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Engro Corp Reports 62% Jump in Profits for Q1 2018

From the Blog propakistani Engro Corporation's profit rose 62.23% to Rs. 6.83 billion in the quarter ended March 2018, mainly due to a marked improvement in Fertilizer (EFERT) and Chemical (EPCL) businesses. The conglomerate recorded a profit of Rs. 4.21 billion in the same quarter of previous year. Earnings per share improved to Rs. 8.01 in Jan-Mar 2018 from Rs. 5.42 in the corresponding period of last year. Board of directors has recommended interim cash dividend of Rs. 5 per share. Sales Net sales of the group of companies soared a massive 49.04% to Rs. 33.52 billion in the Jan-Mar 2018 quarter, from Rs. 22.49 billion in the corresponding period of the previous year. The fertilizer and polymer businesses witnessed a growth of 81% year on year and 28% year on year to Rs. 18 billion and Rs. 8.7 billipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Beat the heat with the best margaritas in Islamabad – Our top 5 picks!

From the Blog cheflingtales With summers comes so many fruits, which is a blessing for summer survival. You have many healthy options for fruit-based drinks during the summer season that including mango, lychee, watermelon, melons etc. A chilled drink makes us feel healthy and refreshed. Margaritas are quite famous and give us the exact chill factor we crave for. Mint, strawberry, lychee and all the summer fruit flavors are taking over our Instagram feed. Margaritas actually are healthy: they purify your liver and are a brilliant antioxidant to meet your summer body needs. *Let's find out where can you go for some great margaritas in the capital.* BBQ Bazar BBQ Bazar is located at F-7 near roasters and its main specialty is BBQ and Pakistani cuisine. With the taste of traditional food, you can enjoy mapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2794358649471282111 Pakistani Blog Posts


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