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To Hell.

From the Blog randomlyabstract The traffic is high the night is dark but the mad man doesn’t care. He runs madly and carelessly by the roadside; his feet bare. A bottle in his hand and tears in his eyes he drinks as he runs, amidst anyone’s stare. He is mad, so he is free and no one questions his authority. He can kill- if he likes he may not, if he mustn’t No chains bind him at all; of reason nor responsibility. Tears block his vision, so for a moment he stumbles but this doesn’t make him stop or go against his decision. The mad man keeps running and the world begins to fade the traffic soon dissolves in a hazy, unknown shade. No one knows where he ended what his quest was, what he wanted but they say in a planet of madness only he had life comprehended. - Maria Imran. Related post: (In)sanity. Filed under:pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7068039636746941260 Pakistani Blog Posts


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