Sit-ins in Pakistan mean ‘Old Wine in New Bottle
From the Blog pakteahouse *By Aoduley Aryan* [image: PTI-and-PAT-sits-ins-in-Islamabad] The on going sit-ins in Islamabad Pakistan staged by Imran Khan of Pakistan Tehreek Insaaf and another by a cleric Tahiurl Qadri. Their followers have caused a severe political crises threats to democracy and are pushing the country on the verge of destruction. The country’s masses are already faced with terrorism, sectarianism and religious extremism. Above all, the worst threat to the country is downing democracy and its vulnerable parliament that are toppled after every ten years. During the 67 years of its history, its army led uniformed dictators have ruled the country more than people elect rulers. Even after 1947 of its emergence, Pakistan faced severe political, managerial and constitutional crisis. The counpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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