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India Files H1B Visa Complaint Against US to WTO Amid Falling Exports

From the Blog riazhaqIndia has recently complained to the World Trade Organization against the United States over changes to visas for skilled workers that Republican presidential candidates have targeted for elimination, according to a report in the UK's Financial Times. The WTO revealed that India had requested consultations with the US over moves by Washington to raise fees for L1 and H1B working visas and also restrictions on the number of those visas awarded. The move is the first step in initiating a dispute at the WTO. *India's WTO complaint:* India's WTO complaint is over an increase in fees on H1B visas that the US imposed on companies with workforces comprised of more than 50 percent foreign workers. A provision included in last year's federal spending bill added a new $4,000 fee for eacpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Your love ties hitherto glowing in my heart

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: 9738716-low_res-the-age-of-loneliness (1)] Who says I don’t keep thou in my mind Thy remembrance is sheltered in my heart My eyes are wet and sadly moans my heart All our love coverts deeply set in my heart Beam of love you lighted once in my heart That beams is hitherto gleams in my heart Come see fragrant love pounds in my mind Your love ties hitherto glowing in my heart pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9006766352618894520 Pakistani Blog Posts


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