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ایک روزہ میں پاکستان کی مسلسل شکستیں، سبب اور حل

From the Blog cricnamaایک روزہ کرکٹ میں پاکستان کی شکست کا سلسلہ دراز سے دراز تر ہوتا جا رہا ہے۔ کھلاڑی بدل، کپتان چلے گئے، حالات تبدیل ہوگئے لیکن فتوحات کو شکست میں بدلنے کا چلن عام نہ ہو سکا۔ گزشتہ پانچ سالوں میں پاکستان کی ایک روزہ کرکٹ میں نمایاں کامیابیاں محض انگلیوں پر گنی جا سکتیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

SECP Issues E-Voting Regulations 2016, Shareholders Can Now Vote Via Internet

From the Blog propakistani The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) issued the E-voting Regulations 2016 paving way for the shareholders to be part of the decision-making process of their company through electronic means. The regulations give the shareholders option to vote in meeting from a remote location by using the Internet. This is a further step by... - pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

General Raheel Sharif's 'No' to Extension

From the Blog pkhope By insisting to retire on the date it is due, General Raheel Sharif has raised his stature as a professional soldier. He has practically demonstrated that it is the institution that is more important than the individual. The Army Chief has been quoted as saying: "Pakistan army is a great institution. I don't believe in extension and will retire on the due date." Since the Army Public School, Peshawar, tragedy, the social media was full of praises for General Raheel Sharif for his determination to confront the terrorists. In fact, he had become more popular than the Prime Minister and other politicians. The social media was in a way tempting him to take full charge of the situation at the expense of civilian leadership. He was projected as a would-be-saviour. A lesser mortal mipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3596711339536124742 Pakistani Blog Posts


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