore always live inside me as they say "jinnay Lahore ni wekhian oh jamian he nai", they said the right thing. Particularly for a foodie. Lahore is the heart of Pakistan and is close to every foodie's heart as well. Whenever I am in Lahore, I make sure to have a bucket list of food items being checked at the end of my trip. Back home I often find myself craving for some of these food items and it is not possible to find replacements for those cravings. The taste, the feel even the dhaba's or street vendors of Lahore have a different vibe and a great taste. Here is what a Pindi boy like me often find himself craving from Lahore. Qeemay wali puri and chanay *Image source: Facebook* A proper and traditional Lahori nashta has no pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How do countries like the US give money to other countries?

From the blog faisalkhan Allow me to give a simpler example, of how the US pays other countries and vice versa. Let's say you are three friends, and each friend will be designated as a country, make belief of course. - Harry (UK) - Tom (US) - Lucy (Germany) So the three friends decide to all buy a register. A ledger if you will. Each one takes a marker and writes their name of their country on the outside of the ledger. Starting with Tom (US), he declares he will create $10,000 in wealth. Out of which $1,000 will be in currency notes and remaining US$ 9,000 will be in the ledger only. Tom can do that, because it is his country and he can create any amount of money he wants. Harry (UK), decides to follow Tom's footsteps, so he creates GBP 10,000 British Pound and out of which 1,000 are inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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YouTube Censored

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : YouTube Censored, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I wish to have a bed of dreams

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of bed of dreams] I wish to have a bed of dreams Wish to have a peaceful sleep; From the ache that lived in me all over I want to get free of it that, all over; My ego hinders and tears flow freely I, but now want to weep copiously; I don't need a shoulder to cry upon I want now to carry yoke, thereupon; My tears might soften his heart now I wish my tears to soak the pillow; Unlike my heart that can be easily broken I wish to have a toy that's not easily broken A strange desire makes my restless heart I'm not what I actually wish to grow to be My heart's realm is bleak and infertile Razia I want to plant a seed of delight and glee ********** [image: Inline image] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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منافق ہر دِلعزیز ہوتا ہے

From the blog theajmals اپنے انگریزی بلاگ پر 28 ستمبر 2004ء کی تحریر کا اُردو ترجمہ پیشِ خدمت ہے منافق (انگریزی ۔ hypocrite) بالعموم ہر دِل عزیز ہوتا ہے اور اس کے احباب کا دائرہ بہت وسیع ہوتا جو اُس کے دوغلے کردار کا مرہونِ منت ہوتا ہے منافق زبانی زبانی دوست ۔ خیر خواہ اور ہمدرد سب کچھ ہوتا ہے لیکن در حقیقت نہیں ہوتا با اصول آدمی وعدہ کرنے سے پہلے چند لمحے سوچتا ہے کیونکہ اُس نے وعدہ نبھانا ہوتا ہے البتہ ضرورت کے وقت فوری وعدہ بہت اہم ہوتا ہے ۔ فوری وعدہ منافق دے سکتا ہے کیونکہ پورا کرنے کا ارادہ نہیں ہوتا چنانچہ ضرورتمند منافق کا غلام بن جاتا ہے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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London-based Exotix Capital: "Coalition led by PTI has become more likely"

From the blog riazhaqExotix Capital, a UK investment firm specializing in emerging markets, hosted Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan at its London headquarter this week. After the event, a tweet from the firm said the PTI Chief addressed "senior representatives of some of the world's biggest institutional investors" at this meeting. Source: Exotix During discussion that followed his presentation, Imran Khan showed "Reluctant acceptance that IMF assistance may be necessary" and expressed "pragmatism on the need for constructive US relations" and "regret over the lack of transparency of pricing in Chinese-led infrastructure projects", according to a report. Based on the events in Pakistan since July, 2017 beginning with the disqualification of Mr. Nawaz Sharif from holding elected ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the Diary of a Civil Servant: Machinations of a Tout

From the blog pakteahouse *By Nausherwan Ali* Within a short span of service, I have learned to bear the pressure resulting from challenging various mafias operating in my area of operation. One such mafia operates in the guise of commendatory commonly referred to as a 'tout' in office lexicon. These 'touts' are often seen swarming around public offices in search of their 'targets '. Having worked in rural areas of Punjab, I can safely say that these touts are quite an active part of village culture. They can be seen in small village gatherings, panchayats, thana, katchehri etc. A tout would try to establish a link within government offices and use it to dupe simple folks. Sometimes he mints money from his victims and sometimes his aim is to enhance his influence in his social circle which he could latpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A promise.

From the blog mystutteringlifeit took a while for me to accept that this was real but I feel lonelier now than ever before even though you wanted me to feel whole. because in you I found a promise But in the promise I found myself alone. Advertisementspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cricket Superstars Set to Take Part in Pakistan Cup

From the blog propakistani Domestic cricket is in full swing as Pakistan Cup ODI tournament commences from tomorrow i.e 25th April 2018. A total of 11 matches will be played between 5 teams from Punjab, Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, and Federal areas. For this series, one day matches will be played, with the tournament expected to conclude on May 6. Top cricketers including Ahmed Shahzad, Shoaib Malik, Kamran Akhmal, and Muhammad Hafeez will showcase their skills in Faisalabad. Pacer Wahab Riaz has been ruled out of the tournament as he is set to undergo a nose surgery. The opening match will be played between Shahzad-led Balochistan and Punjab tomorrow. Here's the full team lineup from all the areas: *Balochistan* - Ahmed Shahzad (captain), - Muhammad Nawaz (vice-captain), - Rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Student Travel Insurance Policy for Study Abroad: What, Why and How?

From the blog smartchoice The trend of getting higher education from international universities is not new in Pakistan. Each year large number of Pakistani students travel abroad to get higher education and get specialized degrees in their respective field. In such situations the most concerned people are the parents of students who are about to fly to study abroad. The level of concerns become higher if there is no relative or family living in that specific area. We can also witness events where the parents are not willing to send their kids to a completely new place where they can not have any assistance in case of any emergency. And due to this reason many brilliant students are held back to study abroad. Also read: Travel Insurance: A Step by Step Buying Guide for Travelers from Pakistan Not allopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Climate Change Denier to head NASA

From the blog mtrtmk Climate Denier Jim Bridenstine Narrowly Confirmed as NASA Chief A climate change denier with no scientific credentials is set to helm NASA, after he was narrowly confirmed by the Senate in a 50-49 vote. Oklahoma Republican Congressmember Jim Bridenstine previously demanded President Obama apologize for funding climate change research, and said falsely from the House floor that global temperatures stopped rising early this century. Bridenstine will now oversee an agency whose Earth Sciences Division is responsible for much of the satellite data used to investigate how human activity is driving global warming. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Rape: A Political Weapon in Modi's India

From the blog riazhaqAn 8-year-old Muslim girl Asifa Bano was locked in a Hindu temple, drugged, gang-raped for several days and then bludgeoned to death in Indian occupied Kashmir, according to a report in a leading American newspaper. Gang Rape Victim: 8-Year-Old Asifa Bano*Support of Rapists: * The horror of a Muslim child's rape and murder was made even worse when the ruling BJP-affiliated right-wing Hindu lawyers marched in defense of her attackers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi reluctantly condemned the crime after waiting for several days. His belated acknowledgment came in response to international outrage. Is this just another rape in India? Did the child's Muslim faith make her a target? Has Islamophobia gone mainstream in India? To answer these questions, let us put some context to what ipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The States of the Heart

From the blog ashrafiya Makhdum Zayn ud Deen Malabari al Chishti (Allah have mercy on him) said in regards to *fard* *al ayn* (absolute essentials) issues of Islam, 'The states of the heart, one should know the praiseworthy qualities which one must adopt, and the blameworthy qualities which one must avoid. As for the praiseworthy traits, they include reliance on Allah, sincerity for Him, praise and thankfulness for His blessings, repentance from one's sins, fear, hope, abstinence, love, patience, pleasure with His decree, and the remembrance of death. As for the blameworthy traits, they include greed for food and drink, and a dislike of hunger (given its many benefits such as the purity and softness of the heart, humiliation of the lower self, breaking lusts, and the departure of excessive sleep whicpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Beat the heat with the best margaritas in Islamabad – Our top 5 picks!

From the blog cheflingtales With summers comes so many fruits, which is a blessing for summer survival. You have many healthy options for fruit-based drinks during the summer season that including mango, lychee, watermelon, melons etc. A chilled drink makes us feel healthy and refreshed. Margaritas are quite famous and give us the exact chill factor we crave for. Mint, strawberry, lychee and all the summer fruit flavors are taking over our Instagram feed. Margaritas actually are healthy: they purify your liver and are a brilliant antioxidant to meet your summer body needs. *Let's find out where can you go for some great margaritas in the capital.* BBQ Bazar BBQ Bazar is located at F-7 near roasters and its main specialty is BBQ and Pakistani cuisine. With the taste of traditional food, you can enjoy mapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اندر کی بات بات سے آگے کی چیز ہے

From the blog urduاندر کی بات بات سے آگے کی چیز ہے عشق ان کے التفات سے آگے کی چیز ہے گلزار پھول پات سے آگے کی چیز ہے دل تیری کائنات سے آگے کی چیز ہے ہر ذات ہی صفات سے آگے کی چیز ہے لیکن وہ ذات ذات سے آگے کی چیز ہے اس بار غم […] Source pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Engro Corp Reports 62% Jump in Profits for Q1 2018

From the blog propakistani Engro Corporation's profit rose 62.23% to Rs. 6.83 billion in the quarter ended March 2018, mainly due to a marked improvement in Fertilizer (EFERT) and Chemical (EPCL) businesses. The conglomerate recorded a profit of Rs. 4.21 billion in the same quarter of previous year. Earnings per share improved to Rs. 8.01 in Jan-Mar 2018 from Rs. 5.42 in the corresponding period of last year. Board of directors has recommended interim cash dividend of Rs. 5 per share. Sales Net sales of the group of companies soared a massive 49.04% to Rs. 33.52 billion in the Jan-Mar 2018 quarter, from Rs. 22.49 billion in the corresponding period of the previous year. The fertilizer and polymer businesses witnessed a growth of 81% year on year and 28% year on year to Rs. 18 billion and Rs. 8.7 billipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Beat the heat with the best margaritas in Islamabad – Our top 5 picks!

From the blog cheflingtales With summers comes so many fruits, which is a blessing for summer survival. You have many healthy options for fruit-based drinks during the summer season that including mango, lychee, watermelon, melons etc. A chilled drink makes us feel healthy and refreshed. Margaritas are quite famous and give us the exact chill factor we crave for. Mint, strawberry, lychee and all the summer fruit flavors are taking over our Instagram feed. Margaritas actually are healthy: they purify your liver and are a brilliant antioxidant to meet your summer body needs. *Let's find out where can you go for some great margaritas in the capital.* BBQ Bazar BBQ Bazar is located at F-7 near roasters and its main specialty is BBQ and Pakistani cuisine. With the taste of traditional food, you can enjoy mapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Why the Knights Templar were Really Good at Banking

From the blog faisalkhan The history of modern banking is quite rich and dates way back in time. Several entities and civilizations have been credited for their contributions towards the development of modern banking systems and the variety of services provided by banks today. The Knights Templar played a significant role in the introduction and diversification of banking services provided to clients. Established in the early 12th century, the Order of the Knights Templar created an institution that is considered to be among the first banking facilities to provide a diverse range of modern banking services. [image: patron knights templar]Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, the Order's patron The Knights Templar were made up of a team of devout Christians whose primary mission was to provide protection to Eupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Friends ?

From the blog iabhopal "If you are looking for friends when you need them…it's too late." ~ Mark Twain Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we have let them fly away. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Reverence for the Scholars

From the blog ashrafiya Hafiz Abu Qasim ibn Asakir (Allah have mercy on him) said, "Know brother, may Allah grant us and you His pleasure and make us among those who fear and revere Him as is His due, that the flesh of the scholars is poisoned, and that the practice of Allah of rending the veil of the one who harms them is well-known, and that one who lets loose his tongue in reviling them is afflicted before his death by the death of his heart." The Guidance for the Intelligent Riyadh Sanofipasteur Vaccine seminar pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ہرن مینار میں انارکلی

From the blog mbilalm جو سوتے ہیں، وہ کھوتے ہیں اور آج کل "کھوتے" کو تو لوگ کھا جاتے ہیں۔ یہ خیال آتے ہی فوراً بستر چھوڑا، تیاری کی، فوٹوگرافی کے لئے کیمرا رکھا اور انارکلی کی تلاش میں ہرن مینار چل دیا۔ یہ مینار مغل بادشاہ جہانگیر نے بنوایا تھا۔ وہی جہانگیر جو پہلے شہزادہ سلیم عرف شیخو ہوا کرتا تھا اور جس کی چکربازیوں کے چکر میں بیچاری انارکلی کو زندہ دیوار میں چنوا دیا گیا اور بعد میں خود جناب "نورالدین" بن بیٹھے۔ خیر سلیم کو چھوڑو اور انارکلی کی تلاش میں ہرن مینار کا چکر لگاؤ، تالاب میں ڈبکیاں نہ لگاؤ، بس بارہ دری میں چین کی بنسری بجاؤ اور اگر طبیعت زیادہ خراب ہو تو منظرباز کی طرح ایک انارکلی نہیں بلکہ کئی انارکلیوں سے← مزید پڑھیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Letting go

From the blog randomlyabstract Hello, you. My friend texted me to say she saw me in a dream and misses me. I couldn't help but feel awfully helpless remembering I saw you in a dream too. How I wish I could tell you. I want you to know that it's been immensely long but I am going strong, and yep, it's because I crafted another challenge for myself of which already a large part has been spent but still, still your name comes up everyday in my mind, and though I'm trying, I cannot forget you enough because I heard enough means letting go. Letting go means cutting open and slicing out a part I've kept so close. It's amazing how this is! Because there's no real string (like a real tangible truth) binding these. These, as in, this thing in the heart and your place in the…heart? and the future that holds neither.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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حسن علی کے جشن سے بھارت کو مسئلہ

From the blog cricnama واہگہ پر پاک-بھارت سرحد پر پرچم اتارنے کی تقریب تو روزانہ ہی ہوتی ہے لیکن گزشتہ روز یہ تقریب کچھ خاص تھی۔ پاکستان کے کئی معروف کھلاڑی تقریب میں شرکت کے لیے موجود تھے اور جوش و خروش تب عروج پر پہنچا جب حسن علی نے جشن منانے کے خاص انداز کے ذریعے سرحد کے دونوں طرف کے شائقین کو محظوظ کیا۔ لیکن لگتا ہے بھارت کو جشن کا یہ انداز بالکل نہیں بھایا کیونکہ بعد ازاں بھارتی کی بارڈر سکیورٹی فورس (بی ایس ایف) نے حسن علی کے خلاف شکایت درج کروانے کا ارادہ ظاہر کیا ہے کیونکہ ان کی "حرکات" نے "پیریڈ کے تقدس" کو پامال کیا۔ حسن علی کے مخصوص انداز کی وڈیو گزشتہ روز سے سوشل میڈیا پر کافی وائرل ہو چکی ہے۔ بھارت کا کہنا ہے کہ قواعد کے مطابق دونوں طرف صرف پاک رینجرز اور بی ایس ایف اہلکار ہی "پرفارم" کر سکتے ہیں، ان کے علاوہ کسی کو اجازت نہیں ہے لیکن ہفتے کی شام "ایک شہری" نے تقریب میں "مداخلت" کی۔ بی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Letting go

From the blog randomlyabstract Hello, you. My friend texted me to say she saw me in a dream and misses me. I couldn't help but feel awfully helpless remembering I saw you in a dream too. How I wish I could tell you. I want you to know that it's been immensely long but I am going strong, and yep, it's because I crafted another challenge for myself of which already a large part has been spent but still, still your name comes up everyday in my mind, and though I'm trying, I cannot forget you enough because I heard enough means letting go. Letting go means cutting open and slicing out a part I've kept so close. It's amazing how this is! Because there's no real string (like a real tangible truth) binding these. These, as in, this thing in the heart and your place in the…heart? and the future that holds neither.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Phone numbers

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Phone numbers, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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حسن علی کے جشن سے بھارت کو مسئلہ

From the blog cricnama واہگہ پر پاک-بھارت سرحد پر پرچم اتارنے کی تقریب تو روزانہ ہی ہوتی ہے لیکن گزشتہ روز یہ تقریب کچھ خاص تھی۔ پاکستان کے کئی معروف کھلاڑی تقریب میں شرکت کے لیے موجود تھے اور جوش و خروش تب عروج پر پہنچا جب حسن علی نے جشن منانے کے خاص انداز کے ذریعے سرحد کے دونوں طرف کے شائقین کو محظوظ کیا۔ لیکن لگتا ہے بھارت کو جشن کا یہ انداز بالکل نہیں بھایا کیونکہ بعد ازاں بھارتی کی بارڈر سکیورٹی فورس (بی ایس ایف) نے حسن علی کے خلاف شکایت درج کروانے کا ارادہ ظاہر کیا ہے کیونکہ ان کی "حرکات" نے "پیریڈ کے تقدس" کو پامال کیا۔ حسن علی کے مخصوص انداز کی وڈیو گزشتہ روز سے سوشل میڈیا پر کافی وائرل ہو چکی ہے۔ بھارت کا کہنا ہے کہ قواعد کے مطابق دونوں طرف صرف پاک رینجرز اور بی ایس ایف اہلکار ہی "پرفارم" کر سکتے ہیں، ان کے علاوہ کسی کو اجازت نہیں ہے لیکن ہفتے کی شام "ایک شہری" نے تقریب میں "مداخلت" کی۔ بی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Earth Day 2018

From the blog hammadmateenAdvertisementspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog awaisaftab"Like atoms, words are always looking to combine, floating around with their meaning-tendrils extended, probing the air for compatible partners." Sam Anderson, in *New Sentences* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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حیات مختصر اور قصۂِ حیات دراز

From the blog urduحیات مختصر اور قصۂِ حیات دراز عجب نہیں کہ کھلے موت ہی پہ موت کا راز بتوں نے بندہ بنایا خدا نے بندہ نواز کسی کا آئنہ ہوں میں کسی کا آئنہ ساز نماز کے ہیں سزاوار بندگانِ نیاز جو آپ قبلہ و کعبہ ہو اس کی خاک نماز دماغ ڈھونڈ کے لایا دلیل دل […] Source pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جو روٹ محمد عباس کے نشانے پر

From the blog cricnama پاکستان کے نوجوان تیز باؤلر محمد عباس نے انگلینڈ کے خلاف آئندہ سیریز کے لیے انگلش کپتان جو روٹ کو اپنا پہلا ہدف قرار دیا ہے۔ پاک-انگلستان دو ٹیسٹ مقابلوں کی سیریز 24 مئی سے لارڈز کے میدان پر شروع ہوگی جبکہ دوسرا ٹیسٹ یکم جون سے ہیڈنگلی میں ہوگا۔ 'اسکائی اسپورٹس' سے بات کرتے ہوئے 28 سالہ محمد عباس محمد عباس بین الاقوامی منظرنامے پر ابھی نیا چہرہ ہیں۔ وہ اب تک پانچ ٹیسٹ میچز پر مشتمل کیریئر میں 21 کے اوسط سے 23 وکٹیں لے چکے ہیں لیکن پاک-انگلینڈ سیریز ان کے کیریئر کو کافی آگے لے جا سکتی ہے، بشرط کارکردگی! عباس سمجھتے ہیں کہ پاکستان دورۂ انگلینڈ میں میزبان کو شکست دینے کی پوری صلاحیت رکھتا ہے۔ "ایک اچھی ٹیم کے خلاف، اسی کے میدانوں پر کھیلنا مشکل ضرور ہوتا ہے لیکن میرے لیے یہ اہم ہے کہ اپنی پوری جان لڑاؤں اور پاکستان کو جتوانے میں مدد دوں۔" سیریز کے لیے انگلینڈ کو فیورٹ قرار دpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sony's "3D Creator" App Now Lets You Post 3D Selfies on Facebook

From the blog propakistani Sony has launched a new update for its 3D Creator App, giving the users more control over the photos captured in 3D. The update allows users to snap 3D selfies, post them directly to Facebook and even 3D print them. Sony has also taken up cloud processing to allow more back up options. The new Creator App renders selfies in more detail and lets you create Apple's Animoji styled animated characters and avatars. The update has been rolled out for a select-few device as of now. For now, following devices are covered in the 3D Creator App update: - Xperia XZ Premium, - XZ1, and, - XZ1 Compact. ------------------------------ ALSO READ Sony Launches Xperia XZ1 & XZ1 Compact With 960FPS Slow-Mo & 3D Pictures ------------------------------ Updates Here is everything thatpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Careem VS Uber? And Some Other Ride Hailing Players in Pakistan

From the blog smartchoice A lot has been written about the ride hailing services in the regions of UK, USA in the past years but now the term is known in other parts of the world as well. The ride hailing has become a popular trend in Pakistan as well. Most of the population prefers to use the Uber/Careem services rather than any conventional mean of public transportation which has been operational in Pakistan since long. Starting with a few, currently there are a number of new ride sharing companies that are successful are prevailing in Pakistan and surely, they are giving a tough competition to each other. Also read: Top 10 Budget Cars in Pakistan You Can Afford In the past few years, Uber has revamped a high-quality ridesharing and car-hiring services around the globe. It has also expanded tremendopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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New Zong Cell Numbers of Girls

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Mobile Phone Numbers : New Zong Cell Numbers of Girls, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جو روٹ محمد عباس کے نشانے پر

From the blog cricnama پاکستان کے نوجوان تیز باؤلر محمد عباس نے انگلینڈ کے خلاف آئندہ سیریز کے لیے انگلش کپتان جو روٹ کو اپنا پہلا ہدف قرار دیا ہے۔ پاک-انگلستان دو ٹیسٹ مقابلوں کی سیریز 24 مئی سے لارڈز کے میدان پر شروع ہوگی جبکہ دوسرا ٹیسٹ یکم جون سے ہیڈنگلی میں ہوگا۔ 'اسکائی اسپورٹس' سے بات کرتے ہوئے 28 سالہ محمد عباس محمد عباس بین الاقوامی منظرنامے پر ابھی نیا چہرہ ہیں۔ وہ اب تک پانچ ٹیسٹ میچز پر مشتمل کیریئر میں 21 کے اوسط سے 23 وکٹیں لے چکے ہیں لیکن پاک-انگلینڈ سیریز ان کے کیریئر کو کافی آگے لے جا سکتی ہے، بشرط کارکردگی! عباس سمجھتے ہیں کہ پاکستان دورۂ انگلینڈ میں میزبان کو شکست دینے کی پوری صلاحیت رکھتا ہے۔ "ایک اچھی ٹیم کے خلاف، اسی کے میدانوں پر کھیلنا مشکل ضرور ہوتا ہے لیکن میرے لیے یہ اہم ہے کہ اپنی پوری جان لڑاؤں اور پاکستان کو جتوانے میں مدد دوں۔" سیریز کے لیے انگلینڈ کو فیورٹ قرار دpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Helpless in Syria

From the blog pakteahouse *By Qurat Ul ain Aman* Syria is burning again and it seems as if Syrian war has become a never-ending phenomenon. According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, around 11 million people have fled their homes since the outbreak of the civil war in Syria. It is a shocking fact that at the time of outbreak of civil war, the total population of Syria was around 22 million and now half of population has been displaced. Moreover, around 250,000 Syrians have lost their life. Syria is a religiously and ethnically diverse country. It is composed of a majority Muslim population and a sizeable Christian minority. The people of Syria are also divided on sectarian lines and it has been ruled by the Shiite Assad family since the 1970s. Pro-democratic protests started in Marpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Best Places of Mutton Karahi in Islamabad

From the blog cheflingtales Karahi Gosht is a famous dish and it is originated from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In the region of KPK and surrounding areas, karahi gosht is extremely famous and with the passage of time, this dish became popular among Pakistani. We have listed the most amazing and tastiest places in Islamabad where you can get best mutton karahi. *Namkeen Cuisine* *Image source: Facebook* All your cravings for best chicken tikka, kababs, and Mutton karahi can be satisfied by Namkeen Cuisine. It is situated at the G-9/4 Islamabad and one the most renowned Mutton Karahi place of the town. It is one of the most established eateries of Islamabad which they work from evening tonight and they likewise serve the best BBQ things. This place is my one of the most loved one among Mutton Karahi rundown andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"لالا" اور "ملک صاحب" ورلڈ الیون میں شامل

From the blog cricnama ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی چیمپیئن رہنے والے شاہد آفریدی، شعیب ملک اور تھیسارا پیریرا اولین کھلاڑی بن گئے ہیں جنہوں نے رواں سال 31 مئی کو لارڈز میں ویسٹ انڈیز کے خلاف ورلڈ الیون کے مقابلوں میں شرکت کی تصدیق کردی ہے۔ یہ مقابلہ ویسٹ انڈیز میں گزشتہ سال طوفانوں سے متاثر ہونے والے دو اسٹیڈیمز کی ازسرنو تعمیر کے لیے رقوم اکٹھی کرے گا۔ شاہد آفریدی اور شعیب ملک 2009ء میں لارڈز کے اسی مقام پر ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی جیتنے والی پاکستانی ٹیم کا حصہ تھے جبکہ تھیسارا پیریرا نے 2014ء میں ڈھاکا میں ہونے والے بھارت-لنکا تاریخی فائنل میں خوبصورت ٹرافی اٹھائی تھی۔ یہ تینوں چیمپیئن کھلاڑی آئی سی سی ورلڈ الیون کا اہم حصہ بنیں گے کہ جس کی قیادت انگلینڈ کے ایون مورگن کے پاس ہوگی جبکہ دیگر کھلاڑیوں کا اعلان بعد میں کیا جائے گا۔ کارلوس بریتھویٹ کی قیادت میں ویسٹ انڈیز اس وقت ٹی ٹوئنٹی کا عالمی چیمپیئن ہے اور یہ اعزاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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HumMart: Hum Network Launches An Online Grocery Store

From the blog propakistani Hum Mart (Private) Limited, a subsidiary of Hum Network Limited, went live today with its online grocery store HumMart is a grocery web store which aims at saving users from the hassle of going out and buying everyday necessities. The online store brings different categories of items such as biscuits and chocolates, breakfast and dairy, grocery and Staples, beverages, baby and kids and Pet Care. HumMart will be initially delivering in Karachi only. In an event at Hum Network Limited office, Ms. Sultana Siddiqui, President Hum Network Limited, placed the first order on the website. Mr. Duraid Qureshi, CEO Hum Network Limited, said that getting into online business is part of the diversification strategy of Hum Network Limited. "We intend to stay focused and are stpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Best Places of Mutton Karahi in Islamabad

From the blog cheflingtales Karahi Gosht is a famous dish and it is originated from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In the region of KPK and surrounding areas, karahi gosht is extremely famous and with the passage of time, this dish became popular among Pakistani. We have listed the most amazing and tastiest places in Islamabad where you can get best mutton karahi. *Namkeen Cuisine* *Image source: Facebook* All your cravings for best chicken tikka, kababs, and Mutton karahi can be satisfied by Namkeen Cuisine. It is situated at the G-9/4 Islamabad and one the most renowned Mutton Karahi place of the town. It is one of the most established eateries of Islamabad which they work from evening tonight and they likewise serve the best BBQ things. This place is my one of the most loved one among Mutton Karahi rundown andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Geo TV Anchor in Village Scandal

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Pakistani Hot Girl : Geo TV Anchor in Village Scandal, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"لالا" اور "ملک صاحب" ورلڈ الیون میں شامل

From the blog cricnama ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی چیمپیئن رہنے والے شاہد آفریدی، شعیب ملک اور تھیسارا پیریرا اولین کھلاڑی بن گئے ہیں جنہوں نے رواں سال 31 مئی کو لارڈز میں ویسٹ انڈیز کے خلاف ورلڈ الیون کے مقابلوں میں شرکت کی تصدیق کردی ہے۔ یہ مقابلہ ویسٹ انڈیز میں گزشتہ سال طوفانوں سے متاثر ہونے والے دو اسٹیڈیمز کی ازسرنو تعمیر کے لیے رقوم اکٹھی کرے گا۔ شاہد آفریدی اور شعیب ملک 2009ء میں لارڈز کے اسی مقام پر ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی جیتنے والی پاکستانی ٹیم کا حصہ تھے جبکہ تھیسارا پیریرا نے 2014ء میں ڈھاکا میں ہونے والے بھارت-لنکا تاریخی فائنل میں خوبصورت ٹرافی اٹھائی تھی۔ یہ تینوں چیمپیئن کھلاڑی آئی سی سی ورلڈ الیون کا اہم حصہ بنیں گے کہ جس کی قیادت انگلینڈ کے ایون مورگن کے پاس ہوگی جبکہ دیگر کھلاڑیوں کا اعلان بعد میں کیا جائے گا۔ کارلوس بریتھویٹ کی قیادت میں ویسٹ انڈیز اس وقت ٹی ٹوئنٹی کا عالمی چیمپیئن ہے اور یہ اعزاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ہم اِتنے بے عِلم کیوں ؟

From the blog theajmals ناجانے ہمارے مُلک میں کِس کا زَور چلتا ہے کہ تاریخ کو مَسَخ کیا جاتا ہے ۔ حقائق کو بدل دیا جاتا ہے ۔ آج اِس کی ایک مثال پیشِ خدمت ہے ایک صاحب جنہوں نے اپنا قلمی نام عاشُور بابا رکھا ہے لکھتے ہیں سقوطِ ڈھاکہ کے بعد جب عوامی نیشنل پارٹی کے راہنماؤں کو پاکستان میں حراست میں لیا گیا تو ایک ایسا شخص تھا جو بہت ہی خستہ حال تھا ۔ اس کو گرفتار کر کے حیدرآباد جیل لایا گیا ۔ جیلر نے اس پریشان حال شخص کو دیکھا اور حقارت سے کہا "اگر تم عبدالولی خان کے خلاف بیان لکھ کر دے دو تو ہم تم کو رہا کر دیں گے ورنہ یاد رکھو اس کیس میں تم ساری عمر جیل میں گلتے سڑتے رہو گے اور یہیں تمہاری موت ہو گی"۔ یہ سُن کر اس شخص نے جیلر کی آنکھوں میں آنکھیں ڈالیں اور مسکرا کر کہا " جیلر صاحب ۔ جیل میں تو شاید میں چند برس زندہ بھی رہ لوں لیکن اگر میں نے یہ معافی نامہ لکھ دیا تو شاید چند دن بھی نہ جی پاؤں"۔ اصولوں اpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Post-Truth Partition Narrative Delegitimizes Pakistan

From the blog riazhaqThe partition of India to carve out the Muslim majority state of Pakistan was strongly contested by the Hindu-dominated Indian National Congress. It was also opposed by many within the Indian Muslim community from both the right and the left ends of the political spectrum. In the end, the vast majority of Indian Muslims sided with Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Pakistan became a reality on August 14, 1947. It was a great accomplishment of the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. His biographer and American historian Stanley Wolpert, Professor Emeritus at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), has acknowledged it as follows: "Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creatipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Teacher & student

From the blog ashrafiya Sayyidi wa sanadi Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect and preserve him) said, 'Allah opens 'Uloom for the teacher upon the eagerness and zeal of the student. Just like a baby cries and milk draws forth from the chest of the mother. Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki (Allah have mercy upon him) once stated to his students, "Whatever you have achieved is through me, but if you did not have the burning desire in your souls I would not have had such inspirations and stimulus as well.' Opening session of Sahih Bukhari, Masjid Hidayah, Old Trafford – 14/04/2018 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Dosa hits Karachi with weapon of flavours – Have you tried it yet?

From the blog cheflingtales Dosas have paved their way in the heart of Karachi and can be easily found in quite a few restaurants all around the city, especially the restaurants serving South Indian dishes and *thaalis. *But, the little van outside Tooso near Bahadurabad's Chaar Minaar Chowrangi has the entire game. *Image Source: Facebook/Dosa Point* Dosa is a South Indian dish constituting a thin and crispy flatbread – made of rice and uraaddaal batter –filled with a spicy filling (beef mince, chicken or vegetable) and served with coconut curry and tamarind chutney. *Image Source: Facebook/Dosa Point* Despite being around Indian heritage, I have never had tasted dosa in my life. So when, the other day, we stopped at Bahadurabad after our little shopping spree, I and my family came across this little pipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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FINCA & Karandaaz Pakistan to Launch 'Women Community Mobilizer' Program

From the blog propakistani FINCA, one of the leading micro-finance banks, has announced a strategic partnership with Karandaaz Pakistan, a non-profit finance generating organization for small businesses and individual's financial inclusion. The first of its kind initiative between Karandaaz and a DFSP (Digital Financial Services Provider) – SimSim, will enable a new way of digital financial services in Pakistan. The yearlong partnership is aimed at developing and rolling out digital financial services targeting a specific market group of economically low income active women engaged in some form of trade such as cottage industry, factory work etc. This will not only encourage them to adopt advanced technology while availing a digital marketplace/e-commerce but would also promote local goods/services thropakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Dosa hits Karachi with weapon of flavours – Have you tried it yet?

From the blog cheflingtales Dosas have paved their way in the heart of Karachi and can be easily found in quite a few restaurants all around the city, especially the restaurants serving South Indian dishes and *thaalis. *But, the little van outside Tooso near Bahadurabad's Chaar Minaar Chowrangi has the entire game. *Image Source: Facebook/Dosa Point* Dosa is a South Indian dish constituting a thin and crispy flatbread – made of rice and uraaddaal batter –filled with a spicy filling (beef mince, chicken or vegetable) and served with coconut curry and tamarind chutney. *Image Source: Facebook/Dosa Point* Despite being around Indian heritage, I have never had tasted dosa in my life. So when, the other day, we stopped at Bahadurabad after our little shopping spree, I and my family came across this little pipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Hot Girls Dance Show at PC Hotel

From the blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Lahore Girls : Hot Girls Dance Show at PC Hotel, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bollywood Inclination towards Headless Women Part-2

From the blog idlecuriositiesofmylifeMarcia Belsky, who initiated the movement of Headless Women of Hollywood claims that headless projects are dehumanizing the images of female artists globally. She managed to find countless examples of such adverts of even top classic movies that are repeatedly objectifying a women image. Such posters depict only cleavages, legs or other body parts of […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Daal Consumption Declines Sharply As Meat Consumption Rises

From the blog riazhaqPakistan's per capita daal (pulse) consumption has sharply declined to about 7 kg/person from about 15 Kg/person in 2000, according to data released by Food and Agriculture Organization and reported in Pakistani media. Meat has replaced it as the main source of protein with per capita meat consumption reipling from 11.7 kg in 2000 to 32 kg in 2016. It is projected to rise to 47 kg by 2020, according to a paper published in the Korean Journal of Food Science of Animal Resources. USDA Food Chart*Rising Incomes:* FAO report titled "State of Food and Agriculture in Asia and the Pacific Region" said rising incomes in developing nations are causing a shift from plant proteins — such as those found in pulses (daal) and beans — to more expensive animal proteins such as those found in mepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Generosity is a sign of zuhd

From the blog ashrafiya Generosity is a sign of zuhd, since the one who loves a thing holds on to it, and doesn't share it. No one is willing to part with wealth except the one for whom the world is small in his eyes-and this is the essence of zuhd. The Guidance for the Intelligent pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Against Marriage

From the blog awaisaftab"State-recognised marriage means treating married couples differently from unmarried couples in stable, permanent, monogamous sexual relationships. It means treating people in sexual relationships differently from those in non-sexual or caring relationships. It means treating those in couples differently from those who are single or polyamorous. It expresses the official view that sexual partnership is both the ultimate goal and the assumed norm. It expresses the assumption that central relationship practices – parenting, cohabitation, financial dependence, migration, care, next-of-kinship, inheritance, sex – are bundled together into one dominant relationship. And so it denies people rights that they need in relation to one practice unless they also engage in all the others and pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Packages Mall Lahore to Celebrate its First Birthday with Exclusive Discounts & Concert

From the blog propakistani It has been a terrific year for Packages Mall. The place has made all preparations to celebrate its first birthday on 20th April, 2018. The mall has welcomed amazing new brands over the past 12 months, with shoppers from around the city have visiting it in huge numbers. The mall has also executed well organized entertainment events for all ages. To recognize and celebrate the efforts of its tenants, employees and visitors alike, Packages Mall's CEO Mr. Khurram Raza Bakhtiari believes that a grand anniversary celebration would be apt to highlight and commemorate all the efforts that have been put in to make Packages Mall the ultimate shopping destination in Lahore. "I believe we as a community need to put in more effort to make outdoor experiences for people more pleasant and epakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 best spots for biryani in twin cities

From the blog cheflingtales For a foodie, just any biryani is not a proper biryani. We judge it based on a few elements, that include: the aroma, the rice, the balance of flavors and the aloo or no aloo depends on person to person. Although an authentic Karachi ki biryani is rarely found in the twin cities, but luckily from past few months many spots have opened up and are serving biryani with good enough taste. Here we have listed the 5 spots which are serving best biryani in twin cities. *Sarang Sindhi cuisine* *Image source: Facebook* A traditional restaurant located in f-11 Markaz Islamabad serves flavourful Sindhi chicken biryani and plus point is aloo cooked to perfection They also provide a portion of fresh green salad and raita, in a reasonable price with generous serving makes it a perfect spotpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How To Cope Financially When Your Income Is Low

From the blog faisalkhan When things start to get tough financially, the stress that can follow can be difficult to cope with. From monetary stress to a low mood when you can't afford to do what you love, coping when things get tough can be a struggle. While Uncle Buck payday loans can help you in the case of a financial emergency, knowing how to cope when you're low on income can make financial stress much easier to handle. Here, we're exploring how you can do exactly that. *Plan Your Meals* When you're low on income, planning out your meals will not only ensure that you know what you're having and when, but it'll give you a better chance to plan around the budget you can afford. Meal planning apps often come with the ability to tell you exactly how much a meal is likely to cost per portion, and wilpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistani journalists protest growing censorship

From the blog beenasarwarClick to view slideshow. *Following the recent statement signed by prominent academics including Noam Chomsky against the growing censorship in Pakistan, over 70 Pakistani journalists, editors, columnists, media persons from across the media landscape in the country as have signed a joint statement also expressing serious concern and condemning the ongoing curbs on freedom of expression in the country. These curbs include *several articles being pulled off media websites in Pakistan like Babar Sattar's oped (published in this blog) as well as three other pieces in The News on Sunday this past weekend. Others are not published in the first place, like Mobashir Zaidi's oped in The News, and Gul Bukhari's article for 16 April that The Nation didn't run (published in Naya Daur). Bepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What They Do

From the blog awaisaftab"People know what they do; frequently they know why they do what they do; but what they don't know is what what they do does." ― Michel Foucault, *Madness and Civilization* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Where to get the Best Chocolate Cake in Islamabad?

From the blog cheflingtales Dessert makes life happy and is the most favorite part of a meal for most of us. Ice cream, cakes, donut or you name it. Although nothing can replace a moist chocolate cake and when we say chocolate cake we make sure to bring you the best of the town. Here is the list of 5 places in Islamabad where you can have best chocolate cake. Burning Brownie *Image source: Facebook* Burning Brownie is an exclusive dessert shop in Islamabad to mesmerize your taste buds & take your sweet tooth to the next level. It is the tastiest dessert boutique that makes the best deserts and their specialty is cakes and Pavlova. If you are craving for the best chocolate molten lava cake or black forest then must try Burning Brownie. Hotspot *Image source: Facebook* Hotspot is a themed around old Papakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آئی پی ایل، پہلے سیزن کے ریکارڈز، جو آج تک نہیں ٹوٹے

From the blog cricnama اس وقت انڈین پریمیئر لیگ کا گیارہواں ایڈیشن جاری ہے۔ اب تک ہونے والے 10 سیزنز میں ہم نے بہت کچھ دیکھا۔ آئی پی ایل روایت ساز بھی رہا اور روایت شکن بھی، میدان سے باہر تنازعات سے لے کر میدان میں بنتے ٹوٹتے ریکارڈز تک، آئی پی ایل نے دنیائے کرکٹ کو بہت سی یادیں دیں لیکن حیرت کی بات یہ ہے کہ 11 واں سیزن چل رہا ہے اور اب بھی کچھ ریکارڈز ایسے ہیں جو پہلے سیزن میں بنے اور آج تک نہیں ٹوٹے۔ حالانکہ آئی پی ایل 2018ء ابھی ابتدائی مرحلے میں ہی ہے اور ہم تیز ترین نصف سنچری اور ایک اننگز میں سب سے زیادہ ڈاٹ بالز پھینکنے کے ریکارڈ بنتے دیکھ چکے ہیں۔ تو وہ کون سے ریکارڈز ہیں جو آج تک کوئی نہیں توڑ پایا؟ آئیے ایک، ایک کرکے ان کے بارے میں جانتے ہیں۔ میچ میں بہترین باؤلنگ آئی پی ایل 2008ء وہ واحد سیزن تھا جس میں پاکستانی کھلاڑیوں نے شرکت کی تھی، اس کے بعد سے آج تک کوئی پاکستانی بھارتی لیگ میں شرکpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Telenor Pakistan Wins 4 Awards at 8th PAS Awards

From the blog propakistani Telenor Pakistan, one of the country's foremost telecom and digital services provider, bagged four awards at the 8th Pakistan Advertiser Society (PAS) Awards Ceremony. Telenor Pakistan won the *Best in Telecommunications in Pakistan* award for its 'VOGON' campaign and the award for *Best in PR* for the Media Campaign on 'Tax Rationalization' with Media Matters as campaign partners. Continuing with its innovative methods of communication, Telenor Pakistan primarily focuses on digital as a mean of effectively communicating with its customers. This resulted in the company winning two additional awards and being the only operator to feature on Google's YouTube Ads Leaderboard for its *Jo Har Pakistani Chahay* communication and an episode from Pakistan's first online movie *Oye Kupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Where to get the Best Chocolate Cake in Islamabad?

From the blog cheflingtales Dessert makes life happy and is the most favorite part of a meal for most of us. Ice cream, cakes, donut or you name it. Although nothing can replace a moist chocolate cake and when we say chocolate cake we make sure to bring you the best of the town. Here is the list of 5 places in Islamabad where you can have best chocolate cake. Burning Brownie *Image source: Facebook* Burning Brownie is an exclusive dessert shop in Islamabad to mesmerize your taste buds & take your sweet tooth to the next level. It is the tastiest dessert boutique that makes the best deserts and their specialty is cakes and Pavlova. If you are craving for the best chocolate molten lava cake or black forest then must try Burning Brownie. Hotspot *Image source: Facebook* Hotspot is a themed around old Papakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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