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South Korean Choco Pie in North Korea

From the Blog sarahinsouthkoreaSource Some North Koreans have been shelling out up to a fifth of the average monthly income for a single chocolate snack, it's claimed. Supplies of Choco Pie, a Wagon Wheel-style chocolate, biscuit and marshmallow snack, dried up earlier this year when Pyongyang closed Kaesong Industrial Complex - a collaborative venture between the two nations - amid heightened tensions in the region. The industrial zone's 35,000 workers had been receiving Choco Pies in their lunchboxes from their South Korean employers, and many sold them on the black market as a means of supplementing their income. Once supplies were disrupted, they ended up changing hands for 3,000 ($23 or £14), according to the Daily NK website. There are no accurate average wage statistics for North Korea but analysts epakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7215592646383440536 Pakistani Blog Posts


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