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Gar Yakeen Danam

From the Blog randomlyabstract [image: GarYakeenDanam_ra_] *Ghair ka Dhoka Mujh ko na Dey* *Tujh Mein Main, Aur Mujh Mein Tu* *Gar Yaqeen Danam Ke Bar Man Aashiqi* *Az Jamal e Yaar Desh Hairanad Kunam* *Related: Sufi Music – Gar Yakeen Danam, Al-desire – Mae naara e mastana. * Filed under: 2014 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Muggers – Street Crimes of Pakistan

From the Blog dholsipahi Street crimes of Pakistan is going to be a multi-part series. I will hopefully discuss different crimes specifically in various posts, those committed on streets. Today’s topic is Mugging. To analyse the incidents of Armed robbery on street also known as “mugging”. There is much to discuss to understand this disturbing and shocking crime. For last 2 weeks, I have talked to over 2 dozen colleagues & Officers who day by day encounter such cases, meet victims, arrest involved criminals and observe possible causes. [image: muggers in pakistan] Mugging in urban environment Just in case if you’re confused between mugging and robbery. Mugging is a slang of “robbery taken place on street”. Not going into legal debate. Well that’s what I am assuming here. In specific, criminapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The10th International Plastic, Printing & Packaging Industry Exhibition 2014

From the Blog foodsafetyandhealthawareness The 10th International Plastic, Printing & Packaging industry exhibition concluded today. Concurring event of 3P Plas Print Pack Pakistan is the 10th International Food + Technology Exhibition. The exhibition was business oriented though it provided good insight of current trends and technology used for food and non food packaging. More than 200 National and International companies were there to build and strengthen their business in Pakistan and rest of the world. The showcase of tools and equipments was interesting for professionals who are eager to learn new technology. Live demonstration of packaging and plastic machinery was incredible. Live plastic sac roll production This event provided absolute opportunity to interact and network. These kinds of events are required to pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5024056111559355755 Pakistani Blog Posts


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