Send Troops Abroad, If They Pay Money
From the Blog pkhope Why not? We need hard cash like anybody else, and more so amidst all these crisis at home. So I say, whoever pays the money, even if it’s the ‘kala shaitan’, just take it and send your troops. Let’s also sell them arms and build a formidable industry around it, providing jobs to the people at home. Why not? If Saudi Arabia is paying us sum good money to send our troops in Syria, so be it. It’s even more better, as the good part of the world is against the Asad’s Alavi regime, so just tap onto this opportunity, and do it. Don’t chicken out, if you are worried about the crazy statements back home, then do it covertly, but heck do it. Don’t worry about Iran or anyone else. Tell them its business, and if they can pay, we will send our troops and arms to the Asad’s side too. It’spakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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