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The Worthy Men of Led

From the Blog kinzahmed Pencil found it very strange for Pen to have been made so popular. He could not believe that an advent so lacking in exclusivity and originality could best him in the world of study. It was true, Pencil thought, that Pen did have many qualities that he himself did not possess. One of the most obvious ones was that Pen would last forever if the owner wished it to. Pen’s blood would keep flowing for a worthy man, one who knew his value and who would keep getting Pen new, lovely bottles and tubes of ink. At this notion Pencil sputtered and a bit of led within cracked due to pain. Why, Pencil would chance being sharpened to nothingness if the owner so wished! Of course he was superior to Pen. Pen knew nothing of supporting his fellows to a probable employment, whereas Pencil was sapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3208197559232439878 Pakistani Blog Posts


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