A Word of Advice on Words of Advice
From the Blog blog A lot of people share and keep sharing Steve Job’s Commencement Speech at Stanford. The official video released by Stanford 6 years ago, has so far garnered 18 millions views. It’s a great speech. If you haven’t watched it, you must. A lot of people share that video with the message that “follow your passion and don’t settle till you do”. These words of advice from one of the most celebrated visionaries of our times is all good, but here’s a questions for you:* did Steve Jobs take his own advice?* +++ A worthy teacher is a blessing indeed. A gold mine. I have a lot of teachers and I’m sure you’ve a lot of teachers and mentors too. [image: you are not alone] taking advice is a skill that we can practice Our relationship with our teachers exists because of* the advice we receivpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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