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The Perfect Moist Vanilla Cupcakes

From the blog bakefreshEnough said in the title. Yes, they are "The" Vanilla Cupcakes. I am very happy as I write today's post. Its not an easy claim. Vanilla cakes and cupcakes are the trickiest of genre. Oil, shortening, butter or mix of them, all purpose or cake flour, yogurt, milk or buttermilk, egg yolks egg whites or whole, reverse creaming or traditional butter and sugar creaming method, I have tried them all. From white velvet to yellow to white cakes and cupcakes, nothing came out the way I wanted them to be. Moist, tender crumb well risen, nice rounded tops, pronounced vanilla flavor and not so sensitive that if baked for an extra minute, goes dry. Also, one of the perks is that it is one-bowl method. I will give the well-deserved credit to Lindsay of LifeLoveandSugar who posted this amazipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ramzan 2014- eat, sleep, pray and READ!

From the blog beanbagtales I'm embarking on a crazy project this month which involves a lot of reading (on an empty stomach) and blogging. It is something similar to a project I did a long time ago (read here). Image: Google pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Army Chief visits Siachen

From the blog defenceblogRAWALPINDI: Army Chief General Raheel Sharif visited Siachen on Saturday. According to ISPR, Army Chief spent some time with Jawans at the world's highest battle front. He also laid floral wreath at monument of Gayari Martyrs and paid rich tributes to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the defense of the country. Army Chief addressing on the occasion appreciated the morale of thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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رمضان کریم

From the blog theajmals سب مُسلم محترم بزرگوں ۔ بہنوں ۔ بھائيوں اور پيارے بچوں بالخصوص قارئین اور ان کے اہلِ خانہ کی خدمت ميں رمضان کريم مبارک اللہ الرحمٰن الرحيم آپ سب کو اور مجھے بھی اپنی خوشنودی کے مطابق رمضان المبارک کا صحیح اہتمام اور احترام کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے روزہ صبح صادق سے غروبِ آفتاب تک بھوکا رہنے کا نام نہیں ہے بلکہ اللہ کے احکام پر مکمل عمل کا نام ہے ۔ اللہ ہمیں دوسروں کی بجائے اپنے احتساب کی توفیق عطا فرمائے اور ہمیں حِلم ۔ برداشت اور صبر کی عادت سے نوازے *اللہ سُبحانُہُ و تعالٰی کا حُکم * *سورت 2 ۔ البقرہ ۔ آيات 183 تا 185* اے ایمان والو فرض کیا گیا تم پر روزہ جیسے فرض کیا گیا تھا تم سے اگلوں پر تاکہ تم پرہیزگار ہو جاؤ چند روز ہیں گنتی کے پھر جو کوئی تم میں سے بیمار ہو یا مسافر تو اس پر ان کی گنتی ہے اور دِنوں سے اور جن کو طاقت ہے روزہ کی ان کے ذمہ بدلا ہے ایک فقیر کا کھانا پھر جوpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Your True Love! What is it?

From the blog hassanhabibWhat is it that you hold most dear in this world? We have fires inside us, burning and sweltering, the fire of want and desire, of lust and passion, of virtue and wickedness. These fires have fuels, nations and religions, family and friends, ambitions and fame. How long these fires remain ablaze inside us depends on our faith, the unwavering faith on what we hold most dear in this temporary, delusional world of ours. You can see on people’s face when they talk about it, the excitement and glory on their faces, you can see how possessive they are of what they hold dear, unadulterated love, their true ambition, they don’t know it themselves sometimes. It is not that these fires don’t have a grandeur effect on the happenings of this world, rather our innermost reactions, innermost pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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رمضان المبارك ١٤٣٥

From the blog ashrafiya [image: 20140629-135519-50119099.jpg] Please, benefit from the posts previously published on the site regarding Ramadan using the search option. May Allah facilitate for us deriving maximum benefit from these precious moments. May this be for His sake alone and in accordance with the blessed Sunna. Amin! *Muhtaj e dua* 'abd pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog iabhopal Learn to love without condition Learn to talk without bad intention Learn to give without any reason Learn to care for others without any expectation pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Cellular Companies: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA

From the blog newsPakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA: In order to monitor quality of services provided by the cellular companies through 3G and 4G, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority PTA has upgraded its equipment procured from Finland-based company, official sources said on Friday. Yes, the company has upgraded its equipment free-of-charge, which the PTA had procured from them in 2006, official sourcespakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Zong Rolls Out ‘Super 3G’ in the Federal Capital

From the blog telecompk Zong, a China mobile company and Pakistan’s fastest growing telecom network announced the launch of its exciting ‘Super 3G’ service for consumers in Islamabad at a press conference. Previously, Zong had rolled out the ‘Super 3G’ service to its customers in Karachi and Lahore. ‘Super 3G’ will help consumers experience extremely fast internet, through which they will be able to stream songs and videos within minutes. It will offer best in class technology HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access) providing maximum speeds of up to 42 Mbps (twice as fast as normal 3G available in Pakistan). Speaking about the launch of the ‘Super 3G’ service in Islamabad, Dr. Zhao Peng, CCO, Zong said, We are enthusiastic about launching the service in Islamabad as a part of our first phase of the ‘Super 3pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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#RantTime No.2

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writes(Because one rant never really does it) Welcome to the next episode of #RantTime >__> No, I am not copying Adventure Time, I don't even watch Adventure Time and nor will I ever do so. I don't think this is very common for every person, but my parents compliment me alot in front of other people. Whenever there is a social gathering, there is always going to be a compliment or two dropped regarding me. Of course, that's a good thing right? But wait, what happens if the other person is surprised at the wrong thing? Let me elaborate. Person: And is this your daughter? Amee: Yes, this is my eldest daughter. Person: Hello dear, what's your name? What're you studying? Me: I'm Kanra and I just finished my A Levels. Amee: And she just gave the AKU exam for their medical program! Person: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پیغام قرآن-1

From the blog seems77 Post by Everything Close To My Heart. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How Smartphones Have Changed the way We Interact With Each Other

From the blog angrypakistaniblogger Smartphones have changed the way people communicate a lot. This has lead to increase in the way people interact socially. Smartphones have a large number of applications that one can access. The applications increase the number of things one can do using their smartphones. A smartphone has several advantages as it is lighter and easier to carry around. Smartphones have operating systems that can run most programs found in a computer. This means that applications can be created to help one carry out different tasks. The applications may be developed by third parties thus do not necessarily rely on the manufacturer of the smartphone to determine what the smartphone can do. This helps in upgrading the functions of the smartphones after one downloads the applications. The applicatiopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aunty Mobile

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Aunty Mobile: A blog post from Pakistani Hot Girl at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Congratulation Lahore School

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Lahore School of Economics scored highest percentage (86%) in NBEAC-HEC accreditation process. National Business Education Accreditation Council accredited the Lahore School for four years at its twelfth meeting in Islamabad on June 26, 2014. Earlier, NBEAC team visited the Lahore School on May 19-21, May 2014. Here, Dr Shahid Amjad Chaudhry, the Rector Lahore School of Economics is receiving the accreditation certificate from Dr Mukhtar Ahmad, Chairman HEC and Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Chairman NBEAC-HEC. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایلسٹر کک شکست کے خوف میں مبتلا ہیں: کیون پیٹرسن کی سخت تنقید

From the blog cricnama 'بڑے بے آبرو ہوکر ' نکالے گئے کیون پیٹرسن سری لنکا کے ہاتھوں شکست کے بعد انگلینڈ کے کپتان اور کھلاڑیوں کو خوب آڑے ہاتھوں لے رہے ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ سینئر کھلاڑیوں کے اعصاب پر اب بھی ایشیز کی کلین سویپ شکست سوار ہے۔ [image: ہیڈنگلے میں کک بالکل ویسا دکھائی دیا، جیسا اینڈریو اسٹراس اپنے آخری ٹیسٹ میں تھا، پیٹرسن کا کالم (تصویر: Getty Images)] ہیڈنگلے میں کک بالکل ویسا دکھائی دیا، جیسا اینڈریو اسٹراس اپنے آخری ٹیسٹ میں تھا، پیٹرسن کا کالم (تصویر: Getty Images) معروف برطانوی اخبار ٹیلی گراف کے لیے لکھے گئے اپنے کالم میں ان کا کہنا ہے کہ رنز نہ بنانے کا دباؤ ایلسٹر کک پر واضح دکھائی دے رہا ہے اور ٹیم کے کھلاڑی بھی کپتان یا کوچ کی مرضی کے مطابق کھیلتے نہیں دکھائی دے رہے۔ ناکامی کا خوف حکمت عملی پر حاوی دکھائی دیتا ہے جیسا کہ لارڈز میں دیر سے اننگز ڈکلیئر کرنا اور ہیڈنگلے میں ٹاس جیتpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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China Lays Out Pak-China Rail Link Plan at International Silk Road Event

From the blog riazhaqChina has funded a study to build an international rail link from the city of Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Western China to Pakistan's deep-sea Gwadar Port on the Arabian Sea, according to Zhang Chunlin, director of Xinjiang's regional development and reform commission. "The 1,800-kilometer China-Pakistan railway is planned to also pass through Pakistan's capital of Islamabad and Karachi," Zhang Chunlin said at the two-day International Seminar on the Silk Road Economic Belt in Urumqi, Xinjiang's capital, according to China Daily. "Although the cost of constructing the railway is expected to be high due to the hostile environment and complicated geographic conditions, the study of the project has already started," Zhang said. "China and Pakistan will co-fundpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bag a Bagel - Pakistan's First Premier Bagel Company (New Client)

From the blog chipsnubpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ہدایت نامہ برائے روزہ داران

From the blog jafar-haledil"رامادان" کی آمد آمد ہے۔ ہر طرف لوگ باگ اس کے استقبال کے لیے الٹی قلابازیاں لگانے کی مشقیں کرنے میں مشغول ہیں۔ تو ہم نے اپنے خدمت خلق کے قدیمی جذبے کے تحت اس "ماہ مبارک کے مہینے "میں احباب کے لیے چند سفارشات تیار کی ہیں۔ گر قبول افتد زہے عزو شرف۔ بیمار، مسافر پر روزہ فرض نہیں ہوتا تو کوشش کریں کہ کسی نہ کسی طرح بیمار ہوجائیں نہ ہوسکیں تو کسی بھی متقی و پرہیزگار ڈاکٹر سے بیماری کا سرٹیفیکٹ لے لیں۔ جس میں واضح لکھا ہو کہ حامل ہذا رقعہ روزے رکھنے کے لیے نااہل ہے تاہم سحر و افطار کرنے میں کوئی امر مانع نہیں۔ اگر آپ کا دل یہ سب کرنے کو نہ چاہے تو جگر جیسے کسی بھی "علامے" سے فتوی خرید۔۔ میرا مطلب ۔۔ لے لیں کہ جو سفر آپ گھر سے دفتر یا دکان یا درسگاہ تک کرتے ہیں وہ شرعی طور پر آپ کو مسافر ڈیکلئیر کرتا ہے۔ ہیں جی!۔ نئی نویلی دعائیں، ورود و وظائف ڈھونڈنے کے لیے "لُور لُور" پھریں۔ خاص طpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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What passes for history these days- Tufail Ahmad of Indian Express.

From the blog pakteahouse By Yasser Latif Hamdani Tufail Ahmad – a columnist for the Indian Express- has rehashed two of the most dishonest men in Pakistan’s history – Agha Shorish Kashmiri and Dr. A Q Khan to prove that Maulana Azad had a crystal ball with which he could see in the future. When challenged Tufail Ahmad arrogantly referred to me as a kid born in 1980. Apparently that passes for a counter-argument these days. He says I don’t have source. *My source is the fact that this document does not exist anywhere except Agha Shorish Kashmiri’s 1972 book on Azad. My source is the fact that Azad does not mention these specific predictions (the ones mentioned) in his “India Wins Freedom”.* Anyway here are the excerpts from an blog post I wrote 5 years ago in which I challenged those who promopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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NWA Jirga members boycott PM’s function: The News

From the blog united4justice *Mushtaq Yusufzai* PESHAWAR: The North Waziristan tribal jirga on Friday refused meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and boycotted his official function in Bannu after they were not allowed to speak and inform the premier about sufferings of the uprooted families. “We refused to meet the prime minister and attend his official function in Bannu as the government and military officials had asked us to attend the gathering, enjoy the lunch but don’t open our mouth in front of the prime minister,” Sher Mohammad Wazir, head of North Waziristan tribal jirga, told The News on telephone from Bannu. Sher Mohammad Wazir said some government officials had earlier assured them that someone from the jirga would be given a chance to speak and talk about the hardships of the intepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Broadband Technology

From the blog newsbroadband technology: The Pakistan Telecom munication Authority PTA concluded a two-day training programme in collaboration with Anite , a Finnish company, at the PTA headquarters in Islamabad on Friday, a press release said, according to The Express Tribune and As the country starts to embrace newly-introduced mobile broadband technology, the telecom sectors regulator is upgrading technology aspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesI think every one has had those times where they used to have a pretty good friend who has just either drifted away or vanished completely. Don't you hate it when that happens? Well, it's most certainly not your fault, I'd say. I think I've written this somewhere before, but I'll write it again. Personality is a dynamic aspect of a person and it is constantly under evolution. Your personality will never be static because it's going to be affected and continuously modified with every new bit and byte of information that enters your system. Having said that, with so many different people constantly evolving in so many ways, its almost reasonable to realize that of course, some cogs will not turn together in the same direction. There will always be people who would have evolved -alpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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To Hell.

From the blog randomlyabstract The traffic is high the night is dark but the mad man doesn’t care. He runs madly and carelessly by the roadside; his feet bare. A bottle in his hand and tears in his eyes he drinks as he runs, amidst anyone’s stare. He is mad, so he is free and no one questions his authority. He can kill- if he likes he may not, if he mustn’t No chains bind him at all; of reason nor responsibility. Tears block his vision, so for a moment he stumbles but this doesn’t make him stop or go against his decision. The mad man keeps running and the world begins to fade the traffic soon dissolves in a hazy, unknown shade. No one knows where he ended what his quest was, what he wanted but they say in a planet of madness only he had life comprehended. - Maria Imran. Related post: (In)sanity. Filed under:pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سیاہ سیات

From the blog awaz-e-dostاس ملک میں ایک دیوار ہو جانا، یا درخت ہو جانا، یا راستے کا کوئی پتھر ہو جانا چاہے اسے ٹھُڈے پڑتے رہیں، یہ سب آسان کام ہیں۔ لیکن انسان ہونا مشکل اور ہولناک ترین کاموں میں سے ایک ہے۔ دیوار، درخت اور پتھر نہ سنتے ہیں نا بولتے ہیں۔ اپنی دنیا (اگر ایسی کوئی دنیا ہے تو) میں مست رہتے ہیں۔ کوئی توڑ دے، اکھاڑ دے یا ٹھُڈے مارتا رہے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا۔ بدقسمتی سے انسان سنتا بھی ہے، بولتا بھی ہے اور دیکھتا بھی ہے۔ اور اس سننے بولنے دیکھنے کی وجہ سے اس ملک میں انسان ہونا انتہائی مشکل اور بدترین باتوں میں سے ایک ہے۔ انسان کے لیے دو ہی راستے ہیں یا تو وہ پتھر ہو جائے صم بکم بے حسی کی آخری حدوں کو چھو لے یا پھر کف اڑاتا اور گالیاں بکتا پھرے۔ اور یہاں یہی کچھ ہو رہا ہے۔ یا تو بے حس ہو جاؤ یا پھر لڑنے کے لیے ہر دم تیار رہو۔ اخبار، فیس بک، ٹیلی وژن کچھ کھول لو ہر جگہ باؤلے پاگل ک (کتے والا کاف ملحوpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL Website Hacked: Protesters wants Old Broadband Tariff

From the blog fmcommunication [image: PTCL Hack] This is a breaking news that PTCL website is hacked again, the hackers are claiming this hack as a Protest against PTCL's new and high broadband charges. Upon visiting PTCL's website, we have seen following response: [image: PTCL website hacked] And we are redirected to this page: [image: Website hacked] *Text Version*: *We asked you before and we are asking again!.* *This is Protest against the PTCL We want you to revise Broadband packages AGAIN.* *This is totally unfair with PTCL customers that you are continuously reducing Broadband Volumes.* *This is not because we can't pay more, this is because we cannot bear injustice anymore! * *© Pakistan Live News* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ایلسٹر کک شکست کے خوف میں مبتلا ہیں: کیون پیٹرسن کی سخت تنقید

From the blog cricnama 'بڑے بے آبرو ہوکر ' نکالے گئے کیون پیٹرسن سری لنکا کے ہاتھوں شکست کے بعد انگلینڈ کے کپتان اور کھلاڑیوں کو خوب آڑے ہاتھوں لے رہے ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ سینئر کھلاڑیوں کے اعصاب پر اب بھی ایشیز کی کلین سویپ شکست سوار ہے۔ [image: ہیڈنگلے میں کک بالکل ویسا دکھائی دیا، جیسا اینڈریو اسٹراس اپنے آخری ٹیسٹ میں تھا، پیٹرسن کا کالم (تصویر: Getty Images)] ہیڈنگلے میں کک بالکل ویسا دکھائی دیا، جیسا اینڈریو اسٹراس اپنے آخری ٹیسٹ میں تھا، پیٹرسن کا کالم (تصویر: Getty Images) معروف برطانوی اخبار ٹیلی گراف کے لیے لکھے گئے اپنے کالم میں ان کا کہنا ہے کہ رنز نہ بنانے کا دباؤ ایلسٹر کک پر واضح دکھائی دے رہا ہے اور ٹیم کے کھلاڑی بھی کپتان یا کوچ کی مرضی کے مطابق کھیلتے نہیں دکھائی دے رہے۔ ناکامی کا خوف حکمت عملی پر حاوی دکھائی دیتا ہے جیسا کہ لارڈز میں دیر سے اننگز ڈکلیئر کرنا اور ہیڈنگلے میں ٹاس جیتpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Home Made

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Home Made: A blog post from Pakistani Hot Girl at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and fun... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Best News channels in Pakistan

From the blog pakistanic There are dozens of News channels in Pakistan telecasting breaking news at the very time they take place. Since the start of electronic media age in Pakistan in early 2000s, there has been a variety of TV channels present in the market and some even planning to land in the market. Some of the Best and most watched News channels in Pakistan are : Geo News ARY News Dunya News Express News Aaj News Apart from these new channels there are various local language news channels working in different areas of Pakistan: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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IDPs and repercussions for metropolis; Karachi

From the blog pakistannrectifiedguy[image: IDPs and repercussions for metropolis; Karachi] IDPs and repercussions for metropolis; Karachi *By Ammad Hafeez* In the wake of military operation, Zarb-e-Azb, Pakistan is apparently to be in the grip of emergency situation. Further, the operation has brought a huge task for the government to manage; battling with the crises of internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to evolving operation. According to media reports, *435,429* IDPs have been registered by NADRA and roughly *46,000* people have gone across Afghanistan. At the minute, the settlement of IDPs is the challenging and foremost catastrophe for Pakistani government. Let us take a glance at past. Six operations have been conducted since 2007 and when the operation ‘Rah-e-Haq’ was launched in November-2007, as a rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Worthy Men of Led

From the blog kinzahmed Pencil found it very strange for Pen to have been made so popular. He could not believe that an advent so lacking in exclusivity and originality could best him in the world of study. It was true, Pencil thought, that Pen did have many qualities that he himself did not possess. One of the most obvious ones was that Pen would last forever if the owner wished it to. Pen’s blood would keep flowing for a worthy man, one who knew his value and who would keep getting Pen new, lovely bottles and tubes of ink. At this notion Pencil sputtered and a bit of led within cracked due to pain. Why, Pencil would chance being sharpened to nothingness if the owner so wished! Of course he was superior to Pen. Pen knew nothing of supporting his fellows to a probable employment, whereas Pencil was sapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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To be a Teacher

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: teacher-yelling] The profession I like the best Teaching is the profession I like most. Teachers are like rulers. They place orders and wish to see their orders obeyed fully completely and without any error. (They forget that err is to human—–J) They have all rights reserved to punish students the way they like. They can order a student to keep standing for as long as they like, or stand facing the wall, kneeling down with hands up is one of favorite punishments of teachers. Scales are made to check the thickness of the students hide (teachers think students have hide not skinJ) or to measure the level of pain student can bear, so beat softly and harshly, depending on the tolerance of the students or patience of a teacher's own muscle. No one can do anything or raispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کیا نجم سیٹھی کا بھرم ٹوٹ جائے گا؟

From the blog cricnama بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل نے دودھ کی رکھوالی کے لیے ''بھارتی بِلّے'' کی خدمات حاصل کرلی ہیں جس کے بعد کرکٹ کی عالمی گورننگ باڈی کے امور کس قدر''شفاف'' ہوں گے، یہ تصور کرکے ہی جھرجھری سی آجاتی ہے۔یہ کس قدر مضحکہ خیز بات ہے کہ بھارتی عدالت نے شری نواسن کو بی سی سی آئی کی صدارت سے ہٹا دیا تھا، جن پر کرپشن کے الزامات تھے مگر اپنے ملک کے کرکٹ بورڈ کی سربراہی سے محروم ہونے والے شخص کو انٹرنیشنل کرکٹ کونسل کا صدر بنا دیا گیا۔ عالمی کرکٹ کیساتھ اس سے بڑا مذاق اور کیا ہوسکتا ہے جبکہ شری نواسن کی ڈھٹائی کی حد یہ ہے کہ انہوں نے آئی سی سی کا چیئرمین بننے کے بعد فوراً یہ بیان داغ دیا کہ انہوں نے کچھ غلط نہیں کیا جس پر دیگر ممالک کے کرکٹ بورڈز کے نمائندگان سر جھکائے بیٹھے رہے۔ [image: najam-sethi] آئی سی سی کے ایوانوں میں شری نواسن جو ''اُدھم'' مچائیں گے وہ الگ دستان ہے ۔بنگلہ دیش کو نمائشی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Indians Love Pakistani Spicy Grilled Meats

From the blog riazhaq"When Delhi's Press Club organised an evening of Pakistani food and music, flying in chefs from Islamabad, the racks of richly-spiced meat on the grill quickly ran out as hundreds of Indian journalists brought their families, equipped with "tiffin" boxes to take away extra supplies" BBC Report 26 June 2014 The BBC story highlights the fact that the vegetarian India demonstrates its deep love of the exquisite taste of Pakistan's meat dishes whenever the opportunity presents itself. To further illustrate the phenomenon, let me share with my readers how two famous Indians see meat-loving Pakistan: *Sachin Tendulkar:* The senior cricketer...said he gorged on Pakistani food and had piled on a few kilos on his debut tour there. "The first tour of Pakistan was a memorable one. I upakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاکستان کی سب سے مشہور پراپرٹی ویب سائیٹ زمین ڈاٹ کام کا مختصر جائزہ

From the blog itnama جائیداد کی خرید و فروخت کے حوالے سے پاکستان میں سب سے زیادہ دیکھے جانے والی ویب سائیٹ کی جانب سے حال ہی میں ایک بلاگرز میٹ اپ کا انعقاد کیا گیا۔ اس ملاقات کا مقصد بلاگرز اور ڈیجیٹل و سوشل میڈیا سے تعلق رکھنے والے افراد کو زمین ڈاٹ کام پر فراہم... Read more » The post پاکستان کی سب سے مشہور پراپرٹی ویب سائیٹ زمین ڈاٹ کام کا مختصر جائزہ appeared first on ITnama - Pakistan's First Urdu Technology Blog. مزید دلچسپ تحاریر 1. کمپیوٹر ہیکرز کون ہیں اور انکے مقاصد کیا ہوتے ہیں، ایک مختصر جائزہ 2. سماجی روابط کی مشہور ویب سائیٹ فیس بک کی دسویں سالگرہ 3. ایپل کا "نیا آئی پیڈ" : ایک مختصر جائزہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Welcome Ramadan

From the blog ashrafiya [image: 20140628-112926-41366547.jpg] Hadhrat Ubaadah bin Saamit (Radi Allahu Anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to teach the Sahaabah (Radi Allahu Anhum) the following Dua at the approach of the Month of Ramadhaan: اَللَّهُمَّ سَلِّمْنِيْ لِرَمَضَانَ وَسَلِّمْ رَمَضَانَ لِيْ وَسَلِّمْهُ لِيْ مُتَقَبَّلاً Allahumma Sallimnee Liramadaana Wa Sallim Ramadaana Lee Wa Sallimhu li Mutaqabbila "O Allah! Safeguard me for the Month of Ramadhaan (by making me see the Month of Ramadhaan healthy and fit so that I can take maximum benefit from it), and safeguard the Month of Ramadhaan for me (by making the conditions in it such that I can take maximum benefit from it) and accept it from me." (Kanz-ul-ummal, Vol.8, Pg. 584 Hadith 24277) Every Muslim should enpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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EatOye Launches iOS App

From the blog telecompk Tuesday, June 24, 2014 *EetOye* launched its Free iOS app in Pakistan at an event at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. EatOye is Pakistani online food ordering and tables reservation service, this iOS app will enable iphone users to order food and reserve tables at their favorite restaurants and food chains using their Smartphones. Using EatOye you can connect to more than 1000 local restaurants 24/7, till now it is operating in four major cities i.e. Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and Rawalpindi. They plan to expand their operations from 4 cities to 13 cities in Pakistan. Launch of an iOS app was its first step towards exploiting the Smartphone users. EatOye is also planning to launch an android app in august this year which seems to be vital for their growth. “*We are anticipatipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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CCCWC Chapter Three

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writes Most of the day passed by in a blur I couldn't make much sense out of. I mostly followed Lilian's example, staying close to her and avoiding unnecessary eye contact with anyone, whether in the hallway during transitions in classes or when we had a break. Lilian seemed to understand what was going on in my head so she tried to stay in the shadows as well. I did understand a little more of what was going on, thanks to the classes we were attending. Until break, we had had History, Theoretical Tactics, Human Biology and Social Education. "We've got an hour break now" Lilian said as we settled in a corner of the ground at the back of the school building. The institution itself consisted of several blocks, each block containing up to four buildings for each wing of the Military Acpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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" ترقی یافتہ ممالک "

From the blog universe-zeeno* منجانب فکرستان* *علمانیہ کا قتل: غوروفکر کیلئے* جن بیرئیرز کو ہٹانے پر 13ہلاکتیں 100 سے زیادہ افراد زخمی ہوئے،حکومت نے وہ بیریئر دوبارہ لگوا دیے اب اِس سانحہ کی اِس کے سِوا کیا توجیہہ ہوسکتی ہے کہ 13 لوگوں کی موت اور 100 افراد کا زخمی ہونا لکھا تھا: اسلئیے یہ سانحہ ہوگیا۔ سانحہ پر لکھاریوں کا* فوکس*قانون محافظوں کاقانون شکن،گلوبٹ کو گرفتار نہ کرنا،شاباشیدینا اور سانحہپر ہونا چاہئیے تھا لیکنفوکس طاہرالقادری کی ذات پررہا،قانون محافظوں کی شاباشی نےممتاز قادری کی یادتازہ کردی جسے وکیلوں نے ہار پہنائے تھے اور شاباشی بھی دی تھی ۔۔ میرے خیال میں کسی ترقی یافتہ ملک کی پولیس کے ذہن میں کسی قانون شکن کو قانون شکنی پر شاباشی دینے کا تصور تک نہیں آسکتا ہے اور نہ ہی وکیلوں کے ذہن میں کسی مجرم کو ہار پہنانے کا خیال آسکتا ہے ۔۔۔میرے خیال میں یہی پیمانہ ہے کہ: وہ ترقی یافتہ ہیں اpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mobilink Discover – NUST Business Plan Competition 2014 Launched

From the blog propakistani Mobilink in collaboration with the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) has launched Mobilink Discover – NUST Business Plan Competition – 2014. The competition is organized on a national level and is aimed at encouraging students to introduce innovative business and entrepreneurship ideas. 2500 students from 70 universities are expected to be a part of Mobilink Discover- NUST Business Plan Competition 2014. A total [...] The post Mobilink Discover – NUST Business Plan Competition 2014 Launched appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کیا نجم سیٹھی کا بھرم ٹوٹ جائے گا؟

From the blog cricnama بین الاقوامی کرکٹ کونسل نے دودھ کی رکھوالی کے لیے ''بھارتی بِلّے'' کی خدمات حاصل کرلی ہیں جس کے بعد کرکٹ کی عالمی گورننگ باڈی کے امور کس قدر''شفاف'' ہوں گے، یہ تصور کرکے ہی جھرجھری سی آجاتی ہے۔یہ کس قدر مضحکہ خیز بات ہے کہ بھارتی عدالت نے شری نواسن کو بی سی سی آئی کی صدارت سے ہٹا دیا تھا، جن پر کرپشن کے الزامات تھے مگر اپنے ملک کے کرکٹ بورڈ کی سربراہی سے محروم ہونے والے شخص کو انٹرنیشنل کرکٹ کونسل کا صدر بنا دیا گیا۔ عالمی کرکٹ کیساتھ اس سے بڑا مذاق اور کیا ہوسکتا ہے جبکہ شری نواسن کی ڈھٹائی کی حد یہ ہے کہ انہوں نے آئی سی سی کا چیئرمین بننے کے بعد فوراً یہ بیان داغ دیا کہ انہوں نے کچھ غلط نہیں کیا جس پر دیگر ممالک کے کرکٹ بورڈز کے نمائندگان سر جھکائے بیٹھے رہے۔ [image: najam-sethi] آئی سی سی کے ایوانوں میں شری نواسن جو ''اُدھم'' مچائیں گے وہ الگ دستان ہے ۔بنگلہ دیش کو نمائشی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Retro Babes

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Retro Babes: A blog post from Pakistani Hot Girl at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog aicha-ibpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Zarb-i-Azb is war of survival, says ISPR chief

From the blog defenceblogAdd caption ISLAMABAD: The ongoing military operation in North Waziristan is a ‘war of survival’ and will pave the way for the dawn of permanent peace in the country, the military’s spokesperson said on Thursday. In a formal briefing to the media on Operation Zarb-i-Azb, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Major General Asim Bajwa told reporters that the operation waspakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Squaw Valley Poetry Workshop Day 5

From the blog gollgappayYesterday was Day 5 and the schedule was so full that I didn't have the chance to update the blog. I had workshop with Robert Hass. I read a prose poem titled *Monsoons in Lahore*. I got great feedback as usual from my fellow poets and from Bob Hass who asked me, "What is your relationship to the prose poem?" I answered, "I don't have one. I am just beginning to court it!" When I finished reading and looked up, Bob's face had a look that I interpreted to be one of delighted surprise, and his first comment was, "I love that this poem is exactly about what the title tells us." He recommended a book called *Short* that has prose poems, flash fiction, and mini essays. I will definitely pick it up. He also commented that my poem would fit very well into the category of a mini-essay anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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1857: War of Independence or Sepoy Mutiny?

From the blog pakteahouse The following is a recent exchange between Yasser Latif Hamdani and Tarek Fatah on the issue of whether 1857 was a war of independence or a sepoy mutiny. As free people living in the 21st century we need to be honest about history. 150 years later the controversy continues as the exchange highlights. Mr Fatah branded YLH as a Hindu hater for saying that it was Sepoy mutiny and YLH defended his position. Please read and make your own decision. [View the story "War of Independence or Sepoy Mutiny?" on Storify] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Microsoft Services

From the blog newsMicrosoft services: While Microsoft has been struggling to get a foothold in the smartphone market with its Windows Phone operating system, the X2 "provides access to a world of Android apps and popular Microsoft services," the statement said, according to Pak Tribune. The initial Nokia X was unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February before Microsoft completed its takeover ofpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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14:54 organises Bloggers Meet up

From the blog telecompk With increase in use of internet in Pakistan tend of online buying/selling is increasing day by day. Internet has created opportunity to trade online hence decreasing marketing cost, saving time and simultaneously increasing marketability of products and services. Now a days using internet you can trade used or new products/devices, buy/sell cars, acquire various services, order for food, find different locations using local maps, find jobs relevant to your qualification. On 24th June 2014 a blogger meet up was organized by *ZAMEEN.COM* at Café Upstairs Lahore, in which bloggers and writers from different backgrounds were invited and briefed about one of the best property trading website in Pakistan i.e. *ZAMEEN.COM . *It provides a platform to its customers to buy/sell/rent pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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CCCWC Chapter Two

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writes I let myself be dragged along by the energetic girl who had suddenly appeared in front of me. As we walked in silence, I noticed several small details. First of all, the girl's name was on a tag sewn onto her bag which revealed that she was called Lilian. Secondly, Lilian was just a little shorter than me, but her grip and pull was surprisingly strong. "Lilian?" I asked tentatively as we rounded a corner. Fifty meters ahead, I could see several other young students forming a crowd. "What?" she asked, slowing down. "Where are we?" "Are you alright?" she asked, throwing me a look that added 'Snap out of it!'. "Haha..." I laughed weakly. "No, really, I can't remember..." "Did you hit your head when you woke up this morning?" she sighed, exasperated. "You're being unusually thicpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آشیانہ کیمپ (بنوں) سے عدنان کی تحریر "آئ-ڈی-پیز کے حالات اور ہم"

From the blog ashiyanacamp*"بھائی مجھے یہاں نہیں رہنا، مجھے میرے گھر جانا ہے!"* *"عدنان بھائی، مجھے اور میرے گھر والوں کو آپ کی بھیک یا خیرات نہیں چاہیے. ہم کو ہماری عورتوں اور بچوں کے لئے عزت والی جگا چاہیے!"* *"بھائی، آپ کب تک ہم کو اس طرح کھانا دو گے؟ ایک دن، دو دن، ایک ہفتہ، ایک مہینہ؟ ہم کو اپنی محنت کا کھانا کب ملے گا؟"* *"عدنان بھائی، اگر تم ہم کو اپنا بھائی سمجھتے ہو اور ہماری عورتوں کو اپنی بہنیں اور ہمارے بچوں کو اپنے بچے تو بس ہم کو عزت سے رہنے کے لئے کوئی جگہہ دے دو. ہم محنت مزدوری کر کے اپنا اور اپنے گھر والوں کا پیٹ بھرے گا مگر یہ خیرات اور بھیک کا کھانا ہم سے نہیں کھایا جاتا جس کے لئے جانوروں کی طرح لڑنا پڑتا ہے." * *"باجی، ہم کو صرف پینے کا پانی اور کھجور دے دو ہم اسی میں الله کا شکر ادا کر لیں گے. ہم جب سے یہاں پہنچے ہیں ہم کو .کچھ نہیں ملا."* *"باجی، ہم کو ہمارے گھر بھیج دو، یہاں رہنpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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(1) Why the world needs Bitcoin? – CoinX – Quora

From the blog faisalkhan Source: The case for sub-$100 payments and why #Bitcoin is the savior. Related posts: 1. Bitcoin will prosper — until governments or banks decide to crush it overnight — Tech News and Analysis 2. Everything you wanted to know about Bitcoin, but were afraid to ask. 3. 2,800+ Answers on Quora. [image: YARPP] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Stylish Models

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Stylish Models: A blog post from Islamabad Girls at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Farewell MBA 2014

From the blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Lahore School of Economics bid farewell to its graduating MBA class on June 22, 2014. The traditional evening was marked by captivating performances of Lahore School students at their best. Students reminisced and cherished their time spent at the Lahore School. They showed videos made by each section, live music performances, ‘titles’ to everyone paying in addition to rich tributes to their teachers. Here are some of the glimpses of the event: Farewell and Good Luck MBA Class of 2014. The Lahore School wishes its ‘ambassadors’ success in life as well as work. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Banyan Tree

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: images] Trees play a very important role in our lives. Old trees act as a meeting point for people of different towns and areas. The old tree has huge and broad trunk with uncountable branches which spread the shadow covering a wide space. They provide shade and shelter to travelers. One day, two travelers started their journey in the early morning. They walked for several miles in hot sunny day. It was so hot that could walk any more and got very tired. They were happy to see a big thousand years old Banyan tree with breezing wind. So they decided to rest under the shade of that tree. They slept for many hours. When they awoke they felt hungry as they had traveled a long distance without eating anything. They climbed the tree to eat any fruit on it but since it was npakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اینجلو میتھیوز- سری لنکا کا نیا مرد بحران

From the blog cricnama نو سال قبل 2005ء میں جب اینجلو میتھیوز سری لنکا کی جونیئر ٹیم کے کپتان کی حیثیت سے انگلستان کے دورے پر تھے تو شاید انہوں نے سوچا بھی نہ ہوگا کہ تقریباً ایک عشرے بعد وہ اسی سرزمین انگلستان پر ایک تاریخ رقم کررہے ہوں گے۔ مذکورہ سیریز کے لیڈز ہی میں کھیلے گئے آخری ٹیسٹ میں سری لنکا انڈر 19 کو انگلینڈ کے ہاتھوں شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تھا اور اس کا سبب معین علی کی سنچری تھی جبکہ میتھیوز 123 رنز کی ناقابل شکست اننگز کھیل کر بھی سری لنکا کو شکست سے نہ بچا سکے تھے۔ لیکن ۔۔۔۔۔۔ 2014ء میں لیڈز کے اسی میدان پر میتھیوز نے تاریخ کا دھارا پلٹ دیا۔ اب کی بار معین کی سنچری رائیگاں گئی، اور میتھیوز کی سنچری فتح گر قرار پائی جس کی بدولت سری لنکا کو گوروں کے خلاف انہی کے دیس میں پہلی بار ٹیسٹ سیریز جیتنے کو ملی۔ یہ کوئی معمولی کامیابی نہیں، یہ سری لنکا کی تاریخ کے عظیم ترین کپتانوں میں شمار ہونے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Operation Zarb-e-Azb Update

From the blog defenceblogIt is high time to support #IDPs, our #PakArmy & their efforts being made to secure our future. #ZarbEAzb #HelpIDPs !pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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کاش ! ! !

From the blog theajmals اے کاش کہ سمجھ جائیں میرے وطن کے سیاستدان ووٹ دینے والے ووٹ نہ دینے والے دوسروں کو بُرا بھلا کہنے والے حکومت کو بُرا کہنے والے پاکستانیوں کو بُرا کہنے والے اور پاکستان کو بُرا کہنے والے کہ [image: خواہش] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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گاڑیوں کا دشمن گلو بٹ، اب اینڈرائیڈ گیم میں بھی دستیاب

From the blog itnama گلو بٹ کے بارے میں تو آپ سبھی جانتے ہونگے، جی ہاں وہی گلو بٹ جو تین روز تک پاکستان کے ٹی وی چینلز اور اخبارات کی سرخیوں کا محور بنا رہا۔ گلو بٹ کی اسی بدنامی کا فائدہ اٹھانے کے لیے لاہور کے ایک گیم سٹوڈیو WeirdScience کی جانب سے اینڈرائیڈ صارفین کے لیے... Read more » The post گاڑیوں کا دشمن گلو بٹ، اب اینڈرائیڈ گیم میں بھی دستیاب appeared first on ITnama - Pakistan's First Urdu Technology Blog. مزید دلچسپ تحاریر 1. میکس پین موبائل آئی او ایس اور اینڈرائیڈ کےلیے جلد دستیاب 2. اینگری برڈز کے دشمن پگز : اب آپکے کنٹرول میں 3. WinZip اب اینڈرائیڈ پر بھی دستیاب pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Squaw Valley Poetry Workshop - Day 4

From the blog gollgappayI had my workshop with C.D. Wright on the deck of one of the houses in the Valley. The house was beautiful. I found out one of the workshop's organizers had assisted her father in building it many years ago. The sun was maddeningly strong on my back so I didn't have anything to say for the first half of the workshop. A little reconfiguration of chairs allowed me to participate fully. I read *Cooked Until Golden Brown. * In the afternoon, Don Mee Choi's craft talk moved me very deeply. She talked about her process of writing her new book, researching the Korean War, and read out some of her work that was chilling. During the talk, I wrote in my notebook, "Own your heritage," because sometimes I don't. Today, I have workshop with Robert Hass - reading a prose poem today titled *Mopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Vote and Greeting Card Freebies

From the blog housewifesutopia Housewife's Utopia Housewife's Utopia - housewife tips on homemaking and kids [image: Wood 219x300 Vote and Greeting Card Freebies]I have been very busy doing and learning digital scrapbooking these days. In May I recieved an email from about a scrapbook competition and I decided to take part. They would give away a graphics tablet,their scrapbook software, Craftartist2 10 digikits and a certificate for the winner. Have a look at few of my creations that I entered in the competition; [image: butterflies 300x300 Vote and Greeting Card Freebies] [image: venice comp 300x300 Vote and Greeting Card Freebies] [image: rainy days 300x300 Vote and Greeting Card Freebies] I won a graphics tablet for this page. The competition has not ended here. After three weepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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AdMob gets a new Logo

From the blog basitali Google’s mobile ads site Admob has changed it’s logo. Following new logo is now visible on website. We were expecting such a change since Admob’s acquisition in2009 but it took quite some time. Here’s the new logo: [image: admob_logo_v2xx] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Lee Hyori's Blog

From the blog sarahinsouthkorea K-Pop icon and animal rights activists - Lee Hyo-ri's amazing blog is here or click the link below: The blog is truly inspirational Hardly started a month ago, it has over 4.2 million hits.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"Kun! Fayakoon" 'Be! and it becomes'

From the blog thinkinglifeandyou Whenever He (Allah) intends a thing, He needs only to say: "Be (Kun)," and it is (fayakoon). [ Yaasin - 36:82] And it s near that it is very hard to concentrate on anything else. I am trying my best to keep calm but failing...heart wander and take me to it again and again... I don’t want to talk about it...just keeping that in mind want to be happy and to keep I have been doing so long...its like all my life I have been waiting...waiting for this...moment to come... And some voice deep inside the heart keep calling.... Behold...its near... Freedom...freedom is here...freedom is about to fall into your hands...or I will be falling into the hands of freedom...such excitement...such thrill...such suspense... So many times I have failed...that failure has pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog ashrafiya [image: 20140626-142749-52069349.jpg] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Who is Afraid of Shariah?

From the blog iabhopal There is a lot of confusion about the Sharia Law. Here is a wonderful article about it by Sumbul Ali Karamali. Hasn’t the whole notion of shariah in America gotten a bit out of control? No, it hasn’t — it’s gotten hugely, obscenely, ignorantly out of control. How many of those anti-Islam protesters holding “NO SHARIA LAW” signs (as if anyone were advocating shariah law in the U.S.) actually know what the word means? I’d say, oh, none. Roughly. Shariah (also spelled shari’ah or sharia or shari’a) is the Arabic word for “the road to the watering place.” In a religious context, it means “the righteous path.” Loosely, it can mean simply, “Islam.” *There are six principles of shariah.* They are derived from the Qur’an, which Muslims believe is the word of God. All Islamic religious rpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Androids: Hiroshi Ishiguro

From the blog newsHiroshi Ishiguro: Otonaroid otona meaning adult excused herself after a quick reboot, saying: I m a little bit nervous. Both androids will work at Tokyos National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, interacting with visitors to collect data for Ishiguros studies into human reactions to the machines, according to Daily Times. You can take my androids on planes the torso in the suitcase andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Speaking Your Mind

From the blog madstickynotesHow do you say exactly what’s on your mind? How do you give your listener the exact picture that you’re seeing? That exact array of emotions? And once another person has heard you, whatever you said becomes toothpaste. You can’t cram the words back in your mouth and swallow them out of existence, no matter […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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CCCWC: Chapter One

From the blog the-emo-wolverine-writesI need a life o.o so I'm going to convert mine over to the blogging platform a bit more completely. The thing is, I'm getting kind of tired of playing games because games don't really give you anything back and these days, it's been nothing but trouble and it hasn't even been productive. I'm going to start reading, writing and being productive as much as I can because I think I deserve to try and make my life way more interesting than it actually is >.> Actually, I was going to write a rant today, but I think I'll postpone it until I get enough issues to rant on so I could rage on everything at the same time. Somehow, I think bottling it up and letting it out when you've reached the limit is better than giving off steam all the time. So wait, I shall. :D On the brighter side, pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ماہِ مبارک

From the blog draslamfaheem *اس کے قدموں کی چاپ دل کی دھڑکن کی طرح ٹھک ٹھک کرتی قریب سے قریب تر ہورہی ہے، وہ جو گزشتہ برس "دکھی" ہو کے چلا گیا تھا ایک بار پھر سے اپنی "رحمتوں" کے جام لڈھانے آرہا ہے،محبت سے پکارتے ہوئے، ایک آس لئے، اپنے بھرے دامن کے ساتھ ، بہت کچھ لٹانے کیلئے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ لیکن دکھ تو اس بات کا ہے کہ وہ جنہیں بہت کچھ دینے کو آتا ہے وہ منہ لپیٹے پڑے رہتے ہیں اور وہ جو بہت کچھ لٹانے آتا ہےوہ سب کچھ لئے پھر سے لوٹ جاتا ہے، وہ جو ہر سال آتا ہےاس سال بھی قریب سے قریب تر ہوتا جا رہا ہےآئیے اس کی دستک کی آواز کو سنیں، اس کی صدا پر لبیک کہیں،اس لئے کہ اگر ہم نے اب بھی اس کی آواز کونہ سنا اس کی پکار پر لبیک نہ کہا تو کون جانے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ جب اگلے برس جب یہ ماہ مبارک آئے**۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔** اور ہمیں نہ پائے* *زندگی کے کس قدر قیمتی لمحات **۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔** کتنی مبارک ساعتیں* *جب ہر آن اسی کا دھیان **۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔** جب بولنا اpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Let there be a code of conduct

From the blog firewithin-jhb Note: All photos above are property of various news agency and are used in good faith to support the view point In recent past, there has been much violence in our country – ostensibly by a revolutionary self-styled cleric. Many innocent support of the cleric died while scores were injured. Likewise, in Islamabad a standoff between his workers and police not only left many protesters and policemen seriously injured, the Islamabad airport almost came under a take-over situation, which resulted in diversion of cleric's plane of a foreign airline to Lahore. And there too, the cleric and his supporters kept the aircraft in their 'possession' for almost five hours before Army intervened behind the doors and sense prevailed upon the cleric who presumably had no clue to international pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Ashiyana Camp For IDPs of North Waziristan: Current Situation (25-06-2014)

From the blog ashiyanacamp*Muhtram Doston aur Sathiun,* *Assalam O Alikum* A lot of stories from IDPs of North Waziristan. My other volunteers and friends are asking me to write for them but how would I write as a lot of work need to be done in a very short timing. Still hope is not coming for them. Jawans of forces are in there best to accommodate our brothers and sisters who are still coming from North Waziristan a few of volunteers from local and our team also busy in work but this is not enough. We are not allowed to have snap shoots, capture images nor to record any videos due to security risk at yet may be any big media organization could do it easily but haven't seen any media organization inside the camp here. *A big thanks:* - It was unexpected from our Karachi friends and volunteers to havpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Rubab Mushtaq Pictures Video Shoaib Akhtar Wedding

From the blog pkhope Shoaib Akhtar’s wedding has been confirmed with Rubab Mushtaq, a 20 year old pretty nice girl from Abbottabad, Pakistan. Rubab Mushtaq is a student these days, but she might not continue her studies in future, though the couple hasn’t decided about that affair yet. The friendship of Rubab Mushtaq and Shoaib Akhtar is relatively new. Rawalpindi Express, the Pakistani fast bowler has been in news ever. His scandals with Indian and Pakistani actresses are enough to fill a whole room with the clippings. He has always denied his wedding and engagement news, but has always grinned and smirked at the scandals in a funny way. In his middle life, Shoaib was first denying that he was marrying a very young girl, and he denied that there was such a age difference. But now it seems that pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Gullu Butt Gets Featured in an Android Game

From the blog propakistani The notorious Gullu Butt has finally made it to the play store in an Android Game. Game is developed by a firm called WeirdScience, however we don’t know much about it yet. The gameplay is primarily simple and somewhat amateurish but considering the fame of Gullu Butt and his performance in Model Town Lahore recently, the title may ignite users to play this relatively easy game. [...] The post Gullu Butt Gets Featured in an Android Game appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اینجلو میتھیوز- سری لنکا کا نیا مرد بحران

From the blog cricnama نو سال قبل 2005ء میں جب اینجلو میتھیوز سری لنکا کی جونیئر ٹیم کے کپتان کی حیثیت سے انگلستان کے دورے پر تھے تو شاید انہوں نے سوچا بھی نہ ہوگا کہ تقریباً ایک عشرے بعد وہ اسی سرزمین انگلستان پر ایک تاریخ رقم کررہے ہوں گے۔ مذکورہ سیریز کے لیڈز ہی میں کھیلے گئے آخری ٹیسٹ میں سری لنکا انڈر 19 کو انگلینڈ کے ہاتھوں شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تھا اور اس کا سبب معین علی کی سنچری تھی جبکہ میتھیوز 123 رنز کی ناقابل شکست اننگز کھیل کر بھی سری لنکا کو شکست سے نہ بچا سکے تھے۔ لیکن ۔۔۔۔۔۔ 2014ء میں لیڈز کے اسی میدان پر میتھیوز نے تاریخ کا دھارا پلٹ دیا۔ اب کی بار معین کی سنچری رائیگاں گئی، اور میتھیوز کی سنچری فتح گر قرار پائی جس کی بدولت سری لنکا کو گوروں کے خلاف انہی کے دیس میں پہلی بار ٹیسٹ سیریز جیتنے کو ملی۔ یہ کوئی معمولی کامیابی نہیں، یہ سری لنکا کی تاریخ کے عظیم ترین کپتانوں میں شمار ہونے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Fun With Girls

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Fun With Girls: A blog post from Pakistan XXX at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and fun... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How to help Waziristan IDPs?

From the blog chowrangi The number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Waziristan is increasing by each passing day as government of Pakistan continues with Zarb-e-Azb, the military offensive against taliban and foreign militants in waziristan. Immediately after airstrikes in North Waziristan Agency by Pakistan Air Force on 21st May 2014, mass exodus of the population started from the [...] The post How to help Waziristan IDPs? appeared first on Chowrangi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The dying Delta

From the blog odysseuslahoriAli Mohammad Shah sells candy, cigarettes and some dry fruit out of a tiny wooden shack a short way from the houses that go by the name of Goth Ali Mohammad Shah after him. The village is part of the precinct of Deh Bumbto of Thatta district and sits in the delta of the Sindhu River. In the hour or so we spend together Shah attracts no more than a couple of customers for this is a very poor country. [image: Salman Rashid] ‘Why did I have to be so unfortunate that Nature deprived me of the sweet water that was my wealth and my life and blighted my land with bitter water instead?’ he says with genuine anguish when I press him to tell me of the days gone by. Until the late 1970s, when Shah was in his twenties, he lived in the village of Keti Bandar where, so he says, his family hapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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This Ramadan, don’t forget IDPs while giving Zakat

From the blog united4justice The holy month of Ramadan is coming and it is coming at a time when we already have an estimate of more than 2 million (Internally displaced persons) IDPs due to earthquake, floods and various military operations. Now the latest military operation, Zarb e Azb has added around .45 to .6 million new IDPs. I have been criticizing this operation and the way military establishment and their puppets in politics are destroying the country but the real damage is done to the civilians who have to leave their homes and lose their properties, lives of their loved ones and their localities for migration towards other areas. Sind and Punjab governments, despite being the supporters of this war have banned the entry of these IDPs in their provinces as if they are some lesser citizens of thispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Essence The Lash Curler: Volume & Curl Mascara – Review

From the blog sarahassansblog Well I tried everything it said, twisted the cap manually while applying at the same time but it just didn’t work for me. *The Lash Curler: Volume & Curl Mascara* crazy curl! the lash curler is a new mascara innovation and has a manually rotating brush. unique on the market, the brush can be twisted manually as needed - sometimes more and sometimes less – while you apply your mascara to create extraordinary curl and volume. since the curl mascara is twisted by hand, it doesn’t require batteries. an absolute eye-catcher that’s fun, too! opthalmologically tested. Essence The Lash Curler: Volume & Curl Mascara Essence The Lash Curler: Volume & Curl Mascara Essence The Lash Curler: Volume & Curl Mascara: Before & After Application *My thoughts* I’ve got thin and short lashes so I am pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog faisalainAt the Questacon, Canberra کویسٹاکان، کینبرا میں۔pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Aviate: Yahoo

From the blog newsYahoo: SAN Yahoo on Monday ramped up its move to mobile, grabbing for Android smartphone home screens with an Aviate application tuned to where people are, according to Business Recorder. An English language version of Aviate for smartphones powered by Google-backed Android software made its global debut on Monday and Yahoo grabs for Android smartphone homescreen Tuesday, 24 June 2014 00:02pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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An appeal for the help of IDPs of North Waziristan.

From the blog ashiyanacampمحترم دوستوں ساتھیوں، اسلام و علیکم الله پاک کی ذات سے امید رکھتا ہوں کے آپ جہاں بھی ہونگے خیریت و عافیت سے ہونگے. الله پاک ہم سب پر اپنا کرم کرے اور ہم سب کو اپنے حفظ و امان میں رکھے - آمین محترم دوستوں، جیسا کہ آپ سب کے علم میں ہے کہ میں اپنے دوستوں اور ساتھیوں کے ساتھ شمالی وزیرستان سے منتقل کیے جانے والے پریشان حال اور بے گھر بھائی، بہنوں کی خدمات میں مصروف ہوں. الحمد الاللہ ہم نے ٣٠٠ بھی بہنوں کی مدد کری ہے جتنی امداد ہم نے پاکستان کے مختلف شہروں میں موجود دوستوں کی مدد سے ہم نے جمع کری وو سب لے کر ہم یہاں بنوں آگئے اور جو کچھ ہم کر سکتے ہیں کر رہے ہیں. الله پاک ہم کو مزید بہتر کرنے کی توفیق اور ہدایت دے - آمین محترم دوستوں، میں اس سے پہلے بھی کافی عرصہ شمالی وزیرستان کے مختلف علاقوں دتہ خیل ، میران شاہ وغیرہ میں آشیانہ کیمپ ہوں، یہ ہمارے اپنے لوگ ہیں، آج ہمارے ان بھائی، بpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bolta Kashmir

From the blog pkhope Young Students Leader Akhlaq Ahmed Rana has announced the First Model Youth Fourm Named as "Bolta Kashmir " (Platform for young leaders ) of Azad Kashmir. Akhlaq announced its formation today, and said that the youth Fourm will work for the betterment of the youth of Kashmir, who are the future of State. In a very energetic and electrifying press conference he announced that the Youth Bodies would be formalize at Kashmir, district, and union council level, and the age limit for the youth to get registered in the Fourm would be from 15 years to 35 years. Other prerequisites to get elected for the Bolta Kashmir would be the candidates social work and reputation in the area. Akhlaq's Youth Parliament would work in the areas of education, health and other social sectors like hepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اِتفاق / اِختلاف ؟؟

From the blog universe-zeeno* منجانب فکرستان* دوستو:آپ بزریعے بلاگ میرے خیالات پڑھ کر میرے بارے میں اچّھی/بُری یا جوبھی ایک رائے قائم کی ہوگی،اسی طرح ڈاکٹر صفدرمحمود صاحب کے کالم پڑھ کر( جن سے اِتفاق/اِختلاف رہتا ہے)یہ رائے قائم کی ہے کہ ڈاکٹر صاحب نہایت شریف النفس انسان ہونگے *ڈاکٹر صاحب کے** کالم سے اقتباس۔* "میں اپنے بارے میں تھوڑا سا جانتاہوں اور یہ بھی جانتا ہوں کہ میرے اندر ایک عددباغی موجود ہے جوپیری مریدی، دربارداری، خوشامدی ماحول،خانقاہی ماحول اور فضول معاشرتی رسومات کے خلاف بغاوت کرتا رہتا ہے۔ اس لئے میں کبھی بھی ''مرید'' ٹائپ نہیں رہا۔ لیکن اس کے باوجوداللہ سبحانہ ٗ تعالیٰ کے فضل و کرم سے مجھے زندگی میں تین کامل اولیا کرام کی محفلوں میں بیٹھنے، جوتیاں سیدھی کرنے اور ان سے محبت کے رشتے میں منسلک ہونے کا موقعہ ملا۔ میرا وجدان کہتاہے کہ اولیائے اللہ صرف سچی جستجو اورمخلصانہ کوشش سے ملتے ہیں اورpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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EatOye Launches its iOS App for Users in Pakistan

From the blog propakistani EatOye, the food ordering service, today announced the launch of their iOS mobile app which will enable food lovers to order food and make a reservation at 1,000 outlets across 15 different cities in Pakistan. EatOye's app for iOS devices is a free mobile application for foodies, and is immediately available to the entire community of users that use iPhones as their smartphone of choice. [...] The post EatOye Launches its iOS App for Users in Pakistan appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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انگلستان شکست کے دہانے پر، کک کے استعفے کے مطالبے

From the blog cricnama بابائے کرکٹ انگلستان اس وقت بحیثیت مجموعی زوال پذیر ہے ۔ سال 2014ء اس کے لیے بھیانک ترین ثابت ہو رہا ہے۔ آغاز آسٹریلیا کے ہاتھوں ایشیز میں بدترین کلین سویپ سے ہوا اور پھر اسی کے خلاف ون ڈے اور ٹی ٹوئنٹی سیریز بری طرح ہارا۔ ورلڈ ٹی ٹوئنٹی میں نیدرلینڈز کے ہاتھوں شکست کے ساتھ ٹورنامنٹ کے پہلے ہی مرحلے سے باہر ہوگیا اور اب جبکہ اپنے وطن میں کرکٹ کھیلنے اور سنبھلنے کا موقع ملا تو وہ پہلے سری لنکا سے ون ڈے سیریز ہارا اور اب ٹیسٹ میں بھی شکست کے دہانے پر کھڑا ہے۔ [image: ایلسٹر کک گزشتہ 24 ٹیسٹ اننگز میں ایک سنچری بھی نہیں بنا پائے (تصویر: Getty Images)] ایلسٹر کک گزشتہ 24 ٹیسٹ اننگز میں ایک سنچری بھی نہیں بنا پائے (تصویر: Getty Images) ہیڈنگلے، لیڈز میں جاری سیریز کے دوسرے و آخری ٹیسٹ میں انگلستان 350 رنز کے ہدف کے تعاقب میں صرف 57 رنز پر پانچ وکٹوں سے محروم ہے اور آخری روز اسے شکpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Lovely Gulshan Girl with Cute Figure

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Lovely Gulshan Girl with Cute Figure: A blog post from Karachi Girls at The largest... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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You must learn to touch type

From the blog ayaz If you love typing, you have got to read The Joy of Typing. It is everything I have ever wanted to say on the topic of learning to touch type. I have major beef with people–especially those in professions which involve working on a computer, particularly systems engineers and development folks–who don’t know how to touch type. It infuriates me to see people hunt-and-peck type when they could have just as easily learned to touch type. I learned touch typing many moons ago, when I was a shy O’Levels student. I had taken computers as my major in O’Levels. One day I discovered a DOS-based touch typing tutor application. I fell in love with it. I wish I could remember its name so that I could make an effort to find it. I began religiously, and very patiently–for learning to touch tpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistan Beats India to CERN Associate Membership

From the blog riazhaq"It would be embarrassing if Pakistan becomes an associate member of CERN before India", said eminent Indian scientist and Homi Bhabha Professor Bikash Sinha in early June, 2014. Well, it has happened this week. Pakistan is now an associate member of CERN, the world's largest and most prestigious center for science research. Large Hadron Collider at CERNPakistan is the first Asian country and only the third in the world after Turkey and Serbia to be honored with CERN's associate membership. The status of associate member is a step before full membership. As an associate member, Pakistan is entitled to attend open and restricted sessions of the organization. The CERN was founded in 1953 by 12 European nations including Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Gpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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