From the Blog awaisaftab"Talk to me. Let me give meaning to your madness." pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
Forget love, I’d rather fall in chocolate.
From the Blog r2square [image: twinkle lights] Life’s not sad and twisted all the time. Wedged right between the dull and the bad are some pretty satisfying times in life of a loner. Happy even, if one understands what that really is. Just go to the bank, get all the credit card problem fixed. Get the other card the ATM ate last night. Come back home and after food shut the blinds, wrap yourself in a comforter and watch House Md on your pc placed on your table at just the right distance from your bed. Then switch on the soft yellow twinkle lights hanging all around in your room. Switch off your cell, and shut the door. There’s no one in the corridor to stomp around and interrupt your drama time. All the issues of the day have been resolved. There’s nothing to study for as yet. Your assignments are apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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