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I wish to have a bed of dreams

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of bed of dreams] I wish to have a bed of dreams Wish to have a peaceful sleep; From the ache that lived in me all over I want to get free of it that, all over; My ego hinders and tears flow freely I, but now want to weep copiously; I don't need a shoulder to cry upon I want now to carry yoke, thereupon; My tears might soften his heart now I wish my tears to soak the pillow; Unlike my heart that can be easily broken I wish to have a toy that's not easily broken A strange desire makes my restless heart I'm not what I actually wish to grow to be My heart's realm is bleak and infertile Razia I want to plant a seed of delight and glee ********** [image: Inline image] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8596049562164435822 Pakistani Blog Posts


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