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To an awesome and insanely great man.. Book Review: Alchemist by Sehrish Asghar

From the Blog rabbzz Since I heard the news of his death, I've been trying unsuccessfully to gather my thoughts and come to terms with the fact that the person who I was in so awed with is no more. Even though there was no personal connection between us apart from me going crazy whenever I would see an insanely great Apple product, it's hard not getting emotionally connected with him, his persona and his awseomeness factor. Before his Stanford 2005 commencement speech, I thought of him only as a cool, billionaire CEO. Of someone who made the right decisions, did the right thing at the right time. But then you hear his speech and realize things weren't always smooth sailing for him. It was that speech which made me a SUPER fan. What he said made sense to me in my personal life as well. There were pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2056668929879407927 Pakistani Blog Posts


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