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From the blog my-skylight We have held on and held each other through the years in between. There are days when I wish I could go back to a warm summer night where the moon was gold... But I choose to stay here. Here is real. No later than sooner, I want our fat chunk of syrupy, shiny happy to make the wait look like pebbles that we'd toss in a river in Spain or leave on an Asian beach for the waves to wash away. I want what is ours and I want it no different because I am a piece of him and he is mine. We are not children playing with love and hurt has been plenty. Let there be no games before we die. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Daycare Centers in Islamabad

From the blog pakistanihousewife[image: List of Daycare Centers in Islamabad] List of Daycare Centers in Islamabad Mothers of our generation have to leave the house and join the male members of the family in managing the household budget but taking care of the children remains a mother's top priority. Being a working mother I know the pain a mother has to go through if the child is not in good hands and taken care of. According to my limited knowledge, a few government Institutions, OPF Girls College and Telenor have a Daycare center for their female employees but all the private sector moms need to find one. I have managed to gather a list of Daycare Centers in our city, Islamabad. I have personally seen a few of these centers and you can help me update the list by pointing out any Daycare that I may have mispakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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