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Practicing Medicine فرض کفایہ

From the Blog ashrafiya Makhdum Zayn Uddin Al Malabari quotes from Imam Ghazali (Allah have mercy on them), Non-religious sciences may be blameworthy, praiseworthy or neutral. As for those which are praiseworthy, they are the sciences connected with the wellbeing of humanity in this life, such as medicine and mathematics. …..medicine, since it is necessary for the preservation of bodily health And do not be surprised by our statement that medicine and mathematics are communal obligations,…….because if these trades were to disappear, human society would be exposed to destruction. …….As the One who created the disease also created the cure, and guided humanity to the use of the latter, and prepared the causes for its benefit, it is not permissible for humans to allow themselves to be destroyed by selfpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Guilt Complex

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Zeenat Iqbal Hakimjee * Enclosed in a shell like a tortoise, Keeping away from the lively movements *& *noise My own I fail to recognize, Do not shake hands with me please I am no more, no more at ease, I suffer from a guilt complex. Was I the one to destroy a friendship Or lose my temper in a relationship? The other day I threw some litter on the road, Turned a deaf ear to the call for prayer, I suffer from a guilt complex. I am amazed at my faults Have I them or have I not? Is it just the state of my mind Or has somebody without cause have me to remind Of a non-existent situation Will I ever surface, I suffer from a Guilt Complex. *The poem was first published in poetry collection Harmony* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8529481571390268833 Pakistani Blog Posts


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