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The Caretaker by Harold Pinter as an Absurd Play

From the blog iamzeeshan*(I had written this as a Drama class assignment. Sharing it here now.)* *Theatre of the Absurd: * Theatre of the Absurd, in essence, refers to the dramatic plays which came in the 1950s and 1960s, written by European and American dramatists. The term was used for the first time by Hungarian-born critic Martin Esslin in 1962. The major element of these plays was the focus on the meaningless of life, and the futility of finding logic, purpose and sense in the existence of humanity, and the world it inhabits. The driving force behind these plays was the hopelessness that prevailed in the Europe after the World War II. Europe had seen a Great War, and believed that was the last one, but then it found itself in the middle of another war. Two wars within such a short space of time plpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اسمتھ-کوہلی جھگڑے کی اصل وجہ؟ ہردیک پانڈے

From the blog cricnama"وہ آیا، اس نے دیکھا اور فتح کرلیا" یہ محاورہ کرکٹ میں جن چند کھلاڑیوں پر صادق آتا ہے، ان میں سے ایک بھارت کے ویراٹ کوہلی ہیں۔ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ میں قدم رکھتے ہی انہوں نے شائقین کرکٹ کو اپنی بلے بازی کا گرویدہ بنا رکھا ہے۔ لیکن کوہلی کے مزاج میں زبردست تضادpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Why Ch Nisar Fights With Everyone?

From the blog pkhope Nisar never forgets and never forgives. If you have stepped without his will or even has hinted at something with which he doesn't agree, you should then watch your back as he will get back to you for that with vengeance. From his constituency of Wah, Taxila, and Chakri you can ask anybody and they would tell you that Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan doesn't tolerate dissenting voices and nobody dares to contradict or criticize him. If anybody does that, they leave the party or sometimes the area. Chaudhry Nisar's fightings and skirmishes within cabinet and party are not new. He is the core reason why many PMLN stalwart left the party. Heck, he is the reason why PML became PMLN. The biggest and most respected name which comes to the fore of the people who left he party is of Javed Hashpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan unlikely to fight climate change without boosting forest cover, warns climate change secretary Arif Ahmed Khan

From the blog pamirtimes[image: FEDERAL SECRETARY FOR CLIMATE CHANGE, ARIF AHMED KHAN CHAIRING A HIGH LEVEL INTER-MINISTERIAL/INTER-PROVINCIAL MEETING ON SPRING TREE PLANTING CAMPAIGN 2016 IN ISLAMABAD ON JANUARY 29, 2016.]By Saleem Shaikh ISLAMABAD, January 30: A target of 159 million tree plantation throughout the country has been set for the upcoming three-month spring season, which will kick off from February. While chairing a high-level inter-ministerial and inter-provincial meeting here on Friday (January 29), the federal climate change secretary, Mr. Arif Ahmed Khan, finally approved the […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اول المسلمین - یتیم - 5

From the blog omer-urduعبد المطلب کے بعد محمد صلعم کی یتیمی، تاثیر میں تین گنا ہو گئی۔ صرف آٹھ سال کی عمر میں آپ صلعم ایک بار پھر کنبہ بنی ہاشم کے کئی گھرانوں میں بٹ کر رہ گئے ۔ بالآخر، آپ صلعم کی ذمہ داری ابو طالب کے کندھوں پر آن پڑی۔ عبد المطلب کی وفات کے بعد ابو طالب نے بنی ہاشم کے نئے سربراہ کے طور پر ترکے میں پورے کنبے کے اثاثہ جات اور اختیارات تو پا لیے مگر ساتھ اس کے، بھاری بھرکم ذمہ داری pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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خدا کے مدد گار

From the blog khawarking کہیں کسی گامے نے حکومت سے زمین الاٹ کروائی جو کہ جھاڑ جنگھاڑ کا جنگل تھا۔ گامے نے اس جنگل کی صفائی شروع کی صبح سے شام تک زمین کو قابل کاشت بنانے کے لئے جتا رہتا تھا۔ ایک دن وہاں سے ایک پادری کا گزار ہوا۔ پادری گامے سے پوچھتا ہے ۔ کیا کر رہے ہو؟ گاما اس پادری کو بتاتا ہے کہ زمین کو قابل کاشت بنانے کے لئے صفائی کر رہا ہوں ۔ پادری گامے کو دعا دیتا ہے خداوند خدا تمہاری مدد فرمائے ۔ آمین ۔؎ کہہ کر پادری چلا جاتا ہے ۔ کسی سال بعد جب پادری کا دوبارہ وہاں سے گزر ہوتا ہے ۔ تو پادری دیکھتا ہے کہ وہ زمین ایک بہت خوبصورت فارم میں تبدییل ہو چکی ہے ۔ ترتیب سے لگے درخت ، پھولوں کی کیاریاں ، کھیتوں میں اگی سبزیاں اور پھلوں کے درخت ، سب کچھ بہت ہی ترتیب سے حسن کی بہار دیکھا رہا تھا گاما بھی وہیں کام کر رہا تھا پادری ، گامے کے سلام کا جواب دے کر کہتا ہے تم نے خداوند خدا کی مدد سے اس زمیں کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اسمتھ-کوہلی جھگڑے کی اصل وجہ؟ ہردیک پانڈے

From the blog cricnama"وہ آیا، اس نے دیکھا اور فتح کرلیا" یہ محاورہ کرکٹ میں جن چند کھلاڑیوں پر صادق آتا ہے، ان میں سے ایک بھارت کے ویراٹ کوہلی ہیں۔ بین الاقوامی کرکٹ میں قدم رکھتے ہی انہوں نے شائقین کرکٹ کو اپنی بلے بازی کا گرویدہ بنا رکھا ہے۔ لیکن کوہلی کے مزاج میں زبردست تضادpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سپہ سالار کی ڈائری - توسیعی ورژن

From the blog jafar-haledilشبِ رفتہ سے ہی طبیعت کچھ بوجھل سی تھی۔ نیند دیر سے آئی۔ تہجّد سے کافی دیر پہلے آنکھ کھل گئی۔ وضو بنایا۔ تہجّد کے وقت تک نوافل ادا کئے۔ دل کو کچھ قرار سا آیا۔ کل کی ملاقات میں مقتدرین نے اپنی خواہش کا برملا اظہار کر دیا۔ وہ چاہتے ہیں کہ میں ملک و ملّت کی خدمت سے کنارہ کش ہوجاؤں اور ان کو لوٹ مار کے لیے آزاد چھوڑ دیا جائے۔ میں نے صاف انکار کردیا کہ ایسا ہرگز نہیں ہوگا۔ جب تک وطنِ عزیز اسلام کا قلعہ نہ بن جائے میں اپنی ذمہ داریاں کیسے نظر انداز کرسکتا ہوں؟ وہ کچھ بولے تو نہیں مگر کبیدہ خاطری ان منحوسوں کے چہروں سے عیاں تھی۔ شب کے آخری پہر، خدا کے حضور مناجات کرنے سے دل کو تسلّی ہوئی۔ فجر کے بعد معمول کی ورزش کی۔ ناشتے میں آلو والے پراٹھے تھے۔ میں نے زوجہ سے باز پُرس کی کہ ان کے لیے رقم کا بندوبست کہاں سے ہوا؟ ان کی آنکھیں بھر آئیں۔ کہنے لگیں پچھلے دو ہفتوں سے وہ ایک وقت کا کھانا کھpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Protected: Personal Spaces – Rumana Hussain's

From the blog thekarachiwallaThere is no excerpt because this is a protected post.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تعلیمی درسگاہوں میں تبلیغی سرگرمیوں پر پابندی- بہت دیر کی مہرباں آتے آتے

From the blog pakteahouse تحریر: عماد ظفر [image: tableeghi-jamat] پنجاب حکومت نے بالآخر ایک انتہائی دانشمندانہ اقدام اٹھاتے ہوئے تعلیمی درسگاہوں میں کسی بھی قسم کی مذہبی تبلیغ پر پابندی عائد کر دی۔ ساتھ ہی درسگاہوں میں جمعے کی خطبے کو بھی سرکاری اجازت نامے کے ساتھ جاری کرنے کا حکم دیا گیا۔ اس خوش کن اور مثبت فیصلے پر تو مصرعہ یاد آ گیا کہ "بہت دیر کی مہرباں آتے آتے"۔ کسی مفکر نے کہا تھا کہ اگر آپ کسی بھی قوم یا معاشرے کو ترقی سے روکنا چاہتے ہیں تو انھیں کتابوں سے دور کر دیجیے۔ قابل فہم بات ہے کہ جب کوئی فرد یا قوم مطالعے کی عادت چھوڑ دے اور علم سے دور ہوتی جائے تو اس میں سوچنے سمجھنے اور حقائق کو جاننے کی صلاحیتیں ناپید ہوں جاتی ہیں۔ آپ سوچنے کی طاقت کسی بھی فرد سے چھین لیں وہ ذہنی طور پر مفلوج ہو جائے گا اور جو چیزہیں اسے رٹای جائیں گی ان میں ہی منجمند ہو جاے گا۔ یہی حال اقوام کا ہوتا ہے جن قوموں میpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Big Film Entertainment releases #BACHAANA’s Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

From the blog sychhFollowing the release of the official trailer earlier this month, Big Film Entertainment and Hum Films launched the original soundtrack for #BACHAANA – a Nasir Khan Film at Hardees in Lahore on the 26th of January 2016. Featuring Sanam Saeed, Mohib Mirza and Adeel Hashmi, #BACHAANA is set to release on 26th February 2016 across […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Blushing Bride - Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush Review and Swatches

From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies[image: Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in Blushing Bride] Tarte, a brand which shot to popularity for its Amazonian clay blushes, had always been the one I closely kept up with with every new release in hopes of getting easy access in Pakistan some day and alas made it possible. My first purchase of course had to be their blush because that is what everybody has always raved about and I don't recall a single negative review. However, what you see on the internet rather than experiencing yourself can be quite different, mostly because of the way things are projected. The Tarte Amazonian Clay blushes come in a total of sixteen wearable shades but I chose Blushing Bride because it was something different for my collection and at the same time a safe pick for my complexiopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بھارت نے آسٹریلیا کی بولتی بند کردی

From the blog cricnamaآسٹریلیا کے خلاف ٹی ٹوئنٹی سیریز سے قبل یہ زبان زد عام تھا کہ بھارت ایک روزہ کی طرح مختصر ترین طرز کی کرکٹ میں بھی آسٹریلیا کے ہاتھوں بری طرح شکست کھائے گا لیکن اس کے بالکل برعکس ٹی ٹوئنٹی میں بھارت کے گیندباز خصوصاً اسپنرز خوب چلے۔ بلے باز تو ہیں ہی کمالpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ufone Celebrates its 15th Anniversary!

From the blog propakistani Ufone celebrated its 15th anniversary with great fervor and spirit, with the commitment to remain the best cellular company in Pakistan. Picture shows Abdul Aziz, CEO Ufone along with the Ufamily at the cake cutting ceremony. - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Home Ministry issues threat alert, security beefed up in Gilgit-Baltistan

From the blog pamirtimes[image: police-415x260]MERAJ ALAM GILGIT: The Home Department of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) has sent a security alert to the all departments of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), informing them about threats of terrorist activities. The departments have been instructed to enhance their security levels and not show any negligence. ‘There are complaints from the concerned quarters that the officials of GB police […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بھارت نے آسٹریلیا کی بولتی بند کردی

From the blog cricnamaآسٹریلیا کے خلاف ٹی ٹوئنٹی سیریز سے قبل یہ زبان زد عام تھا کہ بھارت ایک روزہ کی طرح مختصر ترین طرز کی کرکٹ میں بھی آسٹریلیا کے ہاتھوں بری طرح شکست کھائے گا لیکن اس کے بالکل برعکس ٹی ٹوئنٹی میں بھارت کے گیندباز خصوصاً اسپنرز خوب چلے۔ بلے باز تو ہیں ہی کمالpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دہشت گردی کو شکست ہم مل کر دے سکتے ہیں

From the blog pakteahouse تحریر: عماد ظفر [image: pakistan] دہشت گردوں کا دہشت گردی کے واقعات برپا کرنے کے پیچھے ایک اہم مقصد ہوتا ہے. وہ مقصد معاشرے میں خوف کی ایسی فضا قائم کرنا ہوتا ہے کہ جس کے تلے ہر فرد اپنے آپ کو غیر محفوظ تصور کرتا ہے جہاں ہر سانس لینے والا اپنی زندگی کو دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں یرغمال سمجھتا ہے. نفسیات کی دنیا میں اس کیفیت کو "پیرانویا" کہا جاتا ہے جہاں ہر وقت انسان کو کچھ غلط ہونے کا دھڑکا لگا رہتا ہے یا شائبہ رہتا ہے.وطن عزیز میں چارسدہ کی باچا خان یونیورسٹی میں ہونے والے تازہ ترین المناک دہشت گردی کے واقع کے بعد بھی کچھ ایسی ہی کیفیت طاری ہے. ایک دہائی سے زائد عرصے پر محیط دہشت گردی نے ہمارے معاشرے کو بھی ایک پیرانویا میں مبتلا کر رکھا ہے. چارسدہ کے تعلیمی ادارے کو نشانہ بنانے کے بعد دہشت گرد مختلف صوبوں میں تعلیمی اداروں کو نشانہ بنانا چاہتے تھے اور سراغ رساں ایجنسیوں کی پیشگیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Operation Black Hawk Down

From the blog iabhopal [image: Operation Black Hawk Down] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A-Plus To Air New Tv Serial ‘Bhai’ With Noman Ejaz In A Different Avatar

From the blog sychh‘BHAI’ introduces Noman Ejaz in a different avatar as a dominating and feared neighborhood godfather-like figure, for which the actor put on some weight to get into character.The TV serial was shot in the walled city areas of Lahore and is Produced and Directed by Shoaib Khan and its cast also includes Salman Shahid, Affan Waheed, […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جنم دن

From the blog seems77 سوچ کا ایک زاویہ ایسے بھی۔۔۔۔۔ شکریہ نورین تبسم صاحبہ ۔۔۔ اپنے سالگرہ کے دن یہ تحریرایک خوبصورت پیغام کی صورت یہاں پوسٹ کر رہی ہوں۔ :) "اگر ہراُترتی شب ہم اپنا محاسبہ نہ بھی کر سکیں تو سال کا آخری روز پورے سال کے اعمال کا جائزہ لینے کو کافی ہوتا ہے لیکن یہ بھی ممکن نہ ہو تو سال میں کم از کم ایک دن تو ایسا آتا ہے جب اتنی بڑی کائنات میں وہ دن صرف ہمارا ہوتا ہے۔۔۔ ہمارا جنم دن ۔۔۔۔۔ اگر اس روز ہمارا احساس نہ جاگے ایک پل کو بھی یہ خیال نہ آئے کہ ہم کیوں اس دُنیا میں آئے؟ ہماری تخلیق کا مقصد کیا تھا؟ تو اس سے بڑی زیادتی اپنے آپ کے ساتھ اورکوئی نہیں ۔ بے شک اس سوال کا جواب ہمیں کبھی نہیں ملتا اور نہ ہی ہم اس کو جاننے کی اہلیت رکھتے ہیں ۔ پر کسی سوال کا جواب نہ ملنا یہ ثابت نہیں کرتا کہ وہ سوال لایعنی ہے۔ اہم یہ ہے کہ اس روز اپنے ساتھ کچھ وقت گزارا جائے،اپنے آپ کو وقت دیا جائے۔اور ہpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What's in my Bag

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesSo I figured I should kind of tell you guys more about the kind of random things I do. For example, I usually stuck to a normal, grey messenger bag but the problem with that bag was that every time I put it on the shelf outside the library, it would disappear. Imagine looking for a dark grey bag in a little corner of shelves, filled with bags and it's not exactly the brightest place you've ever been to. People tended to assume my bag was owned by a male student and therefore, could be tossed out of the shelf and onto the ground to fit in, oh I don't know, a particularly feminine looking bag? I put up with this three times, each time I'd been close to tears, convinced my bag had been stolen and would I really have to lug these books around in my arms all day? I'd had to dig throupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"دھیما" آفریدی اور برق رفتار مصباح

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ میں ہر بلے باز کا ایک خاص انداز اور کھیلنے کا طریقہ ہوتا ہے۔ کوئی سست روی سے نہیں کھیل سکتا تو کسی کے لیے تیز بلے بازی مشکل ہی نہیں، ناممکن ہوتی ہے لیکن چند کھلاڑی ایسے باکمال ہوتے ہیں کہ مشکل صورت حال میں اپنے فطری انداز سے ہٹ کر ایسا کھیلpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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MobiCash Gets GSMA Awards Nomination for Facilitation of Humanitarian Aid

From the blog propakistani Mobicash, a joint venture of Mobilink and Waseela Microfinance Bank has been nominated for the esteemed GSMA's Global Mobile Awards 2016. Mobicash's 'Funds Disbursement for Humanitarian Aid' is selected in the category of 'Mobile in Emergency or Humanitarian Situations'. Launched in 2012, Mobicash has become the fastest growing MFS provider in the country with more than... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ch Nisar Vs Reham Malik

From the blog pkhope Interior ministry in Pakistan is not a piece of cake during any time. And especially in these very tough and bloody times when Pakistan is at war internally at many fronts, right interior minister is probably the most important person to have for this country. Unfortunately, after Rehman Malik we have got Chaudhry Nisar. It's like from bad to worse. Like Nisar, Rehman Malik was also inept, clueless, claims-maker, liar, and incompetent but at least Rehman Malik was available all the time and he made a point to show his presence at the scenes, in public, in media and in the parliament. It seems as if only one person knows how effectively the National Action Plan (NAP) has been implemented while the entire media, intellectuals and parliamentarians are ignorant. Chaudhry Nisar conpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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“Govt earnestly working to settle administrative status of Gilgit-Baltistan”: President Mamnoon Hussain

From the blog pamirtimes[image: President Mamnoon Hussain in a group photo with a delegation of political leadership and Civil Society Members of Gilgit-Baltistan at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad on January 28, 2016. Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs, Governor and Chief Minister Gilgit-Baltistan are also present.]Islamabad: President Mamnoon Hussain has said that the government is working earnestly to settle the administrative status of Gilgit-Baltistan according to the aspirations of people without changing its principled stance on Kashmir which would resolve the issues of the area and enable the people to improve the standard of living. The President said this while talking to […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog khawarking بارسلونا میں ایک ریسٹورینٹ میں بیٹھا تھا کہ ایک بریلوی مسلک کے دیہاتی بزرگ سے ملاقات ہوئی مذہبی باتوں میں وہ بابا مجھ سے چڑ گیا کہ تم ہو کیا ؟ تم تو چکڑالوی ہو !!۔ اس دیہاتی بابے نے مجھے بتایا کہ ان کے گاؤں کا ایک بندہ جو کہ بریلوی گھرانے کا تھا ، وہ گمراھ ہو کر وہابی ہو گیا تھا کچھ مدت بعد وہ وہابیت بھی چھوڑ کر تمہاری طرح چکڑالوی ہو گیا تھا ۔ پھر کچھ وقت ایسا بھی آیا کہ لوگ کہنے لگے تھے کہ وہ عیسائی ہو گیا تھا ۔ لیکن خاور پتر تمہیں مزے کی بات بتاؤں کہ وہ بندہ پچاس کے پیٹے میں پہنچتے پہنچتے دوبارہ بریلوی ہو چکا تھا ۔ آج جبکہ میں اپنی عمر کی پچاسویں دھائی میں ہوں تو مجھے وہ بابا یاد آ رہا ہے کہ میں نے ایک سنی بریلوی گھرانے میں جنم لیا ۔ قران کے مطالعے نے مجھے شرک سے نفرت کا احساس شدت سے ہوا تو میں نے بریلوی مسلک کو مشرک سمجھ کر چھوڑ دیا ۔ توحید کا درس دینے والے اہل حدیث کیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan's Response to Climate Change

From the blog riazhaqPakistan has made only a small contribution to climate change through carbon emissions. And yet, it counts among the dozen or so nations considered most vulnerable to its damaging effects. These include rising temperatures, recurring cycles of floods and droughts and resulting disruption in food production. What can Pakistan do to minimize these impacts? Pakistan is working with both sources and sinks of carbon. Among the sources, the nation is focusing on increasing production of clean, renewable energy that does not produce carbon emissions. At the same time, there is a reforestation effort underway in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province to plant a billion trees to remove carbon from the atmosphere. *Reforestation:* Reforestation project in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province is part of tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"دھیما" آفریدی اور برق رفتار مصباح

From the blog cricnamaکرکٹ میں ہر بلے باز کا ایک خاص انداز اور کھیلنے کا طریقہ ہوتا ہے۔ کوئی سست روی سے نہیں کھیل سکتا تو کسی کے لیے تیز بلے بازی مشکل ہی نہیں، ناممکن ہوتی ہے لیکن چند کھلاڑی ایسے باکمال ہوتے ہیں کہ مشکل صورت حال میں اپنے فطری انداز سے ہٹ کر ایسا کھیلpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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یہ میرا مسئلہ نہیں ؟

From the blog theajmals یہ کہانی 22 جنوری 2016ء کی تحریر کا تتمّہ ہے کسان اور اس کی بیوی بازار سے ڈبے میں کچھ لے کر آئے ۔ معلوم کرنے کیلئے کہ وہ کھانے کیلئے کیا لائے ہیں ایک چوہے نے دیوار میں سوراخ سے دیکھا ۔ کھانے کی چیز کی بجائے چوہے دان دیکھ کر اُس کی جان ہی نکل گئی وہ بھاگا بھاگا گیا اور مُرغی سے کہا "کسان چوہے دان لایا ہے"۔ مرغی نے چوہے کی بات مسترد کرتے ہوئے کہا "یہ تمہارا مسئلہ ہے ۔ مجھے کوئی پریشانی نہیں"۔ چوہا دوڑتا ہوا بکری کے پاس پہنچا اور کہا "کسان چوہے دان لایا ہے"۔ بکری نے چوہے سے کہا "مجھے تمہارے ساتھ ہمدردی ہے مگر میں اس کیلئے پریشان نہیں ہوں"۔ پریشان حال چوہے نے گائے کے پاس جا کر دوہرایا "کسان چوہے دان لایا ہے"۔ گائے نے کہا "میں تمہارے لئے دعا کروں گی مگر میری تو چوہے دان میں ناک بھی نہیں گھستی"۔ چوہا بد دل ہو کر سر لٹکائے اپنے بِل میں جا کر گر پڑا اور سوچتا رہا کہ جب بھی وہ کسان کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Khalid Malik Visits the NESCAFÉ Basement Jam Room

From the blog sychh The talent that has been selected by Nescafé Basement's upcoming fourth season has been jamming vigorously for the past month to prepare for the recording phase. The jam sessions have created a lot of buzz in the music industry which has resulted in several visitors – journalists, editors, bloggers, music critics, radio jockeys – […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Reality of Deen: Concern for Hereafter

From the blog ashrafiya [image: لامخل] Musleh-al-Umma Maulana Wasiullah Allahabadi (Allah have mercy on him) said, " *Deen* (religiosity) in reality is the name given to the life of the heart. This life sprouts by having concern for the hereafter (*akhira*). These days in spite of increasing outward acts of religiosity like prayers ( *salah*), fasting, religious gatherings and discourses, religious teachers and students, even more than before, the (religiously cognizant and) savvy (*ahle ahsas*) individuals realize that all these activities are lifeless. Now only the (outer) form of Deen exists. The (inner form, the) spirit has become extinct. The reason for this (calamity) is that in places where there are no spiritually cognizant and capable mentors then how would the people of that locality knowpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بگ بیش کی زبردست کامیابی، پاکستان سپر لیگ کے لیے مشعل راہ

From the blog cricnamaجب پاکستان اور نیوزی لینڈ مدمقابل تھے اور دنیائے کرکٹ کی دو بڑی ٹیمیں جنوبی افریقہ اور انگلستان خالی میدانوں میں ایک یادگار سیریز کھیل رہی تھیں، آسٹریلیا کے میدان تماشائیوں سے ابل رہے تھے۔ پاکستان میں اس مرتبہ یہ لیگ اتنی زیادہ مقبول نہیں ہوئی کیونکہ اس میں کوئی پاکستانی کھلاڑی شریک نہیں تھاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Easypaisa Nominated for Global Mobile Awards for the 4th Consecutive Time

From the blog propakistani Easypaisa has been nominated for the prestigious GSMA Global Mobile Awards – 2016 in the "Best Mobile Product or Service for Women in Emerging Markets" category. This is the fourth consecutive time that Easypaisa has been nominated for a GSMA award, commonly dubbed as the "Oscars" of the Mobile and Telecommunication industry. In 2014, Easypaisa won... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Difference Between PSL and MCL

From the blog pkhope By funding extremism in Pakistan, UAE is basking in Cricket glory these days as Pakistan is forced to use their venues for their T20 league and other international matches. It pains us a lot to see that we cannot play Cricket in our country just because some lunatics would strike at the game. If it would be up to me, I would never choose UAE as an alternate venue. I would go to Sri Lanka or Malaysia. Anyway, we are hapless people and rely on the remittances from those gulf states for now. As we start PSL, UAE starts MCL. As with everything else, these Emiratis don't have any team of their own. By throwing ugly money around in bags, they have gathered retired players from around the world and holding this tournaments. They are offering such large sums that many players from Papakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Why are children afraid of going to school?

From the blog pamirtimes[image: Shakila Bano]By Shakila Bano The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. Nelson Mandela American Psychiatric Association defines fear as a negative emotion toward a real or imagined danger that threatens an individual’s life, personality, or values, including goals and principles. Some fears are innate, like fear of heights […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Who Are You? – The Case for a Global KYC Registry

From the blog faisalkhanThe KYC Problem In the world of payments and transactions, how do you identify a person? Globally? Some nations have ID cards, most don’t have it. Some have email, quite a few don’t. Many have mobile phones – which makes a great case for *it* being a unique identifier, but then comes along Mark Zuckerberg and David Marcus from Facebook – and they want to kill the telephone number. The (Facebook) *Messenger* is all you need, cites Mark. Interesting concept, except that is one sided. It favors Facebook more than anyone else. An advantage, I’m not willing to give in to Facebook… yet! So, the question that begs to be answered – How do we make a global registry? One that can not only be used to identify a person, but also be acceptable as a form of authenticated token for purposes pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sewing: Clothespin Bag

From the blog ummeyusufAfter completing my last project, which was that pair of upcycled gloves, I promptly started another knitting project _ another sweater for my son. This one is far simpler than the cabled one I finished at the start of this year, and I have made considerable progress. However, all this time, I had been having a craving for a quick sewing project, some sort of bag. Finally, I got out my supplies and sewed up this clothespin bag. It was done in two sittings. First I selected the design (from this tutorial ) and drafted the pattern. The next morning, I did the actual sewing. All the fabrics came from my scrap bin. It was my first time doing an appliqué and I quite enjoyed it. And it makes a nifty home for my clothespin, which were earlier housed in a makeshift pillow-case. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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بگ بیش کی زبردست کامیابی، پاکستان سپر لیگ کے لیے مشعل راہ

From the blog cricnamaجب پاکستان اور نیوزی لینڈ مدمقابل تھے اور دنیائے کرکٹ کی دو بڑی ٹیمیں جنوبی افریقہ اور انگلستان خالی میدانوں میں ایک یادگار سیریز کھیل رہی تھیں، آسٹریلیا کے میدان تماشائیوں سے ابل رہے تھے۔ پاکستان میں اس مرتبہ یہ لیگ اتنی زیادہ مقبول نہیں ہوئی کیونکہ اس میں کوئی پاکستانی کھلاڑی شریک نہیں تھاpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Memory Jar Project

From the blog beanbagtalesAfter stuffing papers in an envelope in my drawer, I finally got around to buying a proper jar for the Memory Jar project. So far I've managed to write almost everyday which has, I think, more to do with filling up the jar more than anything else! But it's very interesting to sit down every night and think over the various events which make up my day. The challenge here is not to just list down things I do everyday. The aim is to record how the various things I do everyday make me feel and how they affect my life and those of others around me. So that at the end of the year, I can appreciate my year for the memories I created, no matter how big or small. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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City Landmarks – Karachi’s largest Cross

From the blog thekarachiwallaGora Qabrustan is a personal favorite. And now it is home to the largest cross not only in Karachi or Pakistan but entire Asia. A christian businessman has funded its construction as a symbol of hope for Christians in the country where they are often marginalized. Gora Qabrustan can be conveniently accessed through Kala Pul […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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It's Me. Again.

From the blog maryamrezaTurns out I can't even do the selling out bit properly. Lost interest after a few months and it's just so... meh. Don't see the point. Okay, total lie. I'm too lazy to commit to being a sellout. It takes up way too much time and effort, okay? I could just spend that on food. More rewarding. So how've you been? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Charsadda Attack and Pakistan’s Double Game

From the blog pakteahouse *By Ahsan Iftikhar Nagi* [image: bacha-khan-university-in-charsadda-under-attack-1453282248-5411] This June will mark two years since the state launched the military offensive, Zarb-e-Azb, against various militant outfits operating in the country. The operation unarguably has deeply affected the enemy. However the militants on occasions have been able to carry out attacks in the country. It is not that the Pak Army is militarily incapable. The armed forces have done a terrific job and have regained almost ninety percent of the troubled north-western region from the illegal occupants. It is, however, the vagueness in the foreign policy of the country that is creating the hurdle in reinstating the peace of the country. Just a month after the country commemorated the deadly APS pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Living example of what drones are

From the blog mtrtmk Victim of Obama’s first drone strike: ‘I am the living example of what drones are’ …If there is a list of tyrants in the world, to me, Obama will be put on that list by his drone program.”… “There are so many people like me in Waziristan that I know of who were targeted and killed who had nothing to do with militancy or the Taliban,” Qureshi said, “so many women who have been killed, children who have been killed, but there is still no answer to this. Forget about the answers, there is not even acknowledgement that we were killed.” … Qureshi said he does not believe ordinary Americans are “evil or unjust”, and urges them not to believe what their government tells them about drone strikes and Pakistan. “I am the living example of what drones are,” Qureshi said. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Farah Talib Aziz introduces ‘The Timeless Bride’ Collection

From the blog sychhKarachi’s highly coveted boutqiue designer, Farah Talib Aziz has been creating customized couture for almost a decade introduces a capsule bridal collection, “The Timeless Bride”. The label focuses on the contemporary bride’s need to feel extraordinary and unique on her special day hence crafting her ideal ensemble that is made exclusively just for her. “A […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sign of spiritual benefit 

From the blog ashrafiya Imam Abdul Wahab al Sha’arani (Allah have mercy on him) said, ‘The Masters of this path have stated that the signs that a disciple is benefiting from his Shaikh are, – He keeps a good opinion about all the people except for himself. – He does not see the deficiencies of others. -Moreover, he is not perturbed at all by anyone saying bad things about him and considers it to be correct. Imam adds that it is imperative (*wajib*) for whoever reads quotes of Sufis like this that demand action to look into their own self. If he finds himself acting accordingly then he must thank Allah. And if he lacks it then he should repent and strive to incorporate it into his life.’ *Lataif al minan*, page 44 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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We.. Naz made some ride noodles :) super happy and all energized.. $hawksbay #karachi #pakistan #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #lovinit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday

From the blog ozairrao [image: We.. Naz made some ride noodles :) super happy and all energized.. $hawksbay #karachi #pakistan #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #lovinit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday] The post We.. Naz made some ride noodles :) super happy and all energized.. $hawksbay #karachi #pakistan #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #lovinit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday appeared first on Ozair Rao. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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BookShelf: Every Patient Tells a Story(Lisa Sanders)

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writes [image: 6085146]A riveting exploration of the most difficult and important part of what doctors do, by Yale School of Medicine physician Dr. Lisa Sanders, author of the monthly *New York Times Magazine *column "Diagnosis," the inspiration for the hit Fox TV series *House, M.D.* "The experience of being ill can be like waking up in a foreign country. Life, as you formerly knew it, is on hold while you travel through this other world as unknown as it is unexpected. When I see patients in the hospital or in my office who are suddenly, surprisingly ill, what they really want to know is, ‘What is wrong with me?’ They want a road map that will help them manage their new surroundings. The ability to give this unnerving and unfamiliar place a name, to know it–on some level–restores apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ski Chairlift opened for visitors in Naltar, Gilgit

From the blog pamirtimes[image: Saadia-Khan-Cup-3] A recently installed chairlift has been opened for the general public in Naltar, some 45 kilometers away from Gilgit City. Watch this report to ride the chairlift. Watch the video report by Abdul Rehman Bukhari and Cameraman Munawar Hussain Nagri. Ski Lift Ride in Naltar, Gilgit[Video] Ski Lift Ride in Naltar, Gilgit Report: Abdul Rehman […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Debate 16

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics The flagship parliamentary debating competition of the Lahore School of Economics Association of Debaters, the Lahore School Debate, was held at the Lahore School from on January 16-18 2016. The 7th Annual Lahore School Debate followed the All-Asian Parliamentary Style of Debates, which employs the 3-on-3 debating format, with reply speeches. Teams from 60 schools and universities from across the country gathered at the Lahore School Burki campus to compete in categories of English and Urdu Parliamentary. Results: Urdu Debates Winners - Government College University, Urdu Debates Runners Up - The Debating Circuit. English Debates Winner - Nabo ve Nabo, English Debates Runners up - Two and Half Men Best Speaker Urdu Debates - Abrar Butt (The Debating Circuit) Best Speaker Enpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Love is akin to a bird

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: images] *Love is akin to a bird* *When dwells in any heart* *It never leaves the heart* *Inhabits of lasting delight* *Breathes life in the heart* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bacha Khan, Faqir of Ipi and the Afghanistan angle

From the blog pakteahouse By Yasser Latif Hamdani *(Author’s note: This article is my personal opinion based on my own research. It does not, necessarily, reflect the point of view of PTH or its editors as a group.)* Since the cowardly attack on Bacha Khan University in Charsadda, which we all must condemn as nothing less than attack on Pakistan and its future, a number of self styled progressives have been singing paeans of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, or as he is more popularly known Bacha Khan, as a secular and non-violent activist who has been forsaken by the wretched state. That the state has downplayed Bacha Khan and his legacy is not disputed, though there is an international airport named after him and the university named after him is also a government university. Countless roads and buildings expakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The people behind #AlbelaRahi – Pakistan’s upcoming blockbuster

From the blog sychhIt was a fine chilly night of December 2013 when Sultan Ghani Afzal and Faisal Hashmi were sitting in the Stimulus office when suddenly it dawned on them that it was high time they made a film! It was always Sultan’s dream to make a film on someone who has left behind a legacy and […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5 Inspiring Quotes That Changed The Way I Look At Life

From the blog noorsplaceI love to read random quotes and write them down for inspiration. If I were to say that most of my life decisions were inspired by different quotes, please don't be surprised. I am a quote junkie by heart! I have already done a* Quotes from my favorite books* post & today I have 5 other quotes to share that have inspired me in so many ways. [image: 5 inspiring quotes that changed the way I look at life] 1. *“I learned...that inspiration does not come like a bolt, nor is it kinetic, energetic striving, but it comes into us slowly and quietly and all the time, though we must regularly and every day give it a little chance to start flowing, prime it with a little solitude and idleness.” * ― Brenda Ueland Whenever I feel irritated by the lack of inspiration, I can rely on the good vibpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایک روزہ میں پاکستان کی مسلسل شکستیں، سبب اور حل

From the blog cricnamaایک روزہ کرکٹ میں پاکستان کی شکست کا سلسلہ دراز سے دراز تر ہوتا جا رہا ہے۔ کھلاڑی بدل، کپتان چلے گئے، حالات تبدیل ہوگئے لیکن فتوحات کو شکست میں بدلنے کا چلن عام نہ ہو سکا۔ گزشتہ پانچ سالوں میں پاکستان کی ایک روزہ کرکٹ میں نمایاں کامیابیاں محض انگلیوں پر گنی جا سکتیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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SECP Issues E-Voting Regulations 2016, Shareholders Can Now Vote Via Internet

From the blog propakistani The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) issued the E-voting Regulations 2016 paving way for the shareholders to be part of the decision-making process of their company through electronic means. The regulations give the shareholders option to vote in meeting from a remote location by using the Internet. This is a further step by... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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General Raheel Sharif's 'No' to Extension

From the blog pkhope By insisting to retire on the date it is due, General Raheel Sharif has raised his stature as a professional soldier. He has practically demonstrated that it is the institution that is more important than the individual. The Army Chief has been quoted as saying: "Pakistan army is a great institution. I don't believe in extension and will retire on the due date." Since the Army Public School, Peshawar, tragedy, the social media was full of praises for General Raheel Sharif for his determination to confront the terrorists. In fact, he had become more popular than the Prime Minister and other politicians. The social media was in a way tempting him to take full charge of the situation at the expense of civilian leadership. He was projected as a would-be-saviour. A lesser mortal mipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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CM Gilgit-Baltistan visits Ismaili Center London, invites businessmen to explore investment opportunities

From the blog pamirtimes[image: CM]By Rubab Maryam Khan London, 21 January 2016 – Gilgit- Baltistan’s Chief Minister, Hafiz Hafeez Ur Rehman, visited the Ismaili Centre on Thursday afternoon, where he met with Liakat Hasham, the President of the Ismaili Council for United Kingdom, Farhad Mawani, Vice President, Nadeem Boghani, Chairman Aga Khan Economic Planning Board and Salim Janmohmed, National […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I wish to adorn my being one day

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: 12c4b6aa34b02e03b8454ad74c3cbeb5] *Enchaining that times of yore period * *Waiting here at your time's threshold* *You won't be at peace for a moment* *Come see my pitiful heart's sentiment* *Your wants have brought you to me* *You should meet me; meet solely me* *I wish to adorn my being one day ever* *Viewing my being in your eyes' mirror* *Leave some charisma before you depart* *Or people seek for thy merit; when depart* *Overwhelming viewers seated spellbound* *The moment I finished chanting my poetry* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایک روزہ میں پاکستان کی مسلسل شکستیں، سبب اور حل

From the blog cricnamaایک روزہ کرکٹ میں پاکستان کی شکست کا سلسلہ دراز سے دراز تر ہوتا جا رہا ہے۔ کھلاڑی بدل، کپتان چلے گئے، حالات تبدیل ہوگئے لیکن فتوحات کو شکست میں بدلنے کا چلن عام نہ ہو سکا۔ گزشتہ پانچ سالوں میں پاکستان کی ایک روزہ کرکٹ میں نمایاں کامیابیاں محض انگلیوں پر گنی جا سکتیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Is music prohibited in Islam?

From the blog kashifshahzadapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog theajmals نہ غریب نُوں ویکھ کے ہسیا کر نہ اُہنُوں بُری نظر نال تکیا کر لَوکاں دے عَیب لَبدا ایں فریدا کدی اپنے اندر وی تکیا کر pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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‘Civic Duty’ or ‘Civic Responsibility’?

From the blog pakteahouse By Khadija Khan [image: jinnah3] Meeting deadlines, struggling with organizational bureaucracy, and cold weather as well as absolute agitation over the ‘Signal Free Gulberg’ I snarled my way through the jam-packed traffic of Lahore’s boulevards. In all of the daily chaos, I looked at a frail old man holding a banner ‘’We Need Jinnah’s Pakistan’’. A lone ranger, I could recall having seen him a few times before, at the Liberty Chowk. The combination of the 11oC temperature grappling Lahore, the sheer grit and determination with which he held the slogan over his head with a firm grip and a straight face posed intriguing questions, and compelled me to at least lend him an ear. His name is Mr. Ikram-ul-Haq (Rtd. Additional Managing Director of National Fertilizer Marketing Limpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What Religion Says

From the blog iabhopal Francesca Hogi, 40, had settled into her aisle seat for the flight from New York to London when the man assigned to the adjoining window seat arrived and refused to sit down. He said his religion prevented him from sitting beside a woman who was not his wife. Irritated but eager to get underway, she eventually agreed to move. Laura Heywood, 42, had a similar experience while traveling from San Diego to London via New York. She was in a middle seat — her husband had the aisle — when the man with the window seat in the same row asked if the couple would switch positions. Ms. Heywood, offended by the notion that her sex made her an unacceptable seatmate, refused. “I wasn’t rude, but I found the reason to be sexist, so I was direct,” she said. A growing number of airline passengerspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Fog Catcher Films to produce movie on the life of living legend Alamgir

From the blog sychhFawad Khan revealed as #AlbelaRahi in exclusive kick-off event Fog Catcher Films, a sister concern of Stimulus Productions, has announced what can be tipped to be the next blockbuster of the Pakistani cinema industry, Albela Rahi – a film on the epic tale of once an ordinary man, Alamgir, who rose to be the iconic […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Focusing the wandering mind

From the blog ashrafiya Shaikh Jalal ud Deen Thanesari (Allah have mercy on him d. 989 Hijri) said, ‘The (spiritual) ailments of heart (*mind*) are from three sources. 1. (Useless) Self talking (*hadith e nafs*). It is the thinking that is both with intention and volition. 2. The (potentially) threatening (*khatra*) thinking. These are the unintentional random thoughts. (If one actively 3. The focus of heart on things other-than-Allah (*ghair*)’ *Irshad at Talibeen*, page 14 The excessive mindful remembrance of Allah done as instructed by spiritual masters is to fix these issues. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog awaisaftabThe vast majority of beauty in the universe is unfriendly to us, if not outright lethal. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Enjoyed the spirit of karachi at #karachieat .. was good meet friends, family and ofcourse trying out different yummy foodies #food #karachi #pakistan #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #nepalissafe #nepalissafetovisit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday

From the blog ozairrao [image: Enjoyed the spirit of karachi at #karachieat .. was good meet friends, family and ofcourse trying out different yummy foodies #food #karachi #pakistan #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #nepalissafe #nepalissafetovisit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #photooftheday] The post Enjoyed the spirit of karachi at #karachieat .. was good meet friends, family and ofcourse trying out different yummy foodies #food #karachi #pakistan #yummyfood #hopscotchers #travel #thamel #instapassport #wunderlust #trip #nomadlife #nomads #travelling #beautiful #mountains #instatravel #instalike #love #nepalissafe #nepalissafetovisit #instago #instagood #trip #holiday #ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Love Letter to The X-Files

From the blog iamzeeshan *(This post contains spoilers.)* *Dedicated to Karishma, My X-Phile Buddy.* The revival of the legendary series *The X-Files* is almost here. It's quite unimaginable the manner in which the series is returning. I, along with other 'X-Philes', had been wishing for a third X-Files film, and then something unbelievable happens. We find out that the series itself will be returning in the form of a limited revival season, consisting of six episodes. How bloody, fucking amazing was that?! (Oh, and Twin Peaks is coming back as well. Samurai Jack too!! Hallelujah!) While I had known about The X-Files for a long time, but it was only in 2010, or perhaps a bit earlier than that, that I started watching the series in the proper order. From the moment when Special Agent Dana Scully metpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The White Desert

From the blog odysseuslahoriI first went wandering about Thar Desert back in 1980. I had seen bits of the Thal Desert in Punjab some years before that and both deserts disappointed me. There were no real wind-sculpted sand dunes like I had seen in pictures of the Sahara, Gobi or Takla Makan deserts. As time went by, I got to know Thar much better. This included what was in those days called the Tharparkar district in the south and Khairpur in the north of Sindh. The one blank on my map was the desert part of Sanghar district. This tantalised because someone told me that the eastern-most part of the district that trod on the Indian border had a ‘different kind’ of desert. About that same time (1980) I read a rather drab little report in Dawn about the desert lakes of Sanghar and made a mental note that thispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pak-China Defense Tech Ties "Irk West"

From the blog riazhaqGrowing defense collaboration between China and Pakistan irks the West, according to a report in the UK's Financial Times newspaper. The paper specifically cites joint JF-17 Thunder fighter jet, armed drone Burraq and custom AIP-equipped submarines as examples of close cooperation between the two nations. Pakistan's bitter experience with the unreliability of its cold war allies as weapons suppliers has proved to be a blessing in disguise. It has forced Pakistan to move toward self-reliance in production of the weapons it needs to defend itself from foreign and domestic enemies. It all started back in 1965 when the US and its western allies placed an arms embargo on Pakistan during war with India. The bitterness grew stronger when the US forced France to cancel its contract to pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سیلفی اور ثالثی

From the blog jafar-haledilیہ موسم سرما کی ایک خُنک رات تھی۔ دُھند نے چاروں اطراف کو یوں گھیرے میں لیا ہوا تھا جیسے عاشق، محبوب کو بانہوں میں بھر لیتا ہے۔۔۔ جپھّی اک واری کُٹ کے توں پاء گُجرا۔۔۔۔ یہ ایک رومانٹک اور اداس کردینے والی کیفیت تھی۔ میں نے کتاب سے نظر ہٹائی اور سٹڈی کی کھڑکی کے دھندلے شیشے سے باہر دیکھا۔ ایک مطمئن سی اداسی میرے رگ و پے میں دوڑ گئی۔ چیبانگا موزونگو کی بھیجی ہوئی زمبابوین کافی کا گھونٹ بھر کے میں نے سر کو راکنگ چئیر کی پشت سے ٹکایا۔ ایک طویل ڈکار لیا۔ حیدر آبادی بریانی، بیف کباب اور کوک کی خوشبو سے ساری سٹڈی مہک اٹھی۔ میں نے آئی فون سکس (کسٹم میڈ) ٹیبل سے اٹھایا۔ اداس اور رومانٹک چہرے کی ایک سیلفی لے کر فیس بک پیج پر اپ لوڈ کی اور دوبارہ کتاب پر جھک گیا۔ اچانک فون کی بیل بجی۔ سکرین پر "میاں صاحب" کا نام جگمگا رہا تھا۔ میں حیران رہ گیا۔ یہ ایک خلاف معمول بات تھی۔ یہ کبھی گیارہ بجے کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sindh province has become the haven for terror groups

From the blog pakteahouse *By Tanveer Arain* [image: sindh] Pakistan is fighting terrorism since more than a decade. More than 80,000 Pakistani have been killed in war on terror. According to a report titled “Body count: Causality figures after 10 Years of the War on Terror” there are 81,325 people included 45 journalists have lost their lives in this fight from 2004 until the end of 2013. This figure is increasing day by day and the fight is ongoing till to date. In January 2015, Government of Pakistan announced a National Action Plan (NAP) to crack down and eventually eliminate proscribed organizations across the country. This happened 6 months after the Zarb-e-Azb Operation [Zarb-e-Azb is the Joint military offensive being conducted by the Pakistan Armed Forces against the various Jihadi organisatipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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میں نعرۂ مستانہ

From the blog riazshahidشاعر – واصف علی واصف – مجموعہ – شب چراغ میں نعرۂ مستانہ، میں شوخئ رِندانہ میں تشنہ کہاں جاؤں، پی کر بھی کہاں جانا میں طائرِ لاہُوتی، میں جوہرِ ملکُوتی ناسُوتی نے کب مُجھ کو، اس حال میں پہچانا میں سوزِ محبت ہوں، میں ایک قیامت ہوں میں اشکِ ندامت ہوں، میں گوہرِ یکدانہ Read more...| مزید ۔۔۔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"ویسٹ انڈیز کرکٹ کا آخری چشم و چراغ" چندرپال بھی رخصت ہوا

From the blog cricnama22 سال طویل کیریئر اور 164 ٹیسٹ مقابلوں کے بعد بالآخر ویسٹ انڈیز کے شیونرائن چندرپال نے دنیائے کرکٹ کو خیرباد کہنے کا اعلان کردیا۔ بلے بازی کے منفرد انداز کےحامل چندرپال صرف 86 رنز کی کمی کی وجہ سے ویسٹ انڈیز کے لیے سب سے زیادہ ٹیسٹ رنز بنانے والے بلے باز نہ بنpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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" خیال ،خیال ہی رہا "

From the blog universe-zeeno دوستو: فکرستان میں شئیرنگ کا ایک نیا سلسلہ" میں نے پڑھا "عنوان کے تحت روزانہ کی بنیاد پر شئیرنگ اور اس پر تبصرہ لکھنے کا خیال تھا ،لیکن ! یہ خیال ،خیال ہی رہا عملی جامہ نہ پہن سکا ۔۔ (ایم ڈی) pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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As Pakistan Bleeds in Charsadda Again

From the blog pkhope It was the other night around 10:00pm here in USA,which would be 10:00 am in Pakistan. I was involved in whats app group chat with my cousins and other family members back there in Pakistan.Suddenly a cousin who is a current Senator from KP posted ," Bacha Khan University at Charsadda has been attacked by the terrorists. "It went on drastically,then the news of casualties pouring in . Our chat turned into prayers and concern for the ill fated students and their families . So many precious lives are lost . Every one helplessly feeling the pain and deeply grieved with events. She then informed that there are some 3000 students inside, it was Bacha Khan' s anniversary and a Mushaira was organized. I tried to get updates through BBC and latest news from Pakistani Media. A youngpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Determining the political status of Gilgit-Baltistan – Future perspectives

From the blog pamirtimes[image: Imtiaz Haque]By Col (r) Imtiaz-ul-Haque Determination of political and constitutional status of Gilgit Baltistan is an important and sensitive national issue, having far-reaching effects. The same has been kept in a hang on position since independence in 1947. As a national policy in principle, the future of Gilgit Baltistan has been linked with Kashmir Issue, considering […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اول المسلمین - یتیم - 4

From the blog omer-urduروایت سے منقول ہے کہ محمد صلعم اپنے دادا کے لاڈلے تھے۔ یہ اور اس طرح کی کئی دوسری روایات مسلمانوں کی محمد صلعم سے جذباتی نسبت اور استدلال کی ضرورت ہیں۔ ایمان والوں کے لیے محمد صلعم جیسی قد آور اور نادر شخصیت کو یوں بے توجہی کا شکار ہوتے دیکھنا تکلیف دہ بات ہے۔ اس طرح خیر خواہوں، ایمان کی حد تک ماننے والوں نے رقم تاریخ میں چھٹی صدی کی تلخ حقیقتوں میں اپنی تشفی کے لیے روایت pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جاپانی لوک کہانیوں کی بات

From the blog khawarking جاپانی لوک کہانیوں میں ایک دیوتا کا بڑی کثرت سے ذکر ملتا ہے ۔ جسے "بیمبو گامی " کہتے ہیں ، یعنی کہ غریبی کا دیوتا ،۔ غریبی کا دیوتا بینبو گامی بڑا سست الوجود اور کاہل واقع ہوا ہے ،۔ بینبو گامی جس گھر میں ڈیرا ڈال لے اس گھر میں غریبی گھر کر جاتی ہے ،۔ بینبو گامی کے ڈیرا کرنے سے گھر کے لوگ بھی سست الوجود اور کاہل ہو جاتے ہیں ،۔ بینبو گامی گھر کے کونے کھدروں میں کہیں ایسی جگہ ڈیرا کر لیتا ہے جہاں گھر کے افراد کی نظر یا قدم نہ پڑیں ، جیسے کہ چھت کے چھتیروں کی اوٹ وغیرہ ،۔ جس گھر میں بینبوگامی کا ڈیرا ہو وہ گھر ترقی نہیں کر سکتا ، اس گھر کے افراد کا پہناوا گندا ہو کر چھیتڑوں میں تبدیل ہو جاتا ہے ،۔ افراد کے منہ پر رونق نہیں رہتی اور اس گھر کے افراد کے منہ پر حالات کی خرابی کا شکوہ اور دوسروں کی سازشوں اور دوسروں کے حسد کی تکرار ہوتی ہے ،۔ جیسا کہ دنیا بھر کی لوک کہانیاں ،لوگوں کو دانpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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blossomed like a lily in lagoon

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: images] *Seems as lived in eyes' lagoon* *I blossomed like a lily in lagoon* *Can't deem beautiful ambiance* *Seems as wide awake in dream* *My snappy glances at her seem* *Like am learning to see to deem* *She's the one who has ambiance* *I'm deprived soul in the heavens* * Meeting her is peculiar meeting* *Seems like embraced fragrance* *Do love him the way I adore you* *If ever find a one similar to me* *I now accept as factual, that Sahar* *As I'm detached from my own self* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"ویسٹ انڈیز کرکٹ کا آخری چشم و چراغ" چندرپال بھی رخصت ہوا

From the blog cricnama22 سال طویل کیریئر اور 164 ٹیسٹ مقابلوں کے بعد بالآخر ویسٹ انڈیز کے شیونرائن چندرپال نے دنیائے کرکٹ کو خیرباد کہنے کا اعلان کردیا۔ بلے بازی کے منفرد انداز کےحامل چندرپال صرف 86 رنز کی کمی کی وجہ سے ویسٹ انڈیز کے لیے سب سے زیادہ ٹیسٹ رنز بنانے والے بلے باز نہ بنpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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تاریخ کا مقدمہ، تہزیبی نرگسیت اور سانحہِ چارسدہ

From the blog pakteahouse *تحریر: راجہ قیصر احمد* [image: charsada] یہ خیال و ملال اور شوق و وصال کی ایک سرما زدہ شام ہے اور میں سہ پہر کی اس میلی دھوپ میں قائدِ اعظم یونیورسٹی میں بیٹھے دھند و کہر میں لپٹے اسلام آباد کو دیکھ رہا ہوں اور اپنی خاموشی سے ہمکلام ہوں۔ دکھ و اندوہ کی عجیب سی کیفیت ہے۔ سچ یہ ہے کہ میں اداس ہوں۔ اور بہت اداس ہوں۔میری اداسی اور بے دلی نے مجھے ایسی کیفیت میں مبتلا کر دیا ہے کہ میں سوچنے کی حالت میں نہیں ہوں۔ چار سو سناٹا ہے اور ایک مہیب سی خاموشی۔ یہ ایک نا خوشگوار شام ہے اپنی پوری فضا کے ساتھ نا خوشگوار شام۔ ہوا عبث کی فضا میں بہہ رہی ہے اور میں بے کیفی میں سانس لے رہا ہوں۔ سوال پوچھنا غداری نہیں چارسدہ حملے : اب عملی اقدامات کرنا ہوں گے چارسدہ یونیورسٹی میں مرنے والے مویشی نہیں انسان تھے کتنے خورشید و ماہتاب آہنگ بنتے ہوئے بجھ چکے اور کتنے دِن گُل اور کتنی راتیں ڈھل چکیں مpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Scaffold Safety Program

From the blog firstaidtosavealifeAn approximate 65 % of the construction industry, work on scaffolds frequently. Protecting these workers from scaffold-related accidents would prevent 744,500 injuries and 1014 deaths every year, at a saving of $810 million dollars in workdays not lost. As it is a legal … Continue reading →pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Farewell, Aslam

From the blog beenasarwar[image: Aslam-2013-photo beena] Aslam Azhar, Islamabad, 2013. Photo: Beena Sarwar *My personal tribute to a giant of progressive politics in Pakistan, published in The Friday Times on Jan 15, 2016, posted below with links that didn't make it into the TFT copy. * By Beena Sarwar *Aslam. That's what everyone, junior or senior, in the theatre group Dastak called him.* He insisted upon it. That was just one aspect of Aslam Azhar, the founding father of Pakistan Television and already a legendary figure in the late 1980s. That was when I joined the theatre group that he had started in 1982 with his close friend and comrade Mansoor Saeed – who also insisted on being called Mansoor. Aslam's wife Nasreen and Mansoor's wife Abida were also activists. Besides Dastak, they were involved pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Not-So-Average Day in the Life of a Pakistani Med Student

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writes[Warning: Terrorism, Long Post] When I think I've finally gotten into a routine of studying, something always happens that breaks the mental schedule I have set for myself. For example, before this week had even started, I had decided that I would spend my free time in the library, trying to catch up on all the work that I had gotten behind on when I had went to Karachi. Things seemed to go great until the middle of the week when some very freaky rumors started spreading in the institute.. This story of sorts unravels on the morning of 20th January, 2016. There are three main events that I will relate to you. I hope this doesn't alarm you, I just want to convey what kind of things tend to happen in my country. *The First Incident* Imagine a classroom with a strength of studepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Way To Fearlessness

From the blog noorsplaceOne of the most important personality traits, for me, is the quality of fearlessness. I wouldn't call myself a completely fearless person because I'm far from it. But it's something on my mind lately to achieve. In fact, it's one of my 2016 goals in terms of personal growth. Fearlessness means differently for different people. I want to share what it means for me: It's about trying new things when I am so unsure about their turn-out. It's about taking a risk when there's no certainty whether I'll pass it or not. It's about willing to let go of things when they're no longer good for me but still means a lot. It's about getting things done when failure seems inevitable. It's about wishing and working for the things you want in life; no matter if they look utterly impossible to acpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اہم ترین مقابلے میں بدترین شکست

From the blog cricnamaپاکستان کو نیوزی لینڈ کے خلاف تیسرے، آخری و فیصلہ کن ٹی ٹوئنٹی میں 95 رنز کی بدترین شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا ہے۔ پاکستان کو اپنی بدترین بلے بازی کے باوجود کبھی کسی نے اتنے بڑے فرق سے شکست نہیں دی۔ سب سے مایوس کن بات یہ ہے کہ پاکستان سیریز میں ایک-صفر کیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اے میرے رب میں تجھے پکار کر کبھی محروم نہیں رہا۔

From the blog awaz-e-dostقَالَ رَبِّ اِنِّىْ وَهَنَ الْعَظْمُ مِنِّىْ وَاشْتَعَلَ الرَّاْسُ شَيْبًا وَّلَمْ اَكُنْ بِدُعَآئِكَ رَبِّ شَقِيًّا (مریم4) کہا اے میرے رب! میری ہڈیاں کمزور ہو گئی ہیں اور سر میں بڑھاپا چمکنے لگا ہے اور میرے رب! تجھ سے مانگ کر میں کبھی محروم نہیں ہوا۔ لَمْ اَكُنْ بِدُعَآئِكَ رَبِّ شَقِيًّا اے میرے رب میں تجھ سے مانگ کر کبھی محروم نہیں رہا۔ اے میرے رب میں تجھے پکار کر کبھی نامراد نہ رہا۔ بوڑھے زکریاؑ کو اولاد کی تمنا ہے۔ آہستہ سے پالنے والے کو پکارتے ہیں۔ دعا کرتے ہوئے ان کے لہجے کی امید اور رب پر مان نے آج میرے آنکھیں نم کر دیں۔ کتنا مان تھا ان لفظوں میں کہ رب العالمین نے انہیں قیامت تک کے لیے محفوظ کر دیا۔ لَمْ اَكُنْ بِدُعَآئِكَ رَبِّ شَقِيًّا اے میرے رب میں تجھ سے مانگ کر کبھی محروم نہیں رہا۔ بندہ ہونے کا احساس کیسے اپنے عروج پر ہے۔ زکریاؑ جانتے ہیں کہ یہیں سے ملا ہے اور یہیں سےpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Railway Sets New Example by Favoring One Telco in its Tender

From the blog propakistani Pakistan Railway recently floated tender and corresponding RFP in which it has bluntly favored one telco and has tailored it as such that no other company qualifies for the project. It is assumed that only one specific telecom operator is going qualify for the project and is naturally going to win it. Pakistan Railway, for provision... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Shahid Afridi – Dark Chapter in Pakistani Cricket

From the blog pkhope This ball chewing and conniving person has taken hostage Pakistani Cricket for a long time now. Since his arrival, never ever has he been considered a quality bowler or batsman. Heck, we are still not sure whether he is a batsman, bowler, all rounder or none of it. Thankfully, his career is ending now though being Afridi, he will try to stick to the team as long as possible. It's time that Pakistan Cricket Board dismisses him ignominiously and just close all the doors. With his blind flukes, he sometimes scores some runs but then for the next 70 matches, he does nothing except disappointing. He has been instrumental in blocking the way of new and fresh talent in the team. His nepotim and friendships have cost Pakistan a lot. From Sohaib Maqsood to Anwar Ali, from Umar Gul to Apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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