Creativity Flow - #iGraphy
From the blog noorsplace*Welcome to #iGraphy - photography link up. Every Saturday, this link up invites bloggers and photography enthusiasts to share their creative photos on web. The aim of this link up is to focus on everyday objects or surrounding and take photos of everything you like and share it with the world. Photography isn't limited to huge fancy cameras but is a passion. So grab your point and shoot, iPhone or tablet and take wonderful photos to share with the world. Be an iGrapher!* Hey everyone! Good ol' Saturday is here. This week, a lot happened and a lot has to happen in upcoming week. This is what life look like when I have studies and unplanned bits waiting for me to catch up with. Freshmen year of college has finally ended (sad yays!) and all I've left to do is study for finals. Wispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
A Letter To Mr Altaf Shaikh (A Sindhi Writer)
From the blog faizansworldThis is the letter I have sent to Mr. Altaf Shaikh, one of the great Sindhi writers of our time.Since it is a matter of general importance, I am sharing it here. Dear Sir Assalam-u-alaikum, This is Faizan Muhammad Jat from Hyderabad, Sindh. I am a great fan of yours. I was reading your previous columns and I came across one such publication where you mentioned about our issues of time management, lack of hard work, and carelessness. Sir, being a young citizen of Sindh and Pakistan, I can tell you that it’s not just one or two issues, but a cluster of issues encircling us these days. And, there seems to be no way forward. We are totally plunged into deepest ditches of ignorance and we don't know how to get out of it. The first among our problems is that we lack clarity in our ambitpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Telenor Fashion Pakistan Week Fever
From the blog jasminecatchesbutterflies Remember the time when I attended my first Autumn/Winter Fashion Pakistan Week last November? Well, I was ten times more excited to attend the Spring/Summer show this March/April but what a bummer that my mid-term exams got delayed to the same week as TFPW. Nonetheless, I have already addressed this on my social media that I will still be doing a round up on my blog next weekend so you guys have nothing to worry about! ;) [image: Wardha Saleem The Lotus Song Collection] [image: Deepak Perwani TFPW Collection]Deepak Perwani sneak peek Now, even though, I love winter wear because of the comfy hoodies and all that layering, I am a nutter for summer clothing solely because of the eye-catching shades and prints! If you have stuck around for long enough, you know I am a magpie to evepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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