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What To Write?

From the Blog randomlyabstract randomlyabstract: A collaborative heartspill on words and wordsnot. Originally posted on Life Confusions: This poem is as a result of collaboration between Maria And I. We were chatting and she suggested we should write something together but then we couldn’t decide what we should write about. So it just went from there and we came up with this. It was a pleasure writing this with her. Here is the final piece: We can write about betrayal. Or we can write about snow and fairies We can write about a deep pit of sorrow or we can write about rains that fall like mercies. You are right, We can write about anything, We can write about how life throws curve balls at you, And then leaves you around to wallow in your misery Or we can write about how beautiful it is, The very small thingspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1736229334850255688 Pakistani Blog Posts


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