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Recover Disappeared Activists

From the Blog beenasarwar It is now more than three weeks since the professor, poet and activist Salman Haider was 'disappeared' from Islamabad. Shortly afterwards, more social media activists were picked up. By whom and why? Questions beg answers. Please sign the statement urging their safe return. ****PLEASE SIGN THIS STATEMENT HERE.**** [image: recover-activists] *Famed Pakistani Poet, Academic, and Left Activist Disappeared* *Critical Activists Disappeared* *#RecoverSalmanHaider | **#RecoverAllActivists* Famed Pakistani poet, academic, and Left activist Salman Haider has gone missing since last Friday. As of now, we have little credible information but we believe that Salman was abducted due to his political views and writings. Salman has been a staunch champion of the oppressed and working classpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5201484037981809591 Pakistani Blog Posts


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