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Dating and Fun at CBM

From the Blog pakistanimodelsFrom the blog Karachi Girls : Dating and Fun at CBM, (part of the Network) To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Videos and Images of Lawyers' Protest in Lahore Surface on Social Media

From the Blog propakistani The lawyer protests have turned violent at the Punjab Institute of Cardiology in Lahore, resulting in the death of 4 patients and 25 doctors getting injured earlier today. The patients died because they were left unattended as protestors barged into the emergency ward and started smashing windows, machinery, and other items, forcing the staff and doctors to run for safety. ------------------------------ ALSO READ 4.5 Second Per Case: Sialkot Model Court Decides Record 1993 Cases in One Day ------------------------------ According to the reports, the lawyers were protesting in the aftermath of a viral video in which a doctor was seen talking about how a group of lawyers had gone to the Inspector General to get two doctors charged under Section 7 of ATA. Despite the refusal, thpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

آج کی بات - 488

From the Blog seems77 ⧪ آج کی بات ⧪ "زندگی اور موت پردۂ راز ہیں ، معمے ہیں جن کا حل خدا کے پاس ہے ..... چاہے ایک انسان کا مذہب کچھ بھی ہو ....!!" ( مستنصر حسین تارڑ ۔ ناول "اے غزالِ شب" سے اقتباس ) تبصرہ کرکے اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں۔۔ شکریہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1208330469191065929 Pakistani Blog Posts


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