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City Landmarks – Karachi’s largest Cross

From the Blog thekarachiwallaGora Qabrustan is a personal favorite. And now it is home to the largest cross not only in Karachi or Pakistan but entire Asia. A christian businessman has funded its construction as a symbol of hope for Christians in the country where they are often marginalized. Gora Qabrustan can be conveniently accessed through Kala Pul […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

It's Me. Again.

From the Blog maryamrezaTurns out I can't even do the selling out bit properly. Lost interest after a few months and it's just so... meh. Don't see the point. Okay, total lie. I'm too lazy to commit to being a sellout. It takes up way too much time and effort, okay? I could just spend that on food. More rewarding. So how've you been? pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2995437292300815107 Pakistani Blog Posts


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