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Hindu Academics Force Destruction of "Insulting" Book

From the Blog riazhaq"If someone makes a cartoon of the prophet Mohammad, Muslims are outraged around the world. So why should anyone write anything against Hinduism and get away with it?" Dinanath Batra Batra, the man who oversaw revisions in Indian history textbooks for the country's National Council of Education, Research and Training (NCERT), has forced Penguin India to recall and destroy all copies of *"The Hindus: An Alternative History"* by University of Chicago scholar Wendy Doniger published by Penguin Books about 5 years ago. Professor Doniger has authored 30 books so far. Her research and teaching interests revolve around two basic areas, Hinduism and mythology, according to University of Chicago Divinity School website. Her courses in mythology address themes in cross-cultural expanses,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6497486069691242292 Pakistani Blog Posts


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