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Status of Women in Pakistan

From the Blog pkhope Starting from disrespect to the gloomy darkness of harnessing the most prestigious specie of universe where did we go wrong that finally lead to brutal fulfillment of someone's personal desire. I am definitely talking about woman. From day one when an infant is nothing but she nurtures the baby to later stages when a teacher is required to groom and make him able to stand in opposite direction to difficulties,women are important. Who stands in front of a stove at 2 pm in a torrid day to make meal for the whole family. A woman is there and what to say of that utmost position a woman can ever acquire,a mother. The one who simply means kindness and affection. You need not bother requesting a prayer from her. You take it as an intrinsic property. What should be told regarding thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3445005564312070650 Pakistani Blog Posts


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