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Charsadda Attack and Pakistan’s Double Game

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Ahsan Iftikhar Nagi* [image: bacha-khan-university-in-charsadda-under-attack-1453282248-5411] This June will mark two years since the state launched the military offensive, Zarb-e-Azb, against various militant outfits operating in the country. The operation unarguably has deeply affected the enemy. However the militants on occasions have been able to carry out attacks in the country. It is not that the Pak Army is militarily incapable. The armed forces have done a terrific job and have regained almost ninety percent of the troubled north-western region from the illegal occupants. It is, however, the vagueness in the foreign policy of the country that is creating the hurdle in reinstating the peace of the country. Just a month after the country commemorated the deadly APS pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Living example of what drones are

From the Blog mtrtmk Victim of Obama’s first drone strike: ‘I am the living example of what drones are’ …If there is a list of tyrants in the world, to me, Obama will be put on that list by his drone program.”… “There are so many people like me in Waziristan that I know of who were targeted and killed who had nothing to do with militancy or the Taliban,” Qureshi said, “so many women who have been killed, children who have been killed, but there is still no answer to this. Forget about the answers, there is not even acknowledgement that we were killed.” … Qureshi said he does not believe ordinary Americans are “evil or unjust”, and urges them not to believe what their government tells them about drone strikes and Pakistan. “I am the living example of what drones are,” Qureshi said. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3401144340039176657 Pakistani Blog Posts


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