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7 Top Breakthroughs In Engineering Technology

From the blog paktelecom*7 Top Breakthroughs in Engineering Technology* When most people think of engineering, they think of lofty towers, graceful bridges, and sturdy, reliable vehicles. While all of these are bona fide engineering applications, they are by no means the be-all, end-all of engineering. The fact is nearly all of the products we use today, from staplers to cutting-edge medical technology, had at least some engineering expertise and know-how behind them. Here are seven engineering technology breakthroughs that changed our world and the way we interact with it forever! [image: 12pfeatureRashidBashir 1354563264814 7 Top Breakthroughs In Engineering Technology] *1) **Lasers* Light Amplification by Stimulation of Emitted Radiation first came on the scene in 1960 and immediately fired pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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