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Taliban Office in Pakistan - Imran Khan is Right

From the Blog pkhope Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI) is against all kinds of terrorism. All these people who are angry at PTI leadership for insisting on the talks with the Taliban are just bent on pushing Pakistan to the never ending war and more blood shed. PTI, as it promised to its voters in the elections, is just trying to bring the peace and harmony in the country. Who is more against Taliban than the United States? But they not only tolerated the Doha office of Taliban, they helped and facilitated its opening. The Karzai government was and is dead against allowing Taliban to have any official status anywhere in the world. But they were ignored, and Taliban office was established. So why was it established? For years, the Afghan government and its Western backers were trying to contact the pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4025662478269542495 Pakistani Blog Posts


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