The Perfect Moist Vanilla Cupcakes
From the blog bakefreshEnough said in the title. Yes, they are "The" Vanilla Cupcakes. I am very happy as I write today's post. Its not an easy claim. Vanilla cakes and cupcakes are the trickiest of genre. Oil, shortening, butter or mix of them, all purpose or cake flour, yogurt, milk or buttermilk, egg yolks egg whites or whole, reverse creaming or traditional butter and sugar creaming method, I have tried them all. From white velvet to yellow to white cakes and cupcakes, nothing came out the way I wanted them to be. Moist, tender crumb well risen, nice rounded tops, pronounced vanilla flavor and not so sensitive that if baked for an extra minute, goes dry. Also, one of the perks is that it is one-bowl method. I will give the well-deserved credit to Lindsay of LifeLoveandSugar who posted this amazipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
Ramzan 2014- eat, sleep, pray and READ!
From the blog beanbagtales I'm embarking on a crazy project this month which involves a lot of reading (on an empty stomach) and blogging. It is something similar to a project I did a long time ago (read here). Image: Google pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post