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Karma, Kay-os and KitKat.

From the Blog raafay-awan The best and worst pic I could google to describe my condition :D I am on a phone call with my friend right now and her sister just woke up and I don't know why but she is one of my worst enemies ever so the call is on hold and the milk is boiling and I am here having breakfast while typing this article. I am also charging my phone with the laptop which has a song playing plus earphones are plugged in thanks to the call... add one more thing, Ufone computer operator is continuously saying " Baray Mehrbaani intazaar kijiye, please wait' .. While I am shouting back that I AM waiting but the computer won't listen. Chaos, I know. ** Continue reading.. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2981159872268678617 Pakistani Blog Posts


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