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The great revealing of your personalized Magnum!

From the Blog flat-tidingsWhen you have cravings that only a person with a feverish sweet tooth would understand, places like The Magnum Pleasure Store become your heavenly go-to. On Sunday, the 14th of September 2014, bloggers met up at the exclusive Digital Launch of the Magnum Pleasure Store in Karachi. And heavenly the pure Belgium chocolate experience was. This Magnum store is the first of its kind in Pakistan, where people can hangout, mingle and make memories along with enjoying their favorite Magnum, customized to their wishes and whims. Magnum has shared its pleasure around the world, and it was time that Karachiites experienced it as well. Decorated with the illusion of tiny chocolate bites and the love of Magnum duly expressed in gold, the store's ambiance makes it a perfect go to for makpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

My Painting Of Che Guevara Published In “Between History And Myth: Stories Of Harald Fairhair And The Founding Of The State”

From the Blog sesapzaiWhen Professor Bruce Lincoln approached me about a year ago, with the message (and I am only sharing part of it): I’m writing to request permission to reproduce your striking […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8406653345005336930 Pakistani Blog Posts


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