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Nighat Sheikh MPA Went Wild in Power

From the blog pkhope Iqra Nawaz, the bus hostess of Bilal Travels may have shown some attitude towards the MPA Nighat Sheikh and she may have shown excess, but even then Nighat Sheikh is a member of assembly now, a representative of people, though even sent to the assembly on the reserved seat. And in that capacity, Nighat has to show more tolerance and ignore the public's attitude. If Nighat Sheikh would have just gone to Police and complained about the behavior of bus hostess, it was fine, but she became the law unto herself and not only called names to the Iqara and beaten her. Iqra also retaliated and also hit Nighat but Nighat was a heavy weight man eater lady who thrashed the Iqra. This free women wrestling in Pakistan was watched by the passengers and they sided with the Iqra which angerepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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